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Green Banana syrup?

Pages: 1 6 replies

Happy New Year folks!

Exploring my new home town, I discovered one of the UK's finest shops for booze. It stocks a superb of classic rums, along with a selection of syrups that beats those of the best London shops.

Anyway, one syrup that caught my eye was the 'Green Banana'. As all my cocktail books are sill boxed up, I've not got access to any recipes, so I was wondering if anyone has used green banana syrup to great effect. Any ideas?

Trader Woody

Woody, what's the name and location of the shop and do they sell on-line. It sounds like areal find. Hope you find a good use for the banana syrup.

Kon Hemsby, the shop is D. Byrne & Co. Victoria Building 12 King Street Clitheroe, Lancashire. It's been voted the UK's best wine retailer for the last couple of years, but is very good for spirits too. I'm not sure if they mail order, but I could probably help you out once I've moved there permanently (End of Feb)

There are a couple of pics here: http://members.iinet.net.au/~gbamber/clitheroe.htm

Trader Woody

waaaah i want to visit england...

well i guess i'll have to tide myself over with mcvitie's biscuits and some cheese and branson pickle...


Thanks Woody. Looks like a great bottle. Good luck with the continuing move.


Beautiful looking town, Woody. And with great wine & spirits as well. Good move!

Thanks folks - of course any vacationing Tiki Centralite is more than welcome to visit, though it's a little off the usual tourist path.

Back to the green banana syrup - hasn't anyone used this stuff before? It tastes like normal banana (not the bitter taste you get with truly green bananas), but has the added bonus of being, er......bright green. Surely this stuff makes it a cert for a rather gruesome-looking Tiki drink?

Trader Woody

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