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Red Lion Hanalei Luau

Pages: 1 4 replies

Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/09/2004

The Hanalei is having thier annual luau July 31st. Check it out http://www.hanaleihotel.com/luau.htm

Satan's Sin posted on 07/10/2004

$60 a head! Is it worth it?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/10/2004

That depends on how rich you are and how bored you are. I hate to piss on my own post, but I received alotta shit from my wife Sally for "promoting" what she delicately referred to as a "lame-ass dog & pony show put on for a buncha haole tourists".I don't plan on attending the luau this year but when I do, I don't go for cultural enlightenment. I go to pig out, get drunk and watch the "spectacle" and party in an atmosphere that's much more familiar and comfortable than...say...SEA WORLD! Think of it as a Polynesian version of Oktoberfest and you'll be alright.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2004-07-10 15:56 ]

Satan's Sin posted on 07/11/2004

If I win the lottery tomorrow, than I'll take you and Sally as my guests.

dogbytes posted on 07/11/2004

we went to one..10 years ago.. gosh, back then, it was one luau a month in the summertime. before that, it was an every weekend thing.. now its once a year..

as i recall, it was a great performance, and pretty much 'luau food' nothing great ~ its the freinds we went with that made the event such a good time..

its the only luau in town, i'd probably go again..


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