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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Hawaiian hula girl

Pages: 1 3 replies

TIKI TROY posted on 07/29/2004

Does anyone know anything about this hula doll?


I picked one up similar to this one last year on Ebay.
Mine is the same doll but a different costume.
I herd there older maybe 50's or 60's?
I seen a couple different style of the same doll.
Does anyone know were they may sell them?


[ Edited by: TIKI TROY on 2004-07-29 00:51 ]

mexatiki posted on 07/29/2004

Hi that doll is circa 1960s and on the lower end when it comes to Hawaiiana dolls....you can find them at local flea markets for 10-15 bucks....I would hold out and not pay the 30. It is the cheap knock off version of a Barbie Doll....hope this helps...

TIKI TROY posted on 07/29/2004

Mahalo! mexatiki

I wasn't going so much for the value but rather her looks.
Its been a little hard looking her up because I don't know the products name or who producers her?

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/29/2004

So Troy did you get my nessage? I noticed a number of the WI tiki people have asked if you are coming to the Tiki event in Oshkosh, so what is up? Just wondering, would hate to see you kicking yourself later if you missed it.

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