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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Anything new in Tucson?

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I'm in Tucson and will be here on and off for a week or so. I saw Kon-Tiki, Magic Carpet Golf and the Tiki motel last year. Is there anything here that has previously eluded the collective TC radar?


The No-Tel Motel (I'm serious!) near the Tiki Motel still plays Adult Movies!! :)

Hee hee!...yeah, I stopped in there a couple nights ago when I was checking up on the status of motels along Oracle and Miracle Mile (i.e. The Tiki Motel, just to be topical). I picked up a matchbook at the No-Tell; too bad they don't have postcards. The No-Tell is an interesting variant on the old motor court in that the door to the room is off the garage and not in front; I picture many a clandestine combo skulking in after the brief risk of being seen checking in.

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