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spacial tiki: Yours or Pele's

Pages: 1 10 replies

crazy al posted on 07/16/2004


An Offering to Pele??????????????????????????

BooCrazy BenALi' Tiki #1 "Son of Moth'ra"... will be sent to the Fire Godess unless someone saves it from it's fate.

This one of a kind, and first of a kind and quite possibly last of a kind piece is up for best offer over $50+shipping........ Bidding ends 11:30 PM July16

post bids here...............

the savior of this sacrificial tiki must paypal before 12:00 AM Pacific time Sat July17 to [email protected] or bring cash to the S.Cal Bch Burn

BooCrazy BenALi' Tiki #1 is 32" tall and weighs 35ish lbs?
Has My signature 'tapa doodles' and manic detail such as 'lightening bolt' eye brows!Has Bamboo Ben's Boozelizing eyes and mothling antenna/radar whakynissness!!

It was born off cinema magic during the filming of Cherry Capri's short film of me carving a tiki.... http://www.lottaliving.com/natpe.shtml
and a little radiation took over and it was over.........

COULD BE PELE'S????????????????


[ Edited by: crazy al on 2004-07-16 00:57 ]

crazy al posted on 07/16/2004

I forgot to weigh this bad boy so I can't say exact shipping till later.....
bid does not include shipping.... we deal with that later...
my shipping zip is 90742

Tiki Brad posted on 07/16/2004

I'm in for 50 bucks!

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/16/2004

THAT is one crazy looking tiki! Great work Al.

crazy al posted on 07/16/2004

Mr.Brad are you trecking south for the burn????

Tiki Brad posted on 07/16/2004

Unknown as of right now. I really want to, but I might be heading out of town for a prior engagement. I won't know until later on this evening. If I make it to the burn, I'll throw the cash your way and pick it up if you're bringing it. If not, I'll do the paypal deal and we can work something else out. Maybe I can come pick it up or something. I'll email you later on and let you know for sure. What time will you be at the burn?

crazy al posted on 07/16/2004

did you ever see this lightly distributed Indi cult Classic....

Tiki Brad posted on 07/16/2004

Without a doubt…..Godzilla’s most fearsome nemesis.....SON OF MOTH'RA! ! !

mexatiki posted on 07/17/2004

I just watched the film and well I have been inspired to up the bid to $60.00....

Tiki Brad posted on 07/17/2004

Okay, I up it to 70

crazy al posted on 07/17/2004

box office is closed and Tiki Brad has the movie star!!

see you tomorrow...

I thank you, Ben thanks you, the Academy thanks you...

(Brad is a proud owner of Crazy AL Tiki#8 off many years ago, he must like getting the jump on things...)

thanks again

[ Edited by: crazy al on 2004-07-17 00:57 ]

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