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I'm thinking of being a vendor at The Hukilau 2015... any thoughts?

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Hello Tiki gang,

I'm considering being a vendor at THe Hukilau 2015 in Florida this June. I would be selling my art prints, original paintings and necklaces.

The price to be a vendor for 3 days is $350, which is not bad. However, since I live in Los Angeles, the airfare and hotel stay will add up.

Has anybody vended at this event before? Or anybody attended this event? I just want to ask before I make the financial commitment.




I went last year and I can tell you it is a well attended event with a lot of vendors. From the sold signs I saw, my guess is that the majority do well. To me it is a worthwhile event but I can't speak of the profitability of the vendors.

Thank you so much MaukaHale!

Even though you weren't a vendor, it is helpful to hear your overall feeling about being there. I've vended at some shows where it was a ghost town and I was counting down the hours for it to be over.

Will you be attending Hukilau 2015??



GROG posted on Wed, Jan 14, 2015 9:26 AM

You should try vending at the Tiki Marketplace at Don the Beachcomber to get a feel for how well your work will sell to the tiki crowd. Contact Soccertiki to vend. If you do well there, then you might consider vending at Tiki Oasis in San Diego rather than going all the way to Florida for Hukilau..

[ Edited by: GROG 2015-01-14 09:27 ]

Dear Grog,

Thanks for your reply!

Yes, I am on the wait list for the INternational TIki Marketplace. The waiting list is long... I want to get in so bad!!

In 2014, I vended twice at the Tonga Hut in North HOllywood and had great feedback. It was more fun than being at the standard comic book conventions because people got my art.

In 2014, I was part of the art show at Tiki Oasis... that was a lot of fun! :)

So for 2015, I am aiming for vending at Tiki Oasis and the Huikilau... as an artist I am tired of going through the gallery system. I prefer to interact directly with people. :)

What are your favorite Tiki events, Grog?


Here's me vending at the Tonga Hut!

And me at Tiki Oasis 2014!!

On 2015-01-14 09:48, SandraFremgen wrote:
So for 2015, I am aiming for vending at Tiki Oasis and the Huikilau... as an artist I am tired of going through the gallery system. I prefer to interact directly with people. :)

There is Tiki Calient coming up in May too. Not as big as Oasis (what is?), but bigger attendance than ITMP.

If your intention is to be profitable, the trip to Hukilau may be a stretch if you have to lay out alot of $$$. If you are wanting to place yourself in the minds and hearts of tiki fans - you will not regret going. I would suggest coming to Hukilau, but with the mindset that you are going to have a great time, see new things and meet alot of cool people - if you make a profit, that's an added bonus. Hukilau and Oasis are two totally different events, with different vibes. Both are a blast and something every tikifile should experience.

Loki-Tiki, that's right! :) Thanks for the reminder about Tiki Caliente! I will reach out to them too..

AlohaStation, thank you so much for your input... just curious... how is the vibe at Hukilau different than Tiki Oasis?? When I went to Tiki Oasis last year, I felt I stepped back into my college days. People were lounging by the pool listening to cool live music. Everybody was warm and friendly! :)

My intention of going to Hukilau would be to make a connection with Tiki Lovers. When I vended at the Tonga Hut (vs. a standard comic book convention), I had many great conversations about my artwork, Tiki in general, people's awesome fashions...etc. It was like we were all in the same tribe. All the other TIki vendors were so talented too.

And yes, if I go to the Hukilau, I would consider it an investment and not expect a profit. If I broke even, I would be thrilled.


Come follow the adventures of super spy Panda and the gorgeous women that keep him in line! This world of espionage is captured in an art style that is a mix of Mad Men, Polynesian and Hello Kitty!


[ Edited by: SandraFremgen 2015-01-14 11:20 ]

Sandra, I checked out your stuff on your website. I liked some of your stuff enough to buy two prints for my collection. Will be hanging them in my Tiki space. I am a veteran attendee of things Tiki but have never vended. You will certainly get some good exposure at Hukilau but I don't know how profitable it would be due to the expense. There are other events to consider in addition to Hukilau that are on the East Coast. There is Ohana: Luau at the Lake in Lake George, NY and new this year Ohana: Luau by the Sea in Fort Lauderdale, FL. If you would like some more info about events send me a PM or an e-mail. Whatever event you choose to go to look me up and I will be happy to show a newbie the ropes.

I have been attending Hukilau since 2004 (vending for 8 - I think? - I am a SFL local) - I attended Oasis once and had more fun than I can remember.

