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Anybody know anything about artist Tim Biskup?

Pages: 1 15 replies

Tiki Chris posted on 12/19/2003

just stumbled upon this guy's work. enjoy:

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-19 15:49 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-19 15:50 ]

MTKahuna posted on 12/20/2003

Tim is a local Artist.
Nice Guy, does the occasional La Luz show.

Turbogod posted on 12/20/2003

I've noticed his name on some stuff on the Cartoon Network before. Samuri Jack and, I think, Time Squad. I like his style.

aquarj posted on 12/20/2003

Tim also used to run the Burning Brush art auctions in LA, which featured many talented artists local and national, including many with ties to the animation world and Spumco and stuff like that. Visit theBurning Brush site, and you can see items from the previous auctions featuring these talented folks, including TC member kooche. Sadly Burning Brush is no more, but many of the artists have their own websites.

Tim Biskup is also married to Seonna Hong, another skilled artist who's doing more and more of her own shows. And he's a big time otaku for Japanese kaiju vinyl monster toys.


Cultjam posted on 12/20/2003

Really? I like works from both of them. If I were home I'd try to post the image of Seonna's "I like big booty" from the Pirate show at Sixspace. Very funny.

Tiki Chris posted on 12/20/2003

On 2003-12-20 00:06, Cultjam wrote:
If I were home I'd try to post the image of Seonna's "I like big booty" from the Pirate show at Sixspace.

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-20 06:21 ]

Cultjam posted on 12/22/2003

Thanks TikiChris! I think the full title is " I Like Big Booty and I Cannot Lie"

tiki_kiliki posted on 12/23/2003

He really reminds me of Jim Flora.

ModMana posted on 12/23/2003

We've been collecting Tim's prints for a few years now and are still trying to afford an original. I think that most anyone who likes Shag's style would also be into what Tim does. There are definitely some parallels between the two artist's styles. Tim has done quite a few Tiki themed paintings but that's only a small part of his portfolio. My favorite works of his are the abstract mid-century influenced ones. He also seems to have a fixation on Japanese monsters. Again, like Shag, Tim seems to have a good handle on how to market himself as is evident in the array of products he lends his art to. The buzz around the hipster/lowbrow galleries is that he may be the next big thing. I agree.

ModMana :drink:

Tiki Chris posted on 12/23/2003

thanks for all the input, folks.

yes kiliki, there seems to be a strong Jim Flora influence indeed! btw, thanks for that link.

has anyone heard mr. biskup's music? he has a few albums for sale at flopdoodle.com.

mmoderntiki posted on 07/26/2004

Tim did a solo show with us in April entitled "The Golden Pill". The show almost sold out before we opened it and was completely sold out before it ended. You can view this show by visiting the Shows section of our web site at http://www.Mmoderngallery.com and clicking on previous shows. You can then click on The Golden Pill and view these amazing works. Tim is featured on the cover and all throughtout the newest Juxtapoz magazine as well. We have some of his previously Sold Out prints on our web site too! Go to the prints section and click on Tim Biskup. Shag prints are there too!

virani posted on 07/26/2004

Check out the latest Juxtapoz magazine. It has a Tim's interview.
I love his art, and he's a big tiki fan too (saw at tiki Oasis).
There's also a review on tiki Oasis IV on this Juxtapoz.

McDougall posted on 07/26/2004

I love that Seonna Hong painting! Hope she has a print of that, gotta have it.

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/26/2004


For all of you looking here is her website, sadly it does no list the above shown painting.
Also here is her bio from the Sixpence Gallery

A link to more of her art

If you can't
make it to the party,
make your own.

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-07-26 08:04 ]

Trader Woody posted on 07/26/2004

Tiki Chris,

Check out some affordable stuff here:


The guy who sells it distributes Tiki News, and has sold all sorts of Tiki stuff back when nobody was interested, so he's a good chap.

Trader Woody

Futura Girl posted on 08/04/2004

there is a lot of crossover and shared visual style with many of the southern california 'low brow' artists.
miles thompson's work has a similar feeling as tim's sometimes.

Pages: 1 15 replies