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Zombie Hut

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stentiki posted on 10/04/2002

Let's go to the Zombie Hut!

Sunday, October 13, 2002. 8:00 PM.

Who's in? Anyone? Anyone?


Tiki_Bong posted on 10/04/2002

Excuse my ignorance, but where is the Zombie Hut.

P.S. Sunday Oct 12th is a tough call considering Monday is Columbus Day.

stentiki posted on 10/05/2002

Sorry Bong,

Zombie Hut is in Brooklyn, NY. I'm calling out to the New York area people again because I miss Tiki when I'm on the road. Uncle Arty didn't get enough NYC Tiki last time, so he's up to no good again.

Good seeing you at The Bash. You serious about that Surf outing?


Uncle Arty

PS Check out the pics from last time. We had a blast!


[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-10-04 19:07 ]

inkylouise posted on 10/05/2002


Dude, lets try again! See you there....


Alnshely posted on 10/05/2002

Great pics, Inky and Manic I like your pads.
I wish I could make it. You guys will have a blast.

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/06/2002

Uncle Arty,

I got's tons 'o boards and a number of full-suits. I surf every Saturday - 6am at dogbeach. Let me know when you're ready!

"God damnit, do you want to surf or fight? Cause Charlie Don't surf!"

bamboo ben posted on 10/06/2002

"I love the smell of napalm (sp?) in the Mai Tai!!!"

crazy al posted on 10/07/2002

i need pics of my Wallie Tiki in his new home... Could you NewYork TikiTypes help me out here... me no go to NY for some time...

stentiki posted on 10/07/2002

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-10-11 12:59 ]

stentiki posted on 10/07/2002

Hey Crazy Al,

I got one pick of him. Check the link on the NYC pubcrawl. If I get down to Wally's, I'll try to take more pics.

This is wierd. I'm currently in Boston, you and Bong are in HB, and we're talking about New York!



"The crew were mostly kids. Rock 'n rollers with one foot in the grave."

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-10-07 14:53 ]

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-10-07 14:53 ]

manic cat posted on 10/08/2002

I have dance practice with the Pontani Sisters (oh-oh, I'm such a name dropper!) from 3-5, so 8pm will be great.
And did you hear the great news--Otto's Shrunken Head on 14th street. That's minutes from your place Inky Su!!
Manic "Refresh my memory of the Zombie Hut because I've had a many tiki drink?" Kat

ps. thanks for the compliments on the home. Poor Inky and arty visited in the midst of my boyfriend, Ben, and my renovations. (It's still in the works!!) We had just painted the walls "Burmese Gold" and all our possessions where scattered. The artwork on the wall is a massive Ralph Steadman. It's called "Lounge Lizards." It's a great horrific element to the serene tiki vibe.

manic cat posted on 10/08/2002

I forgot to mention how awesome Inky's home bar looks. She built it herself!

So is everyone up for checking out Otto's Shrunken Head as well?

inkylouise posted on 10/08/2002

Hey Cat!
Thanks for the kudos! Guess what? I have to move outta my place this fall, due to some landlord stuff, so I gotta build it all over again!
Would love to check out Otto's s-Head too....Is there a way we can fit it into Sunday's schedule? Is Unca' Arty reading his posts?

manic cat posted on 10/09/2002

I got Arty's schedule all covered:

8pm tiki shot at Zombie Hut
8:01 Mai Tai
8:16 2nd Mai Tai
8:40 Scorpian bowl + fire is on the bar
9:13 second tiki shot
9:15 Arty is on the bar
9:27 3rd Mai Tai
10pm sock monkey Russell pulls Arty into cab
10:19 arrive at Otto's Head
10:20 repeat 2x

too bad about having to move (and re-paint your beautiful lilac walls! )
Hey--you have the same b-day as Eminem. :)

manic cat posted on 10/09/2002

I got Arty's schedule all covered:

8pm tiki shot at Zombie Hut
8:01 Mai Tai
8:16 2nd Mai Tai
8:40 Scorpian bowl + fire is on the bar
9:13 second tiki shot
9:15 Arty is on the bar
9:27 3rd Mai Tai
10pm sock monkey Russell pulls Arty into cab
10:19 arrive at Otto's Head
10:20 repeat 2x

too bad about having to move (and re-paint your beautiful lilac walls! )
Hey--you have the same b-day as Eminem. :)

inkylouise posted on 10/09/2002

i didn't know m+m was a bday bro: my usual claim to fame bday bro was always Evil Knievel...I guess i am born in a bunch of risky guys....thats cool!

