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Trader Woody's Lono Lounge

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Trader Woody posted on 12/05/2003

I've been away from Tiki Central for far too long recently, but it's all been for a good cause. After much searching, we've managed to buy a house in the UK with a basement big enough to put in a Tiki lounge! Houses over here don't tend to have basements as they are usually built of stone/brick, so we had to look high and low for one that was affordable. We managed to find one in Lancashire with a 4 room basement that can be used almost exclusively as a Tiki bar!

My wife has given me carte blanche to decorate the basement as I see fit, and we can have all the 'tasteful' stuff upstairs on the ground and upper floors. So, It's been named the "Lono Lounge" as a nod to my favourite Author, Hunter S Thompson who wrote a great Tiki book called "The Curse of Lono".

I've a fair amount of Tiki stuff collected over the years ready to be displayed, but it'll take a little time to sort the place out and find crucial furniture for the bar. (Sadly we don't have a British equivalent of Bamboo Ben to help us out...) Still, the decorating is a big part of the fun.

Trader Woody

Tiki Chris posted on 12/05/2003

Woody -

you certainly have been away from Tiki Central for far too long! Congrats on the house w/ A FOUR ROOM BASEMENT (!). i'm sure i'm not alone in saying that i'd love to see pics when you feel the bar is presentable.

Good luck (& keep us posted) on the quest for tiki furniture in the U.K.

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-05 07:06 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 12/05/2003

On 2003-12-05 06:52, Trader Woody wrote:

I've a fair amount of Tiki stuff collected over the years ...

For all you folks who never had the opportunity to see what the good trader's amassed over the years, let me just say that the above quote may be the Tiki Central Understatement of the Year!

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-05 07:05 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 12/05/2003

Trader Woody, congrats on the new home! You'll have to post pics of that basement as the tiki bar progresses.

Trader Woody posted on 12/05/2003

Well, it looked like I had a lot of Tiki stuff in my old matchbox sized house, but it's tiny compared to some of the collections of many Tiki Centralites. Still, it'll be nice to get them out of storage and back on view.

I finally got round to getting a digital camera (how did I ever live without one?) so I'll post pics as it evolves. A Tiki bar is never actually completed, after all.

Trader Woody

Trader Woody posted on 02/05/2004

I was up at the place last week, so took a few 'Before' photos. I'm not too sure how long it'll be until I can post some 'After' shots.

Anyway, there's a bit of work to be done:
Main Tiki room with fireplace.

A view into the other Tiki room that has to have a mimi office in it somehow.
As you can see, we've got a little bathroom down there with toilet, bath & sink. It's all done out in quite nice tiling, so I'm tempted to make it more nautical than Tiki. Tricky one to deal with, though...

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2004-02-05 02:35 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/20/2004

Woody did you ever finish the basement? I wanna see pictures, are they somehwere else?

Trader Woody posted on 07/20/2004

Well, the basement isn't finished, but I'm slowly ambling along with it. It needs a bar, (proving a little tricky) and I'd like to get hold of some bits & peices that are taken for granted out in the US such as rattan, decent bamboo and at least one large Tiki pole.

Lake Surfer actually managed to decorate the place better than I ever could here!


I'll post some current pics asap.

Trader Woody

Trader Woody posted on 07/20/2004

OK - Here are some pics. Still lot's to do and I must do something about the bike!

Trader Woody

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/21/2004

WOW!! Woody, that is a cool looking pad, it has cleaned up well, I see what you are saying about the bamboo and rattan but it really has its own style, only one concern, who picked out the paint? :wink:Is that peach or a shade of pink? Should stay silent all I have is a lil corner of the living room that houses my pc and my ever growing collection of tiki.

Polynesiac posted on 07/21/2004

Nice transformation! Is your carved tiki mixed in there somewhere? :)

Looks like a real cozy spot, thanks for keeping us posted on your progress.

Hey TW - I'm sure there are plenty of carvers on here who would carve you up a tiki for free right in your backyard if you flipped the bill for airfare! :D

"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-07-20 20:39 ]

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-07-20 20:40 ]

dogbytes posted on 07/21/2004

bold use of colors!! nicely done!

i see how low your ceiling is.. woofmutt gave me a suggestion: burlap. inexpensive and gives a nice texture, and you dont lose any headroom. split some bamboo and nail that up, grid style might work nicely.

i'm about the same level of doneness as you. and also using non-conventional accent colors.. think, sherbert!


Trader Woody posted on 07/21/2004

Hey. it's the Pink Panther room! Actually, the coulour is supposed to be some shade of brown, but it comes out a little bright in the photos. I just bought the paint and hoped for the best! In reality, the lighting is a lot more subdued and I'll be filling up the walls over time, so it won't really look that strange.

Yeah, the rattan on the ceiling sounds like a good plan. I'll have to search some out. I bought an extra copy of the Book of Tiki (softcover), thinking I might paper the ceiling with it's pages, but I think it would cause most visitors brains to explode from Tiki overload.

Trader Woody

cheekytiki posted on 07/21/2004

Cool Place! The Phillipino village has everything you could possibly need- palm thatching, bambooo, matting, Glass floats, puffer fish, but you probably know that.

atomictonytiki posted on 07/21/2004

Yes many things to tart up a tiki room..


Philippine Village Imports
Philippine Craft Centre
The Camp
Brookland, Kent
TN29 9TF
United Kingdom
Tel# 0044 (0)1797 344616
Fax# 0044 (0)1797 344481
Email: sales@philimports.com

Or now you've moved from down south you can check out Au Naturale store which are full of stuff that you can turn poly pop

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