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The Baxdog's Digs

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I had the good fortune to visit the Baxdog in his tropical paradise this weekend. . A last second Email from Bax alerted us to a recently added Ape show. We hurried up the 5 to rendezvous with our fellow Tiki Centralites. Baxter and his wife Sarah live in Orange County and their pad is indeed swank. I'll let the pictues speak for themslves.

Our Host Baxter and Sarah

The Tiki Hearth

The Bar. Very nice

Wes and Baxter. Wes runs A cool Tiki shop in Costa Mesa. Here's some info
(949) 642~TIKI
[email protected]
Mahalos! Wes

Vintage green Naugahyde.

Baxdogs Aloha Shirts

The pool is a Tiki Paradise

Bax makes these concrete Tikis. They're awesome

Mahalo, A tribe called Tiki


Stellar Tiki Bar, a very swank decor. The wall covering really makes it, IMO.

Nice to see pics of fellow Tiki Centralites and their happnin' abodes.


Great house, baxdog! I was smiling while looking at the photos 'cause it looks like such a happy place. Excellent photos, alnshely.


I love the mantel. That's a great idea. The cross beam is superb!

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky on 2002-07-23 12:09 ]

That green Naugahyde is making me weak! Very nice tiki paradise..

Tiki Kiliki

Baxdog and Sarah!

Wow! very cool. Just like at Al & Shelly's place, I picked up a few ideas after seeing the pictures. Hope you don't mind.

PS had a great time with both of you on the OC Mini Crawl.

I like the MacIntosh menus over the mantel.
Very colorful throughout. Great bar.

My mouth was watering when I saw that closet full of aloha shirts. Nice, very nice!!!


What is the trick to getting these images to work? The link as written is no good. I suspect it has something to do with the first [img] being in black and the last bracket "]" being in black (see original post). I have tried palying around with it with no luck still. What tricks do you all use to make this work?---mr dumb smiley tiki


Can you see these pictures?
Are you trying to post your own?
Is BB code Enabled?
(push new topic, upper right hand corner TC main page.It asks for your username and password. Right under where it says message body on the left it will say:
HTML is off/on.
BBcode is off/ on.
enable the BBcode. Right under message body)
E me at [email protected]
read the faq on bbcode.


Thanks, but what you wrote is mostly "greek" to me. I did discover that I can view the photos by going to the original post on the web-site( as opposed to the posts I get in my email). Thanks----bruce
ps- if you two are ever in the SF bay area, i'd love to try to return the hosptitality you showed us all in Palm Springs!!

Thanks to Al and Shelley for making the trek up to our digs and honoring us by posting your great photo array on Tiki Central. We had a great time showing our stuff and had a blast at the Doll Hut. Ape was awesome and C'Al you're the Bomb! What a great show! The guys from Ape were so nice to let the little ones sing-a-long. That was a night to remember for us all. It's great to have such a fun group of tiki-freaks out there - Glad we found you!


Baxdog with family in tow came down to vist the Fabulous Lagoon Room this last weekend. I took the kids for a ride in the 71 Buick convertable. A good time was had by all. Thanks for dropping by Baxter and Sarah, it was good seeing you. I hope you guys can make it down to my place for the pre party before the Tiki Farm gig on the 28th. All Tiki Central is invited. I posted under events. I hope you can all make it.

his closet looks like mine !

Great photos! Amazing place!

I particularly like the Tiki hearth, which is terrific idea. It's probably one that we in the colder areas of Europe could actually use ourselves!

Cheers to all involved

Trader Woody

Hey! How bout some up-dated pics??

(ooops, I forgot I'm supposed to come by soon to drop something)(should this have been a pm?)

Like I am toetally waiting for this intense butty of miinne to like make so like a totalle bitchun piece of cussdumb like art to put out in my like front yard and then I can like totalley take some faux-toggs
Rye-chiss, don-cha suppose.
Get out of my life clogdog

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2003-10-10 17:22 ]


Have you been taking your meds?

Get out of my life clogdog

I did a piece for you today! Hmmmmmm. I might just have to BURN it! (and, it's totally Shag too!) Oh well. You lose!

I was never going to get it anyway:(
It's just like you to string us along;(
I just took an El Marko and put a Z on the end of Ben on all those T-shirts you gave us, then sold them for $3.00 on E-bay.
I listed it under T'Z from a Shag-like friend who makes Witco copies.
By the way your not Clogdog.
I gots some splaning to do

ok- Here's your piece! (will someone tell me how to get the pic bigger!!?) The first in a series. It's about 7'

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-10-11 23:57 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-10-11 23:59 ]

Fuck this posting picture shit!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! God Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!! I had it earlier!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-10-12 00:02 ]

ok! if you want to SEE IT, you must go to the TEST AREA. It's the last pic on the post! Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! In the immortal words of Darby Crash, Will someboddddy give me a beeeeer!!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-10-12 00:10 ]

Get the Pic Bigger? I can't see it at all! Who wants to look at a Big Red X? I like the Red X at the size at which it currently appears just fine, thanks.


That's Naugahyde? Love that and the mantel.

RevBambooBen wrote:
Fuck this posting picture shit!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! God Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!! I had it earlier!!

Ben, you have to EXPAND your horizons.


Can't stop to post
No Brakes
Miss Bax "Happydog"

Pages: 1 26 replies