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Tiki Pa'ina: Shutterfly Gallery Link Pg 4

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Tiki-Toa posted on 06/03/2004

UPDATED ON 8/08/04

Amy and Duke Carter of TIKI QUEST fame have become our MAJOR SPONSOR of the Tiki Pa'ina and as such I will be able to offer a good number of the TIKI QUEST books to be included in the Tiki Pa'ina Raffle.

Mahalo to Amy and Duke for being such a great sponsor of this event as I try to bring tiki to the masses of the Mid-West.


Here is the link to their website to learn more about the Tiki Quest book if you want to learn more.


The Tiki Pa'ina
August 6,7,8 2004
In Oshkosh, WI
We will have an event room
to set up to show art,
trading, selling.

Raffle prizes: Gecko Exotica #68 Mug
Mugs galore,
Basement Kahuna's Pu-Pu Platter as seen http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3918640429&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT
will be added to the raffle pot along with the items donated by the attending artists and vendors.
Raffle tickets are available by attending or through paypal. $1 for 1, 6 for $5, 24 for $20.

Hale O'Malo
a full polynesian revue made of wahine and men from da islands,tonga and fiji
they are giving me a HUGE discount and will be performing during the day at a time to be set. You will be seeing a $2000 performance for a VERY reduced price, this is what the raffle is going to used to pay, so buy lots of tickets, pleeeeeeeeease. They will also be selling at this event.

Hotel: Park Plaza Hotel~ parkplazaoshkosh.com
One North Main Street · Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: (920) 231-5000 · Fax: (920) 231-8383
Toll Free: 1-800-365-4458
email: mail@parkplazaoshkosh.com
When calling to reserve your room please mention "TIKI FEST" this will be the name that the event will be listed as at the hotel.

Hawaiian Luau Buffet:
Polynesian Roast Pork with Pineapple Chutney
Grilled Mahi Mahi with Shredded Veggies in Lettuce Wrap
Shredded Roast Chicken in Light Coconut Broth
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Coconut Rice
Tropical Fruit Salad
Vegetable Chips with Dips
Seafood Salad with Mango Vinaigrette
Dessert: Assorted Tropical Sorbets
Cost $25.00 per person

There will be no admission cost to anything, just come have a good time talking Tiki and drinking Tiki.

There will be a raffle, tickets will be
$1.00 a piece 6 for $5. The raffle will consist of items donated by artists, and mugs I am buying, and anything else cool I can find to throw in. Prizes will be given at the Luau dinner or sent at individual's cost if purchased by TC memebers not attending. Please email me if interested in tickets.

Please call the hotel and reserve your room now. Mention Tiki Fest.

I am also doing a special mug with Tiki Tony and Tiki Farm that will be a new twist on a familiar mug. If all goes well the mug will be limited to 75 and will include artwork on the mug by Tiki Tony but also a signed numbered mini-print done By Tony that will be hand colored by him with water color. Because Tony is doing each one by hand it will make every one unique and a original by itself.

Also Travelin'Tiki will be doing an original limited edition print for the Pa'ina based on a concept I had for this event. You can see Heather's work at http://www.TheArtDeck.com

Artists/Vendors Attending:

  1. Lake Surfer of Milwaukee, WI (Carver)
  2. Esqui of Chicago (Painter)http://www.waitingchairgallery.com
  3. Dave Krys of Chicago and dskdesigns.com
    this is the guy that was at the Motor City show with the tiki lamps that were smokin'
  4. Bali Hai from Milwaukee,selling import crafts from Bali, Java, and Borneo.
  5. Jimmy from Exotica Arts,Columbus Ohio. He is known on TC as Chisel Slinger.
  6. The Cats Meow of Royal Oak, MI.
  7. Paul Moch a painter from Chicago, Il.
  8. Vaha Soleta, Tongan Carver, Milw., WI
  9. Hale O'Malo will be selling a variety of authentic Hawaiian merchandise.
    10.Hoffa a great tattooist and superb painter from Ohio has been added, you can see his fantastic work at http://www.theartfink.com

"May the Tiki Gods
bless you
and always
keep your mug full!"

