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Tiki Central / California Events

Slacks Ferret NOT at Tiki Ti Wed. March 10th-Updated Venue and Date

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Aloha all,
It feels a bit egotistical posting this in the events section but...
My wahine, my cousin and myself will be at the Tiki Ti on Wednesday night, March 10th. (most likely later, like after 9 or 10pm) I encourage anyone who would like a good excuse to drink at Tiki Ti to come on out and meet us. It would be nice to finally see a few of the faces that go along with the user names.



Please refer to post below for new date and venue...

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret on 2004-02-13 18:30 ]

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret on 2004-03-04 12:53 ]

I'd like to go, maybe Tikitanked would want to come too. Wednesdays are choice for Ray's Mistakes...

slacks, i think i can make it, look forward to meeting you

Aloha! Is March 10 the only night you'll be in town? I can't make it out that night, but would sure like to meet the Tiki Centralite with one of my very favorite user names if possible. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] Hope to see you out here!

-Weird Unc

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki on 2004-03-03 23:13 ]

The Tiki-Ti will most likely be closed on the 10th. Check it out:


However, there's lots of other tiki stuff to do in Hoity Toity land. Post when you are available and maybe we can set something up.

Aloha all,

I want to thank those who have already responded, but I have to announce a venue and date change. Since Tiki Ti will be closed while I'm down in LA, I would like to offer up two alternatives to any TC'ers who might wanna see what a Canadian Tikiphile looks like:
First of all I would like to invite fellow TC'ers to meet with us at the Purple Orchid on Monday March 8th, let's say around 8:30-9ish?
The second alternative was suggested by my American cousin, who is an armchair tiki enthusiast himself: Roy's Hawaiian in Newport Beach. (I've never heard of this place, but I'm assured it's worth visiting) We will be hitting that spot after driving in from San Diego on Saturday March 13th, so I'm not sure of the time. Let's say 7pm ish for now. I'll keep people posted if there is a change.



[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret on 2004-03-04 12:54 ]


Hi Slacks,
You will be near the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach. Another cool place to check out. I will be down there the 11th. Maybe I'll see ya there.


On 2004-03-04 12:51, Slacks Ferret wrote:

First of all I would like to invite fellow TC'ers to meet with us at the Purple Orchid on Monday March 8th, let's say around 8:30-9ish?

This sounds good to me! It'll be swell to meet you and we can snicker and point at the folks getting their nails done on Manicure Monday(Johnnie Velour). Looking forward to seeing you and some of the local gang on Monday!

  -Weird Unc

Hey Slacks,

Roy's serves fabulous Hawaiian fusion cuisine at pretty steep prices. I doubt if you will find any tiki there, but it's definitely worth a visit if you are up for a very nice evening out. Their Ahi is amazing! The bar has a very cool aquarium and they make excellent pineapple martini's. I hear their mai tais are good as well but I haven't had the pleasure of sampling one.

Roy's is on the Fashion Island Mall right next to the Hard Rock Cafe, Newport Beach. The Tommy Bahama store and restaurant is also just down the street and I would recommend checking it out for their great bamboo bar, ambience, and decor (more of a Key West/Caribbean vibe). These are all pretty "high falootin" places (I was gonna say hoity-toity, but that's already taken!) but hey, you might not get back anytime soon.

As previously mentioned, The Royal Hawaiian is probably your best bet for Tiki and it's only about 15-20 minutes south on PCH in Laguna. Try a Lapu Lapu. As my friends here will say "you only need one!"

Have a great time!

Slacks, I'm going to have to second Stentiki on the Royal Hawaiian over Roy's. If you're looking for a tiki establishment, then Royal Hawaiian or Sam's Seafood are better choices in my opinion than Roy's.

I feel kinda powerless to change Roy's to the Royal Hawaiian (as far as dinner goes), but I think I could convince my cousin to drive out to the Royal Hawaiian afterwards for drinks. If that sounds like something people would like to do, let me know. I think we could make this happen.


Hey Mr. Ferret! I'd love to meet up with you at the Purple Orchid on Monday.



No worries about eating at Roy's. The food is some of the best you'll ever eat. And trust me, you don't wanna eat at The Royal Hawaiian unless you go for the giant shrimp cocktails and/or ribs in the bar. Pupus and Lapus are the rule of thumb there. But definitely a must see that I'm sure you and your cousin will appreciate.

I just realized that having never met any TC'ers yet, you probably have no idea what I look like. Here's a recent photo:

Look for that exact stupid expression on my face!


Aw, that takes all the fun out of it! I was really looking forward to going up to complete strangers and asking "Are you Slacks Ferret?"

No worries Humuhumu,
Once you get there you can still ask total strangers if they're "Slacks Ferret". Hell, I might even join ya after a few Mai Tais!


[ Edited by: slacks ferret on 2004-03-05 22:15 ]

I can't get enough of the good ol' Purple Orchid.
See you on Monday!


Johnny, I ended up crashing a wedding saturday night (my friend was in the band) and who was there but....A FAKE JOHNNY VELOUR!!!! His face was similar but not as good looking (and I mean that in a man-to-man way, buddy!!) as yours, but his hair , long Johnny Velour trademarked goatee and shirt looked like you. I even think he was wearing a shirt you own!! Too funny--I knew it wasn't you , though--because the darling Mrs (almost) Velour wasn't with "you". DANG!!-I just realised I should told him about the TIKI Crawl!! THat would have been funny to have a JV clone there!

Have a nice Tiki Day!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley on 2004-03-08 11:18 ]


It was very nice to meet Slacks Ferret last night, along with his cousin who I see has registered here now as wrongdimensionboy. Hopefully we'll be able to meet up for some more tiki activities while you're in town. Please, please, please make my vision of Calgary's saddest tiki bar come true! All you canucks need an excuse to meet up, anyhow.

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