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Hey! We are gay... and we didn't even know it!

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A couple weeks ago we posted about the Chicago Antique Market doing a Tiki theme for the June show. It was fun. We got to meet some really cool folks who came out, and the people who were at the market who appeared to have no real interest in Tiki were still very nice.

But we totally missed this little gem in the Chicago Journal. Maybe because it's such a small paper. A friend came across it and thought we'd be interested in Kristin Gehring's perspective:

Now, our mothers tried to teach us something called the golden rule... think it goes like "if you don't have something nice to say..." Obviously Kristin Gehring thinks insult humor is still funny. Guess she also missed the memo that said calling someone a homosexual in an attempt to insult them isn't really cool either.

TC folks get uptight when the press does not "get it". How about when they are openly hostile to Tiki?

She also printed this notice about Exotica in another small paper. More insight and warmth:

It's nice to know that the aloha spirit is so strong in Chicago.
-Duke and Amy

[ Edited by: boutiki 2007-07-11 20:52 ]

Wow. I think Miss Gehring has some anger issues.


It looks like many of Kristin Gehring's blurbs have the same tone and I'm pretty sure she is a lesbian, so overall I wouldn't take it very seriously.

And don't forget that "bad press is better than no press".


Kristin or is it Chris?

Why does she always refer to herself in the plural?


Cuz she is a man traped in a angry womans body.

I like how the line after the paragraphs about the Chicago Antique Market reads "Believing in tolerance."

I get the sense she could only just tolerate even having to mention Tiki.

Funny stuff,

It seems like an attempt to write in the "insult" style, which is used by comedians and writers sometimes. But she doesn't pull it off, it's neither funny nor intelligent the way she does it, so it falls flat and just comes across as angry and ignorant. Too bad, I would appreciate a GOOD parody on Tiki, but this is just dumb.

She looks pretty butch to me... probably hostile because she is still in the closet.

I have to disagree with Bigbro. I don't think she was trying to be funny. Based on her entire article, she seems like one of those activist people who see nothing but seriousness and bad things in the world, and frivolous things like Tiki are wasting time.

I can envision her saying something like this: "How can you fools waste your time and money over ugly Tiki mugs and fez hats, when there are puppies being hurt, children going without food, and global warming melting the ice caps? What the hell is wrong with you people?!?!?!?!?!?"


On 2007-07-11 21:13, Hakalugi wrote: I wouldn't take it very seriously.

We don't at all. In fact, we were laughing as we read the piece. But then the obnoxious nature of her comments made us think twice and decide it was worth sharing. Better to shed light on ignorance. We have friends of that particular persuasion who I don't think would find the humor in her remarks. But maybe I'm not giving them enough credit, they are probably too thick-skinned to let something that stupid bother them.

I don't care what someone says about me, it does not change who I am. I'm certainly not very P.C., but I do think that suggesting that "making everyone else think you're gay" is something to be concerned about is at best a strange comment, and at worst, homophobic and offensive.

Guess I'll go back to my "idiotic exercise" now. I hear there is a smashed Tiki nodder in the alley.


what a bitch.... damn


I've heard some other in Paris telling that tiki seems very gay. Never understood why ?? Except that Paris IS gay.

On 2007-07-11 23:11, virani wrote:
I've heard some other in Paris telling that tiki seems very gay. Never understood why ?? ...

It's because of crap like this:

Wait, we're supposed to be getting people to think that we're gay? By enjoying Tiki? I'm sure there must be an easier way...


Kristen seems very pent up and writes more like an angry (Jealous) "still in the closet" bitch!

I noticed that in both articles, she provides a "comments" format for the literary opportunist to compose a reply or rebuttal(that would also accompany the article for all to see).

Wow......I'm Gay

How will I tell my Daughter?

P.S. Where's that alley where the polynesian dust is?



[ Edited by: McTiki 2007-07-12 04:04 ]


Ungrateful B*tch.
She must be a real joy at Birthday & Christmas - her desire for only "real" presents is likely to get her no presents. I can't imagine how uptight that household must be - UGH! Hopefully there are no children in the household to endure such lack of FUN!!!! That would be just downright sad!

"fripperies"????????? wtf??

the 'c' word comes to mind. just my opinion, i could be wrong. TD

Well not politically correct to the point of being rediculous and not even flattering of the author. Some people don't even know how to sling mud. The problem is really just a hidden jealousy of all things tiki.

