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Agie Pupil and Royal Tahitians DOWNLOAD!!!

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kooche posted on 06/01/2004


sorry no track names...but what awesome music!!!

SES posted on 06/02/2004

One of these days I will have to get my records into my computer.


finkdaddy posted on 06/02/2004

Great stuff, Thanks! I need to collect more music, my collection is severely lacking in tiki-lounge tunes.

SES posted on 06/02/2004

These are fantastic. Thanks again!
Guess what I'll be listening to while I repaint my studio?


tikisobayli posted on 06/04/2004

Just finished downloading these tunes...It was well worth the 3.5 hours via free university dial-up. Thanks so much for putting these great tunes out there!

Kalikiana posted on 06/04/2004

Amazing wonderful music. Purely enjoyable with my rum concoction, the lights down low, and anytime! Thanks for introducing me to Augie Goupil and his Royal Tahitians!

kooche posted on 06/04/2004

sure sure!

i love this record...it is fantastic! my friend at WB gave me these mp3s and i am pretty sure that it is the same LP that i recently acquired - though if i compare them and it turns out that it ISN'T the same record i'll post more from the same group...still waiting on my sound transfer device to make my own mp3s from my LP collection...ASAP i will get more tunes up and ready to share!


aquarj posted on 06/05/2004

Thanks Miles! Really great old Hawaiian sound. I'm addicted to this stuff.


Swanky posted on 06/05/2004

Great! This is the stuff I love. I t makes me want to share my #1 LP I have. I love the real thing. Thanks a ton! I may share my top find soon!

Swanky posted on 06/05/2004

Okay, here it is. Polynesia! with Charles Mauu and the Royal Polynesians. you cna do your own research on him.

Right click and save target as, and the unzip...

My gift to you.

Swanky posted on 06/05/2004

Fudge man. Do you deserve this great gift? I have held tight to this record for ages... Well. Who can I share it with bu tthe ohana. If you like Kooch-e-koo's music, you'll love this...

SES posted on 06/05/2004

Thanks Swanky!

kooche posted on 06/05/2004

every day i check the mailbox for my new rca/usb device...and every day i get a bit more anxious to make my own MP3s from my 78/33 collection...i believe that this augie goupil set of cuts is different than the LP that i have...meaning...more to come!

thanks for the freebee swanky baby! it is ROCKIN'!!!


tikisobayli posted on 06/07/2004

Thanks Swanky....

Again, afteer a long download, I got the tunes and they are great! I have been thinking recently about starting a thread about maybe getting togeather some type of tape/CD trading group togeather...I think that we all have some great tunes that we could all share with one another....

aquarj posted on 06/08/2004

Thankee, Swanky!

Have you heard the "Polynesia" LP by the Polynesians (Harry Baty, Sam Kaapuni, Bob Nichols, Joe Keava)? With record sleeves that are probably familiar to most thrift store record hunters, they had a string of LPs on Crown Records, most of which I actually like a lot. The songlist on the Polynesians' "Polynesia" is almost identical to the Capitol 10" you posted. Here's a sample:

Polynesians - Vana Vana.mp3


kooche posted on 06/08/2004


thanks for that super sound...i am trying to track that 10" down now...a copy just went up and closed on ebay without a bid for only $10...missed that train but have contacted the seller...no reply...crying a river!

Swanky posted on 06/08/2004

Randy, That's the same group. It's almost identical, and maybe is identical to what I posted. I have another record by the "Polynesians" that is such poor recording quality I can't listen to it. The record Polynesia! I have is credited to Charles Mauu and the Royal Polynesians.

See it HERE

aquarj posted on 06/08/2004

Swanky, you may be right that they're the same group, it's always hard to know. However, as you point out, the 10" is credited to Charles Mauu, and the Polynesians are listed as Harry Baty, Sam Kaapuni, Bob Nichols, and Joe Keava, give or take one or two members on different LPs, along with photos of the band members on some of their LPs. I have both records (the Mauu one and the Polynesians one), and for some reason it just seems like the Charles Mauu one was the older, more "original" of the two. Never knew anything about Charles Mauu though, and as your link shows, the cover easily distracts the viewer from wondering about what the band looks like!

