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f'en flex cuts!!

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OK, I wait ten years to drop coin on two new chisles... i broke down at Coon-Tiki and got a two inch scoop that has become my favorite... even with my APE work... however, on my last very hard APE log, The 'Flex' got pretty wobbly during all the banging to the tunes......

the second chisel i got in Knoxville was in the discount bin... $35.... it had a bur on it that Ben took off with great skill....i've used it just a bit..........but......

as I was whooping out something in some soft wet Douglas Fur... the F'er Slip on ME......

do i send this to them or what?


YEs Send it back to them! Email them and send them the pix and I am Sure they will replace the tool. The only trouble I see is that it was from the "Discount Bin", and they may be reluctant to replace it, however, stand by your guns and demand either your money back or a tool swap.
Explain the "wobbly" effect on the Flexcut. Does that mean the chisel is Loose in the handle, or the tool is bending? Intrested minds want to know??? WSe Can't have any inferior toolz slowing down the Ape, Gotta have those carvings unimpeded! (Although, you could create your magic with a butterknife and we would still swoon at the sight of it.)

Loki posted on Wed, May 24, 2006 5:07 AM

There must be a cheapening trend with tools lately. Even some of the more expensive ones, like a few Henry Taylors that i have seem to be less than stellar. Benz and I were discussing this problem at the last Tiki Jam. I'm going to start looking out for the older chisels at flea markets and second hand shops. The poor quality of today just isnt worth it in the long run.


i've read that a split like that is a danger in the v gouge, but it's not supposed to happen unless it's older and has been repeatedly sharpend incorrectly. that, my friend, is a manufacturer's defect.

I agree with Ben, Al. Try to get an exchange or money back. Send 'em the tool.

I purchase my chisels at Woodcraft and pretty much only Woodcraft because if the manufacturer doesn't offer a warranty or guarantee Woodcraft will cover it.
I have snapped Flexcut off at various points and they always replaced them for me at Woodcraft... a few times mentioning that the temper may have been off on the chisel.
I burned out a Weecher and they replaced it 3 times until I decided I had enough and got my money back.

Go get 'em Al... and keep on keepin on!


Hey Al,

FWIW - I've had great success with the 'support' from Smokey Mountain Woodcarvers in Townsend. I bought a wecheer there that they have expeditiously replaced twice. It failed because I was abusing it.

They are a bunch of good folks down there - they'll work something out with you, I'm sure.


Hey Al - what happened? (and bump)

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-06-05 19:45 ]

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