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Tiki Central / Other Events

Michigan get together at JohnnyP 's house Sat June 3

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Get together at JohnnyP’s. Since I’ve joined TC late last year it has become obvious that the Michigan area Tiki Centralites don’t often get together and I thought this would be a good chance for us to meet each other

When Saturday June 3.

Location JohnnyP’s house– about 40 minutes north of Rochester, north of Detroit.

Carving, drinks, talking tiki, bonfire, etc.

Kids welcome.

Start at 1:00pm to ? Starting with carving early then other activities later in the day. Come when you like.

Bring dish to pass. Have a favorite drink? — bring your ingredients to show off your bartending skills - I’m still learning.

Please RSVP via PM. Leave email address and I will send a map.

I mostly hang out in the Tiki Carving forum and have extended the invite in that forum.

Thanks, and hope to see you.


[ Edited by: Johnnyp 2006-05-27 13:35 ]

Cool Beans!



Wow, this is this Saturday already.

I'll be emailing directions to those who have said they are coming.

We are looking forward to meeting you guys.

For the people interested in carving I have some logs for you to work on.

Please PM with a RSVP if you are coming.

Thanks and see you soon.


[ Edited by: Johnnyp 2006-06-01 10:42 ]


[ Edited by: Johnnyp 2006-06-04 03:29 ]

Bete posted on Mon, Jun 5, 2006 10:53 AM

JohnnyP, how was your tiki event? Cool pile of new logs, by the way. What are your next big tiki projects going to be?


Sorry I missed it. May wasn't a good month for me (had an elderly aunt who was ill and subsequently died, so I was busy much of the month) so I wasn't around here much. June
isn't shaping up much better as I will be dropping off this notebook computer for ser-
vice tomorrow (brand-new in Feb. and apparently the USB controller has quit working).
I SHOULD be able to get online with an old computer that a friend recently gave to me
but if not, I won't be around much for the next couple of weeks.

Chub posted on Tue, Jun 20, 2006 1:39 PM

I'm really sorry I missed it too. My girl and me ended up going out to Cali. for an unexpected vacation. Hope you have another one and we can make it next time!

Bummer... Every time I search Tiki Central for a cool tiki event in Michigan, it always ends up being long past.

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