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eBay: Here goes nothing...again...E-bay goodies

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Just put up a few prized finds of late: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=3922507847&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT You can hit "view seller's other auctions" to see the others. There is a Port Light, a Starboard Light, and a Gun Club Punch.

Fun stuff - I put a bid in for your Z boys deck looks RAD...
we'll see what happens..............

foamy posted on Mon, Jul 26, 2004 6:17 AM

Ya got your port and starboard's mixed up there. You must have lots of stuff, your auction's always have cool items.

foamy's right --

Red - Port

Green - Starboard

port out, starboard home = posh

Red over red, the captain is dead ... and if anyone knows what this means, I will %$@ a #&%!

I tried for the Chicago CoP S & P but was outbid pretty quick. There's some interesting stuff on the "View seller's other items" link.

Good luck with your auctions! Those port and starboard mugs are so purdy!

I was always taught "red right return" in sailing class - maybe that was incorrect?


"Red right return" means keep the red bouys to the right as you come back into the harbor.

That kind of "memory key" or whatever it's called is used a lot for learning navigational aids.

Red over red has to do with the lights on the mast of a ship -- red over red means they've lost control of their ship and it's unmaneuverable. So stay the hell away.

Red over green means it's a sailboat ("red over green, sailing machine). So don't run them over.

White over red means it's a pilot vessel ("white over red, pilot ahead). So get ready to pick up the harbor pilot.

There are tons of these.

Mrs. Satan's Sin refuses even the kindest of cocktail suggestions.

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-07-26 13:16 ]

"Red over red, the captain is dead ... and if anyone knows what this means, I will %$@ a #&%!"

Red over red means "Vessel not under command". Such as the vessels engines may not be working or something of that nature.

Wanna go for red over red over red?? :)

Vessel constrained by draft. Also stay the hell away.

Want to get into fog signals?

Oh boy. Sound Signals. I might have to bring out my Navrules Book!

Okay, okay, just kidding ... take it easy ....

I want day shapes.

Keep this up & I'll get out my Gran'pa's old Merchant Seaman Engineer's books.

Satan's Sin wants to resolve this peacefully!

Mrs. Satan's Sin refuses even the kindest of cocktail suggestions.

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-07-27 08:40 ]

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