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-08-08 20:44 ]

finkdaddy posted on 06/03/2004

Sounds so cool. I also have some friends who might be interested. Not to far from home either!

finkdaddy posted on 06/04/2004

Tiki Toa-

Have you gotten any other replies yet?

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/04/2004

Fink Daddy, not sure where everybody went, one minute the pool is full, I think when I went to the bathroom someone yelled SHARK! :)

Humuhumu posted on 06/04/2004

Give it some time! It's only been 24 hours since you posted your original message. People will come around.

One thing that may help is if you edit your original post to change the subject line. THOSE ALL CAPS ARE KINDA SHOUTY AND VERY HARD TO READ, THE WI GETS LOST. Try spelling out Wisconsin.

Good luck and have fun! Wish I could join you.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/04/2004

Thank You O'Grand Humuhumu! I will make the changes post haste.

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-04 11:03 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/04/2004

P.S. I wish you could join us too!

croe67 posted on 06/07/2004

We're in - just keep us all posted on the details!


Dimethios posted on 06/07/2004

Count me and the wahine in! For sure!!

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/07/2004

Ok Tiki folk, have a couple of questions of you all, would August 6-8 also work for every one, trying to see if we cannot get this date to work, so some others who want to come will be able too, and yes I know that we cannot always make it work for every one bt I will always try my best too. Now if I can get Tiki Diablo to do a special mug, who would want one, and how many would you buy? Should we do a raffle?Also give me feedback on stuff, please, I want this to be a fun event that we can maybe make like other great tiki events across the country but I need to know what things you would want to be a part of it.

"May the Tiki Gods bless you and all always keep your mug full!"

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-06 22:01 ]

finkdaddy posted on 06/07/2004

I would love a mug. Count me in for two for sure. Maybe two more if there are leftovers. I'll have to check on those dates. I'll let you know. A raffle sounds pretty cool too, what did you have in mind?

[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2004-06-07 10:58 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/07/2004

What to raffle, well.........mugs of course, giggle. But I am open to anything, was thinking about trying to get a hold that great WI. tiki carver Lake Surfer and see what I can set up with him, but I think he is probably on his honeymoon. But I was thinking along the lines of art, mugs, tikis, and I want to invite the esteemed author of Tiki Road Trip James Teitelbaum to come and do a book signing, and maybe be able to give one of his autographed books as part of the raffle. How do these ideas sound, if you have some of your own SHARE:)

TNTiki posted on 06/08/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:32 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/08/2004

For those Tiki Cetralites not able to attend, what ever is not sold or such I will offer to the TC members first or I may even do something crazy like a online raffle.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/09/2004

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-22 12:45 ]

TNTiki posted on 06/09/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:33 ]

croe67 posted on 06/09/2004

Either weekend works for us - & I'd buy 2 mugs. Raffle would be great - I like the carved Tiki idea. Would also be nice to have a vendor area, as Hukilau does, as us Tiki-types are always up for buying MORE Tiki stuff!!!

Lake Surfer posted on 06/10/2004

I have the Great Lakes Surfing Association luau and surf party in Michigan on this weekend...

Toa... are you looking for a carved tiki? PM me with info and I'll be in touch. I can't carve it for free but maybe we can work something out...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2004-06-09 23:35 ]

Humuhumu posted on 06/10/2004

I think this is SO WONDERFUL that you're organizing it, and I want to make sure you guys know that you probably don't need to go all out. The scale of effort you're talking about putting into it is not unlike the effort that goes into a major event that attracts hundreds of people. Is that your goal? I think it'll be fantastic even if it ends up being only four of you that get together to talk tiki together over Mai Tais, no fancy event trappings needed. The locals will have to be the ones to truly say so, but I would venture to guess that they'll show up whether there's a collectible print or mug or not.

I REALLY hope I'm not taking business away from any artists who have an opportunity to contribute to this, I think any effort to support them should be pursued, but I also don't want folks who are starting up tiki get-togethers in new areas to feel like they have to go all-out right out of the gate.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/10/2004

Ok all: I will hopefully have a major announcement concerning this event soon.