See you sloopin Arty off the bar!!!

stentiki posted on 10/10/2002

On 2002-10-08 17:21, manic cat wrote:
I got Arty's schedule all covered:

8pm tiki shot at Zombie Hut
8:01 Mai Tai
8:16 2nd Mai Tai
8:40 Scorpian bowl + fire is on the bar
9:13 second tiki shot
9:15 Arty is on the bar
9:27 3rd Mai Tai
10pm sock monkey Russell pulls Arty into cab
10:19 arrive at Otto's Head
10:20 repeat 2x

Okay, Wahines!

Uncle Arty is not checking his posts daily but I am watching you!

I just may have to come out early on Saturday night now. Don't make me come over there because you don't want none of this!!!

I am totally down with Otto's Shrunken head. I am in Boston for the weekend with nuthin to do, so just say the word and I will come down on Saturday.



manic cat posted on 10/11/2002

I suggest you just get your rest on Sat. night, because one night of NYC tiki crawl is already more than you can handle!! (hee-hee) Nah, I'm seeing a play of "A Clockwork Orange" that I did the posters for on Sat. night. No tiki for me until Sunday.

stentiki posted on 10/11/2002

Sounds like a great play! Have fun on Saturday, and I will see you Sunday at Zombie Hut.

And remember, we're going easy this time! :wink:



stentiki posted on 10/15/2002

Hey Manic and Inky!

Happy Birthdays to you both! It was great seeing you again and had a great time at Zombie Hut and Otto's Shrunken Head (love that place)! I'll post pics when I get home this weekend.

Good to see Ben again!

Alohas to all!

Uncle Arty

PS - Inky, we need your email!

tikivixen posted on 12/17/2002

On the subject of Brooklyn's Zombie Hut:

The Sacramento Bee, in a small local bit about a popular Sac bartender who recently moved to Brooklyn, mentioned that he had applied for work at "the Zombie Hut in Brooklyn, a reincarnated Sacramento
landmark." There was a fabled place on Freeport in Sac called the Zombie Hut, which apparently closed less than five years ago.

A Sacramento rumor is circulating to the effect that the people who closed the Sac restaurant are connected with the Brooklyn one, and that with the resurgence of Tiki interest, are thinking of opening in Sac again. I've heard this from a couple of folks.

Has anyone heard anything else about all this?

thejab posted on 12/17/2002

Haven't heard about a reopening, but I have a matchbook and a bar glass from the Zombie Hut in Sacto.

Amadscientist posted on 05/18/2010

On 2002-12-17 11:59, tikivixen wrote:
On the subject of Brooklyn's Zombie Hut:

The Sacramento Bee, in a small local bit about a popular Sac bartender who recently moved to Brooklyn, mentioned that he had applied for work at "the Zombie Hut in Brooklyn, a reincarnated Sacramento
landmark." There was a fabled place on Freeport in Sac called the Zombie Hut, which apparently closed less than five years ago.

A Sacramento rumor is circulating to the effect that the people who closed the Sac restaurant are connected with the Brooklyn one, and that with the resurgence of Tiki interest, are thinking of opening in Sac again. I've heard this from a couple of folks.

Has anyone heard anything else about all this?

I love replying to post from 8 years ago. LOL!

No...a gentleman by the name of Bruce Brooks was the last owner. Bea and Ed Hill were the owners for about 30 years, and the original operator was Johnny Quaresma (known as Johnny Christmas. Thanks to Dolores Greenslate, Sac historian and the Pocket News for a recent article on the Zombie hut) who opened the Sac restaurant in 1945. He only owned it for 7 years before selling to the Hills. It's doors closed in 1990.

The survivng hamily from Bea laugh everytime I suggest re-opening the restaurant. I have some experiance in the business but not enough to go it alone and the son of the family chef from the Hut, didn't want to and remembers how hard it was for his family to keep it going.

[ Edited by: Amadscientist 2010-05-18 02:35 ]

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