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Chords for good uke tunes

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pablus posted on 08/03/2004

Here in this thread let's try to add a few chord charts and lyrics as we can figger 'em out. Maybe even mp3s for the more obscure ones.

Not a clearinghouse for every song.

Just a few songs to strum around the lounge as you sip your cocktails.

pablus posted on 08/03/2004

Hope this lays out correctly...
I usually replace D with D6 which is all the way across the bridge on the 2nd fret.

Intro: D6, C#6,C6
(this progression just works its way down from the 2nd fret to the first and then open then back to the first and back to the second for that snazzy Hawai'ian sound. ) :wink:

Hawaiian hula eyes
When you dance you hypnotize
A7...............................D..............Bm Em A
Though I can't believe its true
Hawaiian hula eyes
It's you I'm thinking of
A7...............................D..........G D
With a haunting dream of love


D ..........................D7......
On the sands of LunaBay
Where the sighing zephyrs play
........... E7................. Asus4 ... A7
I'm reminded of the one I love
D ................................B7
Beneath the swaying palms
..... E7
I held you in my arms
like Hawaiian Hula eyes

repeat until inebriated or shot by neighbor

[ Edited by: pablus on 2004-08-03 21:33 ]

Tiki Bree posted on 08/05/2004


pablus posted on 08/07/2004

Oh yeah.
It's number one on the Swanky/Kiliki charts.

I do it in a low key because it's easier to sing after drinking every drink on the Hale Tiki menu.

So place your finger all the way across the neck on the second fret.
D6 (also Bm7)
and lets play...


Oh we're going to a Hukilau
Huki huki huki huki huki hukilau
Everybodeeeee loves a hukilau
Where the laulau is the kaukau
at the big luau

(here - the C7 is the second one up the frets - just rocking back and forth from C7 to B7)
O we throw our nets
out into the sea
and all the ama-ama
come-a swimming to me
O we're going to a hukilau
Huki huki huki huki huki lau

What a wonderful day for fishing
The Old Hawaiian way
All our hukilau nets are swishing
down on ole la-ee-ay bay

(repeat chorus and keep playing through until fingers are red and raw - then throw the uke and shriek at spouse:" I'll never get this right" and go to bar and drink.)

[ Edited by: pablus on 2004-08-29 13:09 ]

virani posted on 08/08/2004

"My Little Grass Shack"

I want to go [G]back to my little grass shack
In Kealakekua, Ha[A7]waii
I want to [D7]be with all the kanes and wahines
That I used to [G]know... so long ago

I can [B7]hear the old guitars a-playing [E7]
On the beach at Honaunau
I can [A7]hear the old Hawaiians saying
"Komo [D7]mai no kaua i ka hale welakahau"

It won't be [G]long till my ship will be sailing
Back to [A7]Kona
A [D7]grand old place
That's always fair to [B7]see... you're telling me