LSurfer, what weekend is it you have the Michigan event? We are considering doing either the 7-9 or the 21-23 of August. I really want you to be a part of this if possible.
Now Humuhumu, my goals are to one:just have anyone show up! :wink: Just kidding, while I am not trying to do Hukilau (Mahalo Swanky for the valuable info)I am trying to do something that will be of value and interest for the people that come, and as much as I am doing it for others,I am also doing this for me as a tikiphile. I truly believe if you are doing something, whether it is for 50 or 250 people, you should do your best to make it a good time. Yeesh, sorry to sound so grown up and serious there, time to go watch some cartoons.

You may now return to your normal viewing of the Tiki Broadcasting Network.

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-10 06:22 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-10 06:23 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 06/10/2004

The 7-9 of August is free as far as I know so far. The surf festival and luau is the 21st.

I'm going to try and get up to this Rum Runner's bar next week and see if they might be interested in purchsing some tikis for their patio.

On the Saturday of the event I may even consider doing some live carving if that is interesting to you guys...

Keep the ball rolling... mahalo for your hard work...

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/21/2004

Please see updated info on page one, mahalo.

Travellin' Tiki posted on 06/22/2004

Hey Tiki-Toa! Sounds like a cool event is in the works. I won't be able to make it as I hail from a distant land, but I'd love to send some art. Not sure how that will work logistically as I won't be able to attend myself, but if there's any way, let me know. I was thinking a few prints framed in bamboo. Check out my stuff at http://www.theartdeck.com. Email or pm me, Kay?

Cheers & wish I could be there!

[ Edited by: Travellin' Tiki on 2004-06-21 18:28 ]

Travellin' Tiki posted on 06/22/2004

[ Edited by: Travellin' Tiki on 2004-06-21 18:29 ]

ikitnrev posted on 06/22/2004

I'm getting psyched! It looks as if this Wisconsin native will be able to attend at least a little bit of this tiki gathering.

Count me in for at least one day - probably Friday the 6th. You picked a great weekend, as I was already planning to drive from the D.C. area to attend my 25 year high school reunion on the evening of the 7th (in Wisconsin Rapids) Any other weekend, and I would have had to pass this event up.

I'd hate to miss out on the Saturday activities, but will still be tickled for the chance to meet at least a few of you in Oshkosh.


croe67 posted on 06/22/2004

It's sounding FAB - can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/22/2004

New info about raffle added to page 1. also here is the email I recieved from Lissette at the Chicago gallery featuring Esqui.

"Thanks for sending me all the info and for linking to us! We are very excited to be a part of the event and it looks like it’s going to be awesome! The menu sounds delicious too. I will email you soon with any additional questions I may have and please feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions for me. I also checked out the Tiki Central Forum and will definitely have to join. We are crazy about Tiki culture, especially the drinks! Take care and have a fabulous week!"

Sincerely,Lissette Jones

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-22 13:19 ]

Travellin' Tiki posted on 06/23/2004

Hey all you lucky Wisconsin folks. The more I hear about this spectikiular event the jealouser I get! Guess I'm not really living up to my TC name...

Oh well. I'll be there in spirit. Tiki-Toa has hijacked me to do a limited edition tiki print for the event. The original painting will also be on display and up for sale, but if you're interested be warned that you may have to fight Tiki-Toa. The subject right now is hush hush. All I'll say is monkeys are involved. And cows.

If you're an artist/carver make sure you get something into the raffle. And if you're just an honest to goodness east-coast Tikiphile then for Gods sake get your ass to Wisconsin in August!

Remember folks, ask not what Tiki Pa'ina can do for you. Ask what you can do for Tiki Pa'ina...

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/23/2004

Mahalo Travelin' for being a part of this ever growing event, I cannot wait to see that painting.

