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7 Year Itch Group Art Show 8/22/04

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Starlite Room posted on 08/03/2004

Hey Gang,
We thought that we would give you the heads up on a great art show we have planned at the store. We are planning a show that is a little different from most regular galleries. We have invited artists to paint on actual vintage objects, i.e.. tiki mugs, black panthers, oriental figurines, etc. that will be displayed through out our store and mixed in with our regular merchandise.It will be another typical Starlite shin dig with all the neccessary elements. Art, band, and booze! Swing on by! The following is the official hub bub.

Starlite Room is celebrating it's 7 year anniversary and we have an itch to do something a little different.

You're invited to join us and REDRUM for the premiere of our new venture, "KUSTOMIZED KITSCH", painted on vintage pop icons. We're kicking this off with a group art show and party featuring select artists who dare stray from the canvas and on to actual vintage objects.

Dave Burke Dan CollinsKirsten Easthope
E-DogExtremo The ClownAlan Forbes
Paul FrankMakotoLiz Mcgrath
Dennis McPhailMr.GMitch O'Connell
Lisa PetrucciThe PizzSara Ray
ShagVon FrancoKeith Weesner
Marc Willey

Sunday, August 22, 2004
2-7 pm
Starlite Room
2220 E 4th St.
Long Beach, CA 90814

MTKahuna posted on 08/03/2004

I'm There...

MEAN GENE posted on 08/18/2004

Gene from FALLING COCOS here. I met you in your store earlier this summer. I just found you guys way down the line. Thougt I'd bring you towards the top since you're in walking distance of the "TIKI BEACH FESTIVAL" thats going on at the same time. Or at least you're close. Right?
Sounds like a cool show.


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-08-17 18:11 ]

[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-08-19 11:34 ]

Starlite Room posted on 08/19/2004

Thanks Gene for the thought. I don't think that anybody on this board gives a hoot though.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/19/2004

Gotta say with the line up that you have I wish I could make it. Also bonus points for the orginal concept of the event, I am sorry I did not catch this sooner, either way I do hope people turn out for it.

ookoo lady posted on 08/19/2004

It sounds like a great concept. I was at one of your previous events for the Shag liquor cabinet, and I was impressed with all your cool stuff, and also the great band that was playing. I'll try to make it.

Polynesiac posted on 08/19/2004

I don't think that anybody on this board gives a hoot though.

WOAH...I missed this thread, so thanks for the "bump"
It sounds like a great time! I'm totally there (after I spend the day at the LB tiki fest)... I love your store too (bought a really schweet rattan fold out couch from you a while back)

suicide_sam posted on 08/19/2004

I live in Long Beach and I actually know Dave Burke, Dan Collins, and Kirsten Easthope. If it wasn't the same tiime as LB Tiki Fest I would totally be there but I gotta give my love to LB Tiki Fest cause it's an annual thing and I had a great time there last year. Good luck with your show though.

paranoid123 posted on 08/19/2004

On 2004-08-19 10:36, suicide_sam wrote:
If it wasn't the same tiime as LB Tiki Fest I would totally be there but I gotta give my love to LB Tiki Fest cause it's an annual thing

I'm in Long Beach too. I'm going to make an attempt to go to both events. I'm still kicking my butt for missing both the Tiki Fest last year, and the Shag thing at Starlight Room earlier this year.

Starlite Room posted on 08/21/2004

We may catch some of you at the Tiki Fest early in the day. Hope everyone has a great time, don't forget the sunscreen. If you get a chance to come by and check out the show, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. We are getting some really cool pieces from some great artists. I wish I could keep it all. It's going to be a happening weekend in the LBC. Enjoy!

Doctor Z posted on 08/25/2004

Gotta tell ya - this was definitely a cool show! The featured artwork has to be seen to be believed - new art painted on vintage pieces sounded a bit 'odd' (even sacreligious!) to me, but the results were just awesome! I especially liked Dave Burke's painted fork & spoon set (Jason - any pix??). As usual, I found plenty of other stuff that I wanted as well, including a perfect condition Sandwich Isles tapa print dinner jacket that I really should've bought... The party itself was a blast as well - ran into MTKahuna, Paranoid123 and VonFranco, caught some great rockabilly courtesy of the Nashvillains, and I haven't seen more ink in one place since Oasis!! (In fact, I'm actually starting to recognize a lot of folks just by their tats!) Gotta give special thanks to Jason & Catherine, not only for putting it all together, but for providing FREE BOOZE! How's that for hospitality?

Keep me posted on the next one!

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/25/2004

Z~ Dave has the spoons on his site. They are sweet, I really need to get some of his work, I just need to pay off some others first.

Starlite Room posted on 09/09/2004

We're working on getting pictures posted on our website. Red Rum was a great sponsor and for anyone interested in a VooDoo Rum keyring, send a self addressed/stamped (50 cents since its not flat) envelope to us and we'll send one out to you. Please email us to make sure we still have them. http://www.starliteroom.com/howtoorder.htm

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