From my experiences - Hukilau has a focus on music, lifestyle and history with events/seminars. The attendees spend time at the hotel, the Mai Kia, the beach and the surrounding area. The Hukilau has been held on the beach at different hotels, with attendees spread around at different hotels and venues. New experiences are around every corner. Oasis is centrally located in one hotel (for the most part). The focus is also on music, entertainment, art and seminars. However it is much more of a raucous party atmosphere (IMO that is because of its location/hotel). Out of towners congregate at the hotel and locals also are concentrated on the main location. Room parties that stretch the imagination, a centralized and open concert area, limited vending times (due to concert space), and the California characters you would expect at an event like this.

BOTH ARE A BLAST! You will make more new friends than you want and by the end of each weekend you will crawl away hungover, with a grin from ear to ear! If I could attend both every year I would, but my liver won't allow it.

A friend of mine was a vendor last year so I asked his thoughts on the experience and this is what he sent me:

"First off, I would not recommend traveling from CA to vend at Hukilau! Those who decide to vend should keep items small enough to pack into a suit case. Also keep price points competitive, some vendors sold out in the first day due to unique items! The crowd is awesome, great meeting and networking for sure. Most of the staff was helpful, however we did get shoved in the corner and did not get the spaces we originally booked....all the vendors were very on top of one another and the logistics of setting up was an absolute nightmare! Second floor show with one freight elevator that was temperamental. If I were to sum up Hukilau, go as a participant, you will have so much fun! Vending is strait up work, while everyone else gets to party. Best of luck and I hope this was helpful:-)!"

Thank you AlohaStation and Mikehooker!

AlohaStation... haha about your liver not being able to handle both events! Your comment made me think of a cartoon liver that is exhausted and has to rest in bed. Weirdness aside, thanks for giving me a detailed comparison of the two events. I think the Hukilau has the advantage of being on the beach and more spread out. Gosh, you've given me a lot to think about...

Mike, thank you so much for taking the time to contact your friend. He has given me a lot to think about... can you tell him "thank you" for me? He made a lot of great points about the logistics, the travel and overall it being more fun to be a participant than a vendor... Agh!! :)

[ Edited by: SandraFremgen 2015-01-14 15:12 ]

Hi Sandra, from what I know from venders at Hukilau they have not been promoted enough and so not many people make their way to the area to buy. So it's not a great venue to sell from. The event however has been terrific and everyone should see the Mai Kai at least once.

Kon Tiki in Portland Oregon has one day to sell indoors and then that shuts down and the parties begin. The sale is indoors and air conditioned. The event is really fun and well organized. I didn't see a lot of wall art sell.

Tiki Caliente is super hot so you would need to bring a tent roof and full ice chest with you or you would melt into a puddle. But there are lots of people to shop at your outdoor booth. If you roof has zipper sides you can leave it up at night. You get to sell every day.

Marketplace is wonderful and hard to beat. Everyone that attends is looking to buy art. Here's a hint. Sometimes venders don't show up and a booth sits empty. You could gamble by packing everything up and going and then let Soccer Tiki and Woo Hoo know you are there and ready to step into a no-show spot.

Tiki Oasis is huge and there is a lot of competition. If you have an outdoor booth on the lawn you have to pack up everything and take down your tent at the end of each day so the entertainment can begin. Then the next day you have to unpack and set up again. That can be exhausting after a day of being on your feet greeting and selling. Try for an indoor booth. There are thousands of buyers.

I sure hope to see you one day. I look at your swap painting daily. Best Wishes, Wendy

On 2015-01-14 08:59, SandraFremgen wrote:

Will you be attending Hukilau 2015??



Hi Sandra,

I won't be going this year even though I would like to. The website says one of my favorite artists will be there, Jody Daily. I have some of his art but I have never met him.

It looks like the hotel is not on the beach this year either. The website shows the 2015 hotel will be the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six. This hotel is in a harbor on the Intracoastal waterway so you won't be able to cross the street and be at the beach like last year. However, the Mai Kai alone is worth the trip.


Hi Sandra,
I won't be going this year even though I would like to. The website says one of my favorite artists will be there, Jody Daily. I have some of his art but I have never met him.

I looked up Jody Daily's art.. wow! thanks for introducing me to a cool artist. :)

Yes, I noticed that the hotel is at the harbor. The scenery still looks very pretty.


this may not on topic 100% but i couldnt find a topic dedicated to this:
hukilau for 1st timers?
we're very interested in leaving the socal tiki events this year & trying this one out ??
thoughts/ suggestions/tips / advice appreciated very much so --thank you !!

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