Have added two more venodors'

  1. Dave Krys of Chicago and dskdesigns.com
    this is the guy that was at the Motor City show with the tiki lamps that were smokin'

  2. Bali Hai from Milwaukee import crafts from Bali, Java, and Borneo.

And the exciting news is the addition of
Hale O'Malo
a full polynesian revue made of wahine and men from da islands,tonga and fiji
they are giving me a HUGE discount and will be performing during the day at a time to be set. You will be seeing a $2000 performance for a VERY reduced price, this is what the raffle is going to used to pay, so buy lots of tickets, pleeeeeeeeease.

finkdaddy posted on 06/23/2004

Dang, Tiki Toa! You're going all out!

At the very least, I will spend some of Saturday there. If the God's smile apon me, the wife and I will spend Saturday and Sunday there. Either way, I'll be buyin' raffle tickets!!

SallyandJay posted on 06/23/2004

We can't wait! And now with the added venue this is going to be a great weekend.

I'm looking forward to seeing some great artwork and the possibility of winning some of it!

Tiki Bird posted on 06/23/2004

Good luck with your event Tiki-Toa!

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/24/2004

Mahalo Tiki Bird.

Just comfirmed is Exotica Arts,Columbus Ohio. He is known as TC's own Chisel Slinger.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/27/2004

Just confirmed:
THE Cats Meow of Royal Oak,MI. for those that were able and attended the Motor City Show you will be familiar with Cats Meow, this is Nancy Hay who was also one of the main organziers of the Motor City show and has offered great advice in making the Wisconsin event hopefully as much of a success as the Motor City event.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/28/2004

Another artist added!

Paul Moch a painter from Chicago has signed on too show at the tiki event and will be donating a painting for the raffle. He was at the Chin's Motor City show in Detroit.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/29/2004

Just added!
Tongan Carver
Vaha Soleta
a member of Tongan Royalty
married and living in Milwaukee will be displaying and seeling his carvings

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/29/2004

Hale O'Malo will not only be performing the closing ceremony of this event but Sandra Chow, Malia Chow (both Hawaiian) and Seni Bula Tawawili will also be selling authentic Tahitian hula skirts that feature shells, Hawaiian hair pieces, Silk Eyelash Leis, Hawaiian Leis, Hawaiian necklaces of various types, many many styles of Aloha shirts (in size XL)

TNTiki posted on 06/29/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:35 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/29/2004

Mahalo TNTiki, it was just supposed to a lil get together to meet some other tiki lovers and the mad scientist in me got carried away. 8)

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/01/2004

Today I won Basement Kahuna's Pu-Pu platter


I have decided to add this to the raffle as another sweet item, I thought about keeping it but will offer it up as a prize instead.

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/04/2004

Hoffa a great tattooist and superb painter from Ohio has been added, you can see his fantastic work at http://www.theartfink.com He is also the guy that did the sweet painting that was used for the postcards for the Motor City Chin Tiki show. His tattoo work can be seen at http://www.godsandmonstersart.com. He will be sharing a table with Jimmy Robinson a.k.a. Chisel Slinger at the Pa'ina.

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/05/2004


The Tiki Asylum website is now online and another place to view additions of what will be going on for this event.

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/07/2004

I will be adding a Gecko Exotica mug to the raffle, so once again, if you are interested in buying tickets you can paypal me and if you win you will only need to pay for shipping.

Lissette EsQui posted on 07/18/2004

Hey everyone! I finally joined Tiki Central. I'm totally looking forward to the Tiki Pa'ina and EsQui is already working on some cool stuff for the event. Tiki-Toa, you've really outdone yourself planning this and thanks for asking us to participate. I know it's gonna rock!

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/19/2004

Amy and Duke Carter of TIKI QUEST fame have become our MAJOR SPONSOR of the Tiki Pa'ina and as such I will be able to offer a good number of the TIKI QUEST books to be included in the Tiki Pa'ina Raffle.

Mahalo to Amy and Duke for being such a great sponsor of this event as I try to bring tiki to the masses of the Mid-West.

TNTiki posted on 07/20/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:50 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/25/2004


KOOMBYEYAH! posted on 07/25/2004

This looks like something that is going to be a pretty good time, might be making a trip up and over for this. Is there a email list for this?

Pages: 1 2 65 replies