Well, score another one for professional journalism.

Isn't there a bit of hypocrisy when on the one hand Ms.Gehring belittles and open-handedly slaps us in the face as "effete poseurs" of Tiki culture only to heap on an extra helping of intolerance by calling us out of the closet, only to continue in the next section to discuss believing we should instead attend an event which embraces tolerance?

The only fripperies that seem to exist in Ms. Gehring's world are located in her crotch area and she is so infested and diseased by them biting her that the malaise seems to have effected her judgment.

Yeah, I'm sure whatever offspring she might hatch can't wait to inherit and proudly display all of the journalism awards she has and will win for her witty and profound articles she has and will compose.

And more thing Ms. Gehring...you didn't lose the bobble headed tiki your brother bought you for your birthday last year. Check where you are sitting; it is stuck up your ass!

Hooray for the press...they always get it right!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I guess I am an effete poseur)!

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-07-12 06:23 ]

This says it all for me:

"You should go to Black Walnut Gallery, to see Tolerance of Belief, an exhibit of artwork by 12 Arab and Jewish artists from America and abroad "who believe that mutual respect for one another's religion and dignity as human beings are fundamental to the ongoing peace process in Israel and the Middle East." Doesn't this seem like a better idea than cramming even more junk into your already overcrowded living space?"

Ugh. I guess I'd rather be a gay junk-collector.

On 2007-07-12 05:18, TIKI DAVID wrote:
the 'c' word comes to mind. just my opinion, i could be wrong. TD

i seems pretty obvious that she's a cunning linguist...

seriously, there are plenty of haters out there. screw them. since when has your leisure activity required the seal of approval from emo killjoys.

Cool. This leaves more gay junk for me to collect. I think we should spread this article around and turn off as many Target and Wallmart executives to tiki as possible. It's a win-win!

if only she had called tiki collectors 'nappy-headed...' if only...


Wow, is that in an actual "credible" newspaper ? Amazing they even let that slide, especially in today's more PC environment.

That being said, she couldn't have dumbed herself down any more than she did in that short article. She really comes off as a pissed off, ignorant redneck. Perhaps a letter or 2 to the editor of the paper is in order.

and yes, the next article about the "Tolerance" exibit further proves how stupid she is.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2007-07-12 07:18 ]


This is just another in a long line of articles and authors which bastardizes freedom of the press. The concept behind freedom of the press is NOT to be able to say whatever one wants to say but rather to report and opine in such a way that keeps our society democratic (small d not large D). This particular pundit--as has been said--is definitely one of those the-sky-is-falling-ultra-left-there-is-no-hope kind of person who has a harpishly narrow view of diversity. Diversity and tolerance are all-encompassing terms rather than the narrow culture/race/sexual orientation constriction imposed on them. If this pinhead truly believed in tolerance/diversity, she would have avidly encouraged people to go to the tiki event because it would make their thoughts more diverse and would have allowed them to practice tolerance of eccentrics like us who enjoy all things tiki.

As if her shrill tone were not enough, the fact that she still has a job is indicative of newspapers' shift from reporting information to every article being an opinion/editorial piece designed to piss people off in order to get more sales. How ironic is is that we live in a time when commercials on TV are infinitely more truthful than the supposed high standards of newspapers/media!

I believe what Gehring was trying to do was use sarcasm and negativity to impress certain readers in the same way that many commentators use biting editorials or humor to attract a certain audience. They seem to think shock value will gain them popularity. She probably does sees many types of collecting and interests as frivolous. In her opinion, there are more intellectual pursuits that would be more valid, in much the same way I might tell someone to turn off the tv and pick up a book for a change. What she did not realize is that biting humor is usually not funny. It's just rude and offensive. It shows a lack of talent. Because you can't reach audiences in a legitimate way, you resort to cheap tactics. She really went too far with the gay comment. Even though I am not a fan of policical correctness, I still think we should be careful not to be unecessarily rude and offensive toward groups of people. Simply put, Gehring wrote a really bad article with a comment made in extremely poor taste, missing the chance to cover a story that she could have given a truly interesting stance. There is a space at the bottom of her article where you can send a comment.

