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Tiki Oasis 2004

Pages: 1 5 replies

Drunken_Sailor posted on 07/07/2004

For those of you who are interested, follow the link to some of the pictures I took at the Tiki Oasis 2004. Who knows, you might see yourself.


Molokai Mike posted on 07/08/2004

Awesome pics, Sailor !!

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/08/2004

Great pictures man, the only thing is I wished you could have labeled them, but man they look good and a great time was had by all. If you can, couple of questions, what was the whole fez thing with the flaming eye, I noticed the sweet fez and a number of people having it as a tattoo. Might be our tiki trip next year as fun as it looked.

Humuhumu posted on 07/08/2004

It was great to meet you & your lovely wahine the other night at Tiki Taix! Thanks for posting these pics for everyone to see, they're really great. Makes me miss Oasis all over again.

Drunken_Sailor posted on 07/09/2004

The Fez/flaming eye thang? I dunno, but after revewing the photos I took, with my digital spyglass (Photoshop), this vendors "informative" web site is:
This may generate even more questions then it answers. Worth a look, it's a hoot.

ikitnrev posted on 07/09/2004

I just received the latest issue of Juxtapoz magazine in the mail. Inside there is a two page article (4 paragraphs, about 18 photos) on the recent Tiki Oasis. This is a good issue overall, and worth taking a peek at.


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