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Tikimaxtons in Chicago and Detroit 8/5-8/10

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TikiMaxton posted on 07/29/2004

Maggie and I will be travelling to Chicago and Detroit next weekend and would love to hook up with any accomodating centralites in the area. We will be flying into Chicago on the 5th (Thursday) and driving directly to Detroit. We'll be in Detroit Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights (with family obligations on Saturday night), then driving back to Chicago Sunday the 8th. We'll be in Chicago the nights of the 8th and 9th, then we fly out late in the afternoon Tuesday the 9th.

If anybody in the area would like to meet us for a drink, please contact me offlist at m_axton_1@NOHORMELyahoo.com. We look forward to hearing from the midwest contingent!

Humuhumu posted on 07/29/2004

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! The TikiMaxtons are some of my very most favorite people in the whole world... Chicagoans: don't miss out!

freddiefreelance posted on 07/29/2004

Oddly enough I'm in Chicago next Thursday then heading to Luddington, Mi., but I'm probably not going to be able to meet with anyone. My driving & visiting family schedules are still up in the air. If other people make plans, & my schedule can fit it, I'll try to make an appearance. I'll bring my safety orange Hawaiian shirt just in case.

tikibars posted on 07/29/2004

The red carpet is officially rolled out.

Some of the local rockabilly types are having a Tiki-barbeque on Saturday the 7th and have asked me to bartend tropical drinks. I did it for them last year too, and it was a lot of fun - they went all-out and got all of the nescessary ingredients to do it right.

Give me a shout if you want come back to Chicago a bit earlier than planned, and want directions.

Sunday and/or Monday: Hala Kahiki and Chef Shangri-La? Or Trader Vic's? Count me in for either. Dinner and a drinks at the Chef and then topping it off at Hala Kahiki is a good way to spend a Monday night in the suburbs. And for the strong and brave, a post-HK nightcap of Polsish Beer at Club Paradise is the way to go...

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/30/2004

TikiMaxtons, I sent you a message through Yahoo messenger, I also mentioned your coming to Chi Town to BamBoOLodGe to see what they thought. But as it is the same weekend as the Tiki Pa'ina I will do my best, would love to get together with you.

TikiMaxton posted on 08/02/2004

Whoa! Just got back from a long weekend camping in the redwoods to find all these responses! Dear, sweet Humu, we adore you as well!

Can't come back to Chi-town earlier as the Saturday event in Dearborn is the whole reason we're getting out to that part of the world. So Sunday and Monday nights will be best for us.

We're staying at the Congress Plaza Hotel - no idea what that's near. Let's see what we can do - all the suggestions sound grand!

tikibars posted on 08/02/2004

Your hotel is pretty close to Trader Vic's.

The blue line 'L' will get you a to a spot where you can get a $10-ish cab ride to Hala Kahiki, but it'd be tough finding a cab to get home in... HK is in the middle of nowhere!

Fortunately, you have a chauffer (JT in the Mobile Exploration Lab*), should you get the urge to take a Tiki tour of the Chicago burbs.

Sunday and Monday are both good for me.
Say the word.

  • = 1994 Nissan
TikiMaxton posted on 08/02/2004


Would love to hook up with you. Transpo is no problem as we'll have a rental car. Here's the deal - Maggie really wants to catch some live blues one of the 2 nights we're in town, so whichever night we don't see blues is designated as our tiki night out. Any idea where we could go to catch some blues and which night would be best to do it?

docwoods posted on 08/02/2004

Is Hala Kahiki open Sunday or Monday?They've got sort of strange hours-best to check.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/02/2004

9:30AM Gospel Brunch - Timothy Brown & True Praise ChoraleSunday, August 8, 2004
House of Blues Chicago
Chicago, IL 60610
show time: 9:30 AM
show time: 12:00 PM



Rosa's Lounge - Chicago's friendliest Blues Lounge

Here is a few, hope these help you find some good blues, nice to see some blues lovers in the tiki ohana.

If you can't
make it to the party,
make your own.

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-08-02 13:54 ]

BambooLodge posted on 08/02/2004

Here's a couple more blues clubs....


And if you are going to make it out to Chef Shangri-La let, us know what night and we will try to be there.

TikiMaxton posted on 08/02/2004

Thanks for all the blues links! Looks like we're gonna miss out on Hala Kahiki - their card says they're closed Sunday and Monday. Though we could maybe bo Tuesday before our plane leaves in the afternoon. How far is Chef Shangri-La from downtown?

BambooLodge posted on 08/03/2004

On 2004-08-02 16:14, TikiMaxton wrote:
Thanks for all the blues links! Looks like we're gonna miss out on Hala Kahiki - their card says they're closed Sunday and Monday. Though we could maybe bo Tuesday before our plane leaves in the afternoon. How far is Chef Shangri-La from downtown?

Hey TM, I drive by Hala Kakiki daily on my way to and from the office, so I checked the hours on their front door today, and it reads as follows...
Sunday & Monday 7:00pm to 2:00am and Tuesday thru Saturday 4:00pm to 2:00am....
....as far as Chef Shangri-La it is about 12 miles from downtown Chicago and only 5 blocks from BambooLodge. We would love to get together and tip a Mai-Tai or 2 if you can make it out. PM us and we can work out the details.
Dave & Coalbe

tikibars posted on 08/03/2004

On 2004-08-02 13:24, TikiMaxton wrote:
Would love to hook up with you. Transpo is no problem as we'll have a rental car. Here's the deal - Maggie really wants to catch some live blues one of the 2 nights we're in town, so whichever night we don't see blues is designated as our tiki night out. Any idea where we could go to catch some blues and which night would be best to do it?

I'd do blues on Sunday and Tiki on monday for the simple reason that the Chef and HK are both open on Monday, and there's little difference whether you go to them on Sun or Mon. But, you'd stand a MUCH better chance of seeing some decent blues on Sunday than on Monday.

All of the blues clubs listed above and there are plenty more in the downtown area - near your hotel.

mattfink posted on 08/03/2004

JT, I'll be seeing you on Saturday in Berwyn!

There is a Tiki art show at a new gallery in Pontiac (north of Detroit) on Saturday the 7th. I'll see if I can dig up the info. on it.


mattfink posted on 08/04/2004

So far, I found out it's at the AKA Gallery in Pontiac, MI...will dig deeper....

Feelin Zombified posted on 08/04/2004

I just noticed this post. Serves me right for rarely checking the Events Forum. If it were not for family events & 2 birthday parties this week I'd love to meet up with ya. Let me know if I can help with any info you might need.


TikiMaxton posted on 08/04/2004

Okay, looks like we'll be doing our tiki night out on Monday. Because our hotel appears to be fairly close to Trader Vic's, why don't we start there; shall we say 6:30? Then we can figure out where to go from there. Email me offlist soon if you have any thoughts or ideas about this - we're leaving the house at 4:30 am tomorrow (Thursday), so I won't be able to read my email for awhile after that...

We look forward to meeting you all!


tikibars posted on 08/04/2004

See you at Vic's on Monday!

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