But although the songlists overlap, the performances are not identical. And of course the Crown label is notorious for trotting out budget LPs with studio bands and the like doing lots of covers. Since the Polynesians were so prolific on Crown, I kind of imagined that they must've been a house band in Waikiki or something like that, discovered by some enterprising Crown A&R guy to roll out a whole bunch of Hawaiian LPs. Maybe Harry Baty et al were formerly the "Royal Polynesians" who played with Charles Mauu, and later went on their own as just the Polynesians, and that's why the version on their LP sounds so similar. Or maybe they were just a totally different combo recording for Crown, and some Crown person handed them the Mauu 10" and said, "Do this for your next longplayer." Anyway, hope this is all slightly interesting to someone besides me!


Swanky posted on 06/08/2004

I listened to that Vana Vana right along with the one I posted, and it is just dead on. The instrumentation, voices, even the guitar. It has got to be the same guys.

kooche posted on 06/09/2004

i love folks who take time to do the research...there is a real reason that liner notes exist...mostly i think that they were inviented to praise the talent of the musicians and make the customer feel much more intellectual about his/her selection previous to purchase while in the store... but they have also been factually informative for people like us...some people dig it...we obviously do

swanky...did you play the wizard of oz with the sound down while you listened?

aquarj posted on 06/09/2004

Yes, they definitely could be the same performers. For a more noticeable contrast, try listening to this one...

Polynesians - Minoi Minoi.mp3

-Randy (sound otaku)

Swanky posted on 06/09/2004

FYI, that Polynesia! record is hard to find on Ebay for simple reason that if you search for "polynesia!" you get 4,000 hits! You have to search in the record catagories to narrow it down. It came in EP and 45 as well. I have one of the 45's (it was split into two 45's) and the songs I uploaded are half and half as the sound on a 45 is much better.

kooche posted on 06/11/2004

i got that 10" POLYNESIA this week...then ...today while shopping for LPs i found the 12" for the same cost...collecting is a double edged elvis 45...love hate!

either way the bare bossoms on the cover, the super wild lettering as well as mellow grooves on the wax are mine to spin and sleep to if i want...YES!

this is one less that i have to encode in order to share...but i had to have it...comforting to know that i am not alone in my obsession with exotica music...

Swanky posted on 06/11/2004

Same track? I only have the 10 and 45 size. If there is a full LP, are there song I don't have?!

Polynesiac posted on 06/11/2004

Thanks for all the information on the polynesians!
I picked up "Beautiful Hawaii" by them a while ago at an antique store and the record is in near mint condintion (not bad for $1). Anyway, there are no liner notes about the band and this is one of my favorite records to spin. I just can't get enough of their verson of "Loch Lomand"! Too funny!

kooche posted on 06/13/2004

i'm not sure about how many tracks are on the 12"...it could be that there is more by the same artist...randy would know for sure i think he said that he has both the 10" & the 12" version of this record...

anyone know what we owners of the 10" version of this record are missing?

aquarj posted on 06/15/2004

Ah woops, no, I just have a 10" copy of the Charles Mauu Polynesia LP; ain't never seen no 12". When I said I had "both", I meant the Polynesians LP and the Charles Mauu LP.

Polynesiac, thanks for the comment. I like a bunch of the offbeat songs covered by the Polynesians. If you like their version of Loch Lomond, you might like their version of Lullaby of Birdland (George Shearing?) on their Hawaii Calling LP. I'm humming that one all the time lately!


aquarj posted on 06/15/2004

Oh yeah, I forgot I can just post the song...

