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International Cost of Tiki

Pages: 1 13 replies

Trader Woody posted on 07/23/2004

Over here, they calculate trends in costs of living by using a shopping index based upon the price of various common items in a shopping basket (eg. loaf of bread, carton of orange juice, jar of coffee, etc etc.)

What I thought might be interesting would be to decide what would be in the 'shopping basket' of the average Tikiphile, then see how the cost might differ between points on the Tiki map.

To kick off, here's a few suggestions:
Bottle of rum (can we decide on a particular, well-used brand?)
Tiki mug from local manufacturer
Exotica CD
Thrift store Exotica vinyl album
Book of Tiki

Anyway, you get the idea. So first, perhaps we could decide on what the essentials of the shopping basket are, then we could find out who's paying what for their basket of Tiki.

Trader Woody

Satan's Sin posted on 07/23/2004

I think a reasonable item to include in said basket is a full-on, bona fide Tiki Bar.

Also -- lava lamps.

Tikiwahine posted on 07/23/2004

I dunno about lava lamps, but definitely a fishing float!

docwoods posted on 07/23/2004

A fun hawaiian shirt-a plastic lei-swizzle sticks,and a jar of maraschino cherries.

Tikiwahine posted on 07/23/2004

On 2004-07-23 13:33, docwoods wrote:
A fun hawaiian shirt-a plastic lei-swizzle sticks,and a jar of maraschino cherries.

are these thrift store finds? or new?

docwoods posted on 07/23/2004

New cherries,swizzle sticks we can put in the dishwasher,ditto with the plastic lei,and the shirt can be washed.I guess either way.

Molokai Mike posted on 07/23/2004

I don't know about you, but I'd think twice about using a jar of marascino cherries from a thrift store...

docwoods posted on 07/23/2004

I think the rum would kill any annoying bacteria-could always just display the thrift store cherries-hopefully,the label would be kind of cool.Anyway,I don't eat cherries.Boy,left myself open there...

dangergirl299 posted on 07/23/2004

If we were cross reference these figures with # of tiki-themed restaurants/bars within a certain radius by location, would a higher tiki bar per square mile amount increase or decrease the ultimate cost of living (there is also mileage to and from, which may exponentially cost higher depending on whether you drive a gas-guzzler) ...?

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 07/24/2004

Dangergirl....stop it! You just hurt my brain.

Puffer fish (several), glass float (several), carved tiki, various bottles/cans/receptacles of fruit juices and liqueurs to mix with aforementioned rum, lemon, HiFi to play thrift store bought exotica album, more exotica albums to play on aforementioned HiFi, a rattan couch would be rather nice, and uh.....oh yes......SON OF MOTHRA!

[ Edited by: SON OF MOTHRA on 2004-07-23 17:27 ]

[ Edited by: SON OF MOTHRA on 2004-07-23 17:27 ]

docwoods posted on 07/24/2004

Traderwoody,how BIG is this shopping basket?

Kono posted on 07/24/2004

You guys are making it too complicated! How do I know what a pufferfish costs!?

I like the original list:

Orlando FL:

Bottle of rum: .750ml of Bacardi 11.99, El Dorado Demerera 12.99, Meyers Dark 18.99 (I threw in the Demerera to look cool)

Lime: 3 for a dollar

Tiki mug from local manufacturer: Tiki Farm mugs at Hilo Hatties from 4.99 to 11.99.

Exotica CD: $12-14 new

Thrift store Exotica vinyl album: 25c to $2

Book of Tiki: Whatever it costs on Amazon

Pufferfish: Would have to drive all the way over to Tarpon Springs to find out and with the price of gas these days...

christiki295 posted on 07/24/2004

How about adding the cost of 2 Mai Tais + tip - the cost of supporting one's habit?

PS - may also have to add the cost of drying cleaning those Hawiian shirts once a week.

docwoods posted on 07/24/2004

Kono,you forgot one thing:the immeasurable pleasure that all of the above would bring-priceless.

Pages: 1 13 replies