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Bad Ass Coffee Orlando

Pages: 1 3 replies

Pomaika i posted on 07/19/2004

We went to Bad Ass Coffee in Orlando a few weeks ago. It's chain, but the inside was pretty. Volcano with smoke, tropical murals, and some vintage style travel posters. The coffee was pretty good too. I'll try to get pictures next time I go.


Tiki-Toa posted on 07/19/2004

I think Holden needs to get in touch with them and see about doing some kind of cool coffee tiki mug, well that is if he has not already done so, or that they already do have a cool tiki coffee mug.

Kava King posted on 07/19/2004

-I chatted up the manager last Spring, and they pretty much (have to) stick to their corporate strategy/imagery for their souvenirs, which, sad to say is pretty awful. Lots of "Bad ass/NASCAR" look shirts, etc (keepin' it real for the peeps?).
But, the coffee's pretty good, the place is comfortable,they have a really nice aquarium faced out with bamboo AND a volcano.
I noticed a LOT of "almost really interested" customers who did a quick circle through, didn't seem to "get it" and hastened back to the more pre-digested Orlando tourist sh*t vying for their attention/cash.

the75stingray posted on 07/19/2004

You know, I thought I had mentioned this place in another thread, but I guess I was wrong.

There is a Bad Ass Coffee just outside of the loop along the west side of Indianapolis. (For those of us in the midwest)

I never got the opportunity to stop there but wondered how the java was.
I'll have to make sure I stop in the next time I'm over that way.


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