Polynesians - Lullaby Of Birdland.mp3


Polynesiac posted on 06/15/2004

Thanks for that download - I'm listening to it right now. I love it when bands cover songs from other musical genres and make them their own. Great stuff...now I need to hunt down this record too...

kooche posted on 06/15/2004

i guess now i'll use that 12" LP as an excuse to head back to the local record store...i'll see what else i can dig up too...i wish we could arrange a record store or swap meet outing together...that'd be cool!



kooche posted on 06/21/2004

picked up a few new south pacific records for little dough this week at amoeba...love that store!

scored a polynesians record on crown called blue hawaii - hawaii the island of dreams by webley edwards - tamure tamure by teh punaauia serenaders - 2 french pressings of phillips/barclay LPs from tahiti - lanakila's polynesians polynesian pot-pourri on mahalo records...had this one on CD -and a GREAT LP called Haere Mai which i guess acording to the amoeba people was in the movie "whale Rider"...this is primarily a choral/rhythm record that is AWESOME! and one last tahitian record called Tahiti:ile de paradis....can i get enough? NO!

the most pricey LP i got was the whale rider number for $7.95

got my audio input device...will post some sound this week...i promise...ready to trade CD-Rs this week too!!!

bring on the gene rains please!

aquarj posted on 07/19/2004

Quick update on the Polynesians' songs mentioned earlier in this thread. Just uploaded another LP with more versions of some of these Tahitian-style Polynesian standards, this time by Chango & the Polynesians. The more I pay attention to the Polynesian records, the more it seems like these songs (Cafe Au Lait, Papio, Vahine Anamite, etc.) are sort of like the Tahitian equivalent to Hawaiian War Chant, My Little Grass Shack, Aloha Oe, Blue Hawaii, and the other Hawaiian standards. Anyway, the music is here (for now).


tikibars posted on 07/19/2004

Fellas - I've been following this thread with great interest, and enjoying the tunes you've been posting.

Seeing as how I'll be DJ-ing at Trader Vic's beginning this Wednesday, I've been working hard at digitizing a lot of my own vinyl.

I've got tons of stuff I can contribute to this thread, but I don't have the bandwidth to host the MP3 files.

If someone wants to donate some space, I'll upload a bunch o'stuff.

Eamil me...

Tiki Royale posted on 07/19/2004

Mahalo for the Polynesian Percussion Randy.
Great album.

Dimethios posted on 07/22/2004

Tikibars, (or anyone for that matter) what methods and or software do you use to digitize your music from vinyl. I do have a Technics 1200 turntable. I am also using PC not MAC.

aquarj posted on 07/22/2004

Dimethios, a little info about the digital recording stuff I use, or have come across. Links are just for info, not a commercial recommendation.

I use a little Yamaha gadget that takes a standard line-in signal, and has a USB out. It comes with recording software, which I run on my PC laptop. Supposedly the advantage to this, versus connecting audio cables directly into a sound card, is that you avoid hum or interference or whatever from the computer, and also reduce risk of pulses that can damage the computer. I don't know about those issues, but anyway this seems pretty good.

Griffin Technology's PowerWave seems like it might be a cooler and cheaper product with the same capabilities, and even work on both a Mac and PC.

I also use a PC software tool called Cakewalk Pyro to split tracks, and also to make cds with the ability to adjust the volume for different tracks before burning. There might be something better or easier, but it's cheap and works for me.

Also, there's the black box stereo component recorder/burners, and the little portable hard drive player/recorders made by Archos, RCA, Digital Mind, and other brands. Dunno much about them though.


[ Edited by: aquarj on 2004-07-22 16:36 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 07/22/2004

My .02 worth...
I'm on a Mac and use a cord with RCA plugs on one end and a Microphone plug on the other.
I put the RCA plugs into the output jacks on my turntable and the Mic plug to the sound in on my laptop.
I use a simple app called SoundStudio to record and save.
Total cost... about 5 bucks!
It's probably not the best solution for real audiophiles but it works for Tiki Royale.

Satan's Sin posted on 07/23/2004

Wow, Swanky, thanks! These are GREAT!

Swanky posted on 07/23/2004

TIki Royal,
I don't know if that's the best, as the signal coming out of a turntable may be a problem to a computer. It's always best to run it into a receiver or something and use the "line out". It could fry things!

JT, I can hook you up. Lemme send you the ftp info and you can upload to one of my sites. Email me a reminder!

As for me, I use SoundForge. The hardest part is just getting a good signal in the computer. After that, it's just time.

Satan's Sin posted on 07/23/2004

aquarj --

Many heartfelt THANKS for posting that "Polynesian Percussion" CD!

The computer gods were smiling indeed -- total time from download to CD burn to popping it in my Bose was a record-breaking 10 min.s!

(this comes from using my kids' computer (eMac), as opposed my weakling iBook)

Thanks again!

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-07-23 11:45 ]

tikibars posted on 07/23/2004

Thanks to Randy for some bandwidth...

These will all JUST fit on an 80-minute CD, or keep 'em as MP3s for mobile use...


As for digitizing vinyl: I have at my disposal, all of the pro adio gear that I use in my career of actually making records, so my methods are probably overkill.

I am coming out of my vintage 1960s Rek-O-Kut turntable via a modern Shure cartridge and into the turntable preamps built into a vintage Fisher tube amp.

From there I'm going into Apogee A/D converters and then in to a Mark of the Unicorn 2408 Audio I/O box. From there I use Digital Performer software by MOTU to capture the audio at 24 bit, and I clean it up (small amounts of EQ and limiting if nescessary) using MOTU and Waves plug-ins at 24 bit.

Since there are no good de-click plugz for Digital Performer, I dither down to 16 bit in Digital Performer, repen the trax in Peak, and use the de-click options in Peak. This is a REALLY time consuming process to do manually, and setting it on Auto can do more harm than good to the trax, so I just go in and remove the worst of the pops.

I burn to CDs with Toast, and MP3-ify only the trax I need to put on-line using the internal encoding in iTunes, always at 192Kbps.

Like I said, this is all probably overkill, but since I already have all this equipment, I might as well use it!

Also, since the source material is crappy old crackly, dusty, well-abused records from thrift stores, all of this hi-tech stuff isn't doing much to help - they still sound like ass! The lower-tech methods used by some of the other cats here is probably just as good for what we're trying to achieve.

...but some would say the the lo-fi sound is part of the charm...

Kono posted on 07/24/2004

Thanks tikibars for the downloads!

I hate to be a pest but do you have a track listing for these albums?

Swanky posted on 07/24/2004

Cool beans! 350+ Kb/sec downloads!

Dimethios posted on 07/25/2004

Wow, thanks to everyone for all the advice, and great ideas! :)

I really appreciate it, as I wanted to start sharing my LP collection with everyone. Speaking of thrift store scores I went to the Salvation Army store the other day by my house and scored a very clean version of Exotica Suite. A decient version of Bahia. A Don Ho greatest hits, an Al Caiola (goes Hawaii) and a few others all costing a whopping $1.75! I love the thrifts!!

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Tangaroa posted on 09/29/2004

Miles - thanks so much for the awesome tracks!
Swanky - your link seems to be down (http://www.haletiki.com/songs/polynesia/Polynesia.zip)
any chance it will be available again?

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kooche posted on 09/30/2004

i love this thread...anybody else got any undiscovered audio that we all could benefit from???

T Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/152/625ae68103834.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=224e16a7daf2699d0864801cf343fd8b
Tangaroa posted on 09/30/2004

I might have some stuff Miles - but I'm still saving up for a nice modern 78/33 rpm player for digitizing...!

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tikibars posted on 10/01/2004

I picked up about 15 new records at thrift stores on my way to and from Hukilau... after I listen to 'em all and decide which are worthy of digitization, I'll suck up to Randy for some more bandwidth!

Stay tuned...

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