I wouldn't mind the insults if they were funny, but that article was simply a terrible piece of writing. I suppose hacking out "about town" blurbs for a free weekly birdcage liner isn't exactly the dream job of journalists who possess actual talent, so we probably shouldn't expect much. But Ms. Gehring's piece isn't even good enough to elicit pity laughter. It reads like an amateurish impression of Ann Coulter, and that's the last thing this world needs. I actually feel sorry for Kristing Gehring. But not sorry enough to laugh at her pathetic attempt at humor.

[ Edited by: BrickHorn 2007-07-12 07:58 ]

Here are one of the wonderful projects that Ms. Gehring was involved in.


Credits her as the director, returning for her sixth time!

Gotta love it!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-07-12 08:21 ]

..she should have takin some mudslinging lessons from me!!! at least when i tear ass, i'm pretty much always right.......she totally sucks.....I wonder what was gained by her negative attitude??

Mmmm... Cajun style sausage and chicken jumbalaya. drooool.

Wait. What was I supposed to be looking at?

Oh yeah

Nope. Nothing gay about that.

Or that.


some quote like; " Not to the Fking suburbs, no fking way."
Quote From the play.

My god they hate the subrbs too!
And kittens, And those damb flowers. Butterflies suck too!
Flity, flating all around.
That is so COOL!!!

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!" :wink: :lol:


Well I'm glad someone told me.
I guess I'll be getting rid of my "gay" collection (tiki and kitch) and go out and buy me some black clothes, dye my hair black and start writing dark poetry.
No,(to use the term in the fasion she did), there's nothing "gay" with that.

Or maybe she ment gay as it's original term... happy & joyous... or possibly she's a dumb bitch that needs her typewritter taken away and her mouth sewn shut. Oh well, I've never been one to care what others thought about me and my doings. I'd like to see her get on here and explain herself, but honestly she's probably too busy figuring out who she's going to stir up next.

Texas Tikiphiles Unite!

[ Edited by: Unkle John 2007-07-12 09:35 ]


Forced smile = EMO Poster child!

[ Edited by: McTiki 2007-07-12 09:41 ]

Come on, deep in your hearts you all know that tiki is gay.

I don't know if Kristin is of the Sapphic persuasion or if she's a wannabe, but her name does have a geh ring to it.

Don't some Polynesian cultures tend to be quite accepting of a homosexual lifestyle? Interesting that Ms. Gehring, isn't.


Perhaps this article is funny if, like the writer, you believe the following premises...

  • The hallmark of being gay is a fixation on trivialities.
  • If you prefer escapism to a preoccupation on the cause-du-jour, then you are either gay or trying to look gay.
  • YOU should not be gay, or even intrigued by these gay interests. You "should" devote your interest and time to more serious matters, such as those (non-gay?) topics that she has helpfully outlined.

So, while her column trivializes tiki interests and marginalizes the gay population, it does seem to be a feeble attempt at humor based on these bizarre premises. If this is what passes for humor in her life, I wonder what she does when she's angry. Now THAT would be funny! In the other article she gives the account about her reaction to her brother's unwitting gift of a tiki bobblehead, where she flips out and smashes it to "polynesian dust". Suppose she received a gift of, say, a couple dozen dollar store tikis - pull up a lawn chair and let the fireworks begin!


Having surmised long ago that my proclivity toward collecting tiki could be construed by some as an indication of being gay, (or at the very least an effete poseur), I now limit my purchases to pieces of decidedy non-phallic shape and which are mostly brown, not gaily colored. Handled mugs and bowls, mostly. The mugs are perfect for drinking a cold Bud from and the bowls are used for nachos when I'm kickin' back in the ol' man cave watching the big game with a few buddies. Who are not gay.

So...do you think it would be best not to ask her to write an article for POCKETIKI Magazine?

Trader Jim - Make mine an Insufferable Bastard!

Oh no, by all means, please ask her to contribute, POCKETIKI!

On 2007-07-12 11:17, snackbar wrote:
Come on, deep in your hearts you all know that tiki is gay.

Which begs the question?

What would Divine say?


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-07-12 16:28 ]


Ha! My god Divine reminds me of someone I can't put my finger on it.


"I wish my brother George was here"

Sounds to me like she just needs a good, deep dicking. Frustration is a bitch.


This looks like a job for ol strap on.

On 2007-07-12 08:39, finkdaddy wrote:
Wait. What was I supposed to be looking at?

That Sunbeam T-9 Half-Round. Chrome looks to be in good shape too. Oh, baby!

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