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Don Tiki In Vegas - October 16th and October 23rd

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hanford_lemoore posted on 09/21/2004

Hi All, got an email from Fluid Floyd over at Taboo records ... Don Tiki is going to be performing in Vegas at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville (please refrain from the Buffett comments please ... it's been discussed to death and it shouldn't take away from this mainland chance to see Don Tiki).

Don Tiki's Going to Vegas, Baby! It's their BIG break and only their second appearance on the mainland since the legendary gig at the Kahiki in Columbus, OH in 2000.

Catch 'em live at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville on the Strip… Saturday, October 16 and Saturday, October 23. And they're bringing their full troupe... 8 stellar musicians, 6 sultry dancers, oh yeah!!

Kick back and soak up a little TLC… Tiki Lounge Culture with fresh new exotica from Polynesia. Don Tiki's exotic and danceable tiki tunes are brimming with haunting melodies, pulsating Polynesian polyphonics, and undulating rhythms.

Don Tiki draws inspiration from the original masters of the exotica sound, Martin Denny, Arthur Lyman and Les Baxter and brings their evocative music into the 21st Century. This is a band of exceptional talents, and their music will transport you to an island paradise where sensual tropical fantasies still exist - especially after that fourth Mai Tai. The gorgeous Don Tiki Dancers and their provocative costumes add to the enchantment of their mesmerizing and always sold-out performances.

Don’t miss your chance to see The Forbidden World of Don Tiki live at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville on the Strip… Saturday, October 16 and Saturday, October 23! Details of a show in Honolulu just before they hit the road to Las Vegas to be announced soon.

Taboo, Inc.
4065 Black Point Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96816
fax: 735-5115

DawnTiki posted on 09/22/2004

I called about this last week and got some details. I was told that ticket prices are 10 bucks and can only be bought at the door. I think she said they are playing at 10:30 or 11:00 PM.
Margaritaville! Snicker..snicker... I think this sounds fun!

Futura Girl posted on 09/28/2004

well obviously i'll be missing the show on the 16th, but maybe we outta have a tiki central contingent on the 23rd?

i have a major rendesvous with H2 at club 33 (our first visit) that day, but hopefully we can reschedule...

Futura Girl posted on 10/04/2004

well, before i go and try to reschedule for that 2nd weekend...

Is there anyone else here who is thinking of heading up to Vegas to see Don Tiki? And is there anyone who might need a pleasant place to crash?

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