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Can you tell me anything about this mug?

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MugSucker posted on 07/28/2004

I posted all of this in the main forum but i think it was an inappropriate place to put it. (thank you Satan's Sin)
I was tiki shopping in New Orleans this past weekend and picked up a couple of tiki bob type mugs. I wonder if anyone can tell me anything about the unusual green and orange tiki bob type one i found. It looks like it was cast off of an original; of which i also found one from the Beachcomber on Lake Ponchetrain.

heres some more photos of the two mugs i found.
I know youve all seen the NOLA version of the tiki bob.

Heres the side info

side of the orange n green mug

you can see that the colored one is smaller than the original Bobs. I would assume it was cast off of the Bob. Am i right? Any other info?

thanks again

Satan's Sin posted on 07/28/2004

Lovely! This would be a fine addition to any tiki bar!

Their provenance is beyond my ken, however.

But not beyond someone else's, I'm sure.

kingslod posted on 07/28/2004

Looks like a homemade knockoff to me...Maybe a ceramics class project?

Humuhumu posted on 07/29/2004

Yep, looks homemade to me. How much (if any) variation was there in size between various Bobs? I suppose that the casting process may have resulted in some shrinkage.

Was the Pontchartrain Beach-Comber the same as the Bali Ha'i at the Beach? I knew the Bali Ha'i used the Tiki Bob mug design, but I never noticed that it said "Beach-Comber."

Critiki has some images from puamana's menu from the Bali Ha'i, looks like they used the Tiki Bobs to serve Fogg Cutters, so it's not a drink name on the mug.

Bali Ha'i at the Beach information in Critiki

midnite posted on 07/29/2004

"Was the Pontchartrain Beach-Comber the same as the Bali Ha'i at the Beach?"

Same location. I believe it was called the Beachcomber for the first year of its operation. Don't hold me to it, but I am thinking it was late 1950's (1959?). Thereafter, it was Bali Hai.

Have always considered it a more scarce (obvioulsy) and better version of the mug. The Bali Hai's I have seen/own are a bit bigger and have that matte paint.

I have seen many Bob knock-offs all of which were more than likely made as home hobbyist projects/amateur class stuff. Some are pretty interesting.

Satan's Sin posted on 08/01/2004

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-08-01 08:58 ]

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