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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel / Traveling to Tahiti and the Marqueasas Islands

Post #802958 by MaukaHale on Sun, Apr 17, 2022 1:04 PM

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Hello Mike,

I did the Marquesas three years ago on The Aranui 5. They have activities on every island you go to. They also have extra activities you need to pay for such as scuba dives, snorkeling (Rangiroa). Check what's available early because some of them will sell out. Every island has amazing local crafts but each one has different specialties. If you see something you like then purchase it because you probably won't see it again. If there is something you missed and still want it, the Papeete airport has a gift shop that has just about everything.

Be sure to take a lot of CFP French Francs (their currency). None of the islands you travel to, on the Aranui, take credit cards - everything is cash. I think you will want to buy a few things, so take about $100,000 in CFP which is about $900 USD. The ship will also give you CFP by charging to your ship account but you will get a better exchange rate at a bank or exchange in the US.

Tahiti itself is not exciting in Papeete. I good suggestion is to rent a car and drive around the island. You can also take the car on the ferry and see Moorea. We went in 2019, we flew home the same day the ship returned. We thought that was too much so our last trip, to the Austral Islands, we flew to Rangiroa and stayed at five nights at the Kia Oro hotel and did three days of SCUBA. You will stop on Rangiroa on your return from the Marquesas.

The first island stop in the Marquesas is Nuka Hiva. Here is a picture of one of the beaches:


If you want more information send me a PM and we can talk on the phone.

Have a great time, it's an amazing experience.

One other suggestion. There is Internet on the ship but it is very expensive and very weak. Some of the islands have Internet Cafes but not strong signals. We used Whatsapp to communicate back home since our cell phones didn't work in Tahiti.
