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Outdoor Tiki Hut Materials?

Pages: 1 2 replies

Murph posted on Thu, Feb 21, 2008 3:17 PM

I'm going to cover the outside of the Tiki Room and
was wondering if anyone has suggestions for materials
that will hold up to the elements(well, what little
elements we have here in SoCal).

Does the cabana, bac bac or lampac mat work outdoors?,
Should I be looking at the woven bamboo matting?,
Any coatings to use? etc...

I figured if anyone had the answers it would be some of the creative gang here.


P.S. if anyone has some shots of different outside wall treatments it would be a great help.

on the outside walls of my hut I used the rolls of 5 x 15 ft that you can get at Home Depot. They hold up pretty good. I just stapled it to the walls. They do get discolored (white stain) from the water, but then again, I like the weathered look for "keeping it real" feeling. You can see the color difference in the top of the reed than the bottom. As cheap as it is, I figure I could always replace it without too much cost.

The matting I used (not sure of the real name) is on the door and in the eaves,(both facing East) so its basically protected from the elements. Not sure how it would hold up.

In the garden section of Depot there is some netting called erosion netting. Its cheap, like .35 cents of foot for a 3 ft wide section. It looks really cool around the ground, hanging down from trees, or anywhere netting would look cool, but its doesn't last long and breaks apart and stinks after it gets wet....hence erosion netting. In non-wet spots it can be cool.

Oceanic arts actually makes a cool fiberglass or resin (?) board that is matting. very nice. Not too pricey either. Might be worth checking into to see how it holds up outside.

Good luck

Murph posted on Fri, Feb 22, 2008 1:25 PM

Thanks for the info and pics!
I'm going to be mounting this to a stucco sided building.
Thinking of applying the matting to thin plywood
and then attaching to the walls.
Any thoughts?


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