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Fountain mister for volcano?

Pages: 1 8 replies


I'm thinking of buying a fountain mister to put in my homemade indoor volcano. Has anyone done this?
They have some that come with lights as well. I was thinking that a constantly misting volcano with red light inside would be pretty cool.
It won't create as much fog as the dry ice one I did last year, but it won't need constant attention either.
Any thoughts?

You'd have to put the mister quite close to the top, since the mist is heavy and tends to settle. Sounds like a great idea though!


Well here is what we do when we build a prop that needs mist. Go get a computer fan. Hook it uo and it should blow slow enought to push the mist up. Just put it and the power supply away fro the water


So are you saying I could put the mister down at the bottom of the volcano and then stick the computer fan just inside the mouth of the volcano in order to bring the mist up and out?
That might work. The volcano isn't that large so I might be able to just put the mister right near the top. Thanks for the tips, I'll expiremnt - and hopefully post some pics.


Actually put ti to the side angled up.. Near the bottom. Will create a upward vortex

Sounds cool but...
You really have to be careful. Those misters are putting out...well...mist. Thats water that will certainly raise the indoor humitiy. Even though the droplets are heavy and sink, that mist will float around and could all quite a bit of condensation to nearby furniture, carpet and things. Epecially indoors, it would promote mold and fungus growth too. I'm not trying to rain on the parade (no pun intended) but just be aware of someof the down sides of the misters indoors.

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2012-05-01 20:26 ]


Thanks for the tips on the condensation etc. This is only for parties a few times a year so it shouldn't be a problem.
I don't have a cat, but I think I may get one now just to watch it try to drink out of the volcano.
FYI, I bought my mister from the following link (I got one with built in LED lights so that I can turn on a red light under the mist - it works pretty well)

Be sure and post a picture when you're done. This sounds so interesting!

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