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looking for phase 4 downloads

Pages: 1 2 replies

bbowling99 posted on 08/03/2004

i'm new here and looking for mp3s to downloads from the old phase 4 records made by london in the 60's and 70's some are out on cd but alot are still only on vinal. I have converted my vinal phase 4's to cd but looking for more cause i grew up listening to this records and i need more it's like a drug....heheheh

Trader Woody posted on 08/03/2004

I've got a fair number of these albums and there's a lot of enjoyment to be had from them. Once I get going on the vinyl to CD thing, I'll try to help you out, but this might be a few months!

Trader Woody

bbowling99 posted on 08/04/2004

thanks trader woody. i have transfered all of mine to cd so se can probley help each other out.

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