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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Carvers: Something Definitely Worth Reproducing.

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/22/2004

Check out my thread in "Collecting Tiki" regarding this incredibly detailed Outrigger Canoe:

I think this is a piece worthy of being reproduced and hung in a tiki bar. What to you think?


PolynesianPop posted on 07/22/2004

Leroy at Oceanic Arts carves something like this already. He's got a few of them hanging in various locales - one of them a Trader Joe's (although I don't remember which one). As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this particular outrigger originally came from Oceanic Arts.

Benzart posted on 07/22/2004

That is really cool. When I was in Vegas at the Trop, one of their bars had a similar canoe only it was about 20 feet long.

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/22/2004

On 2004-07-21 18:27, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
I think this is a piece worthy of being reproduced and hung in a tiki bar


I don't know if 'hung' is the right word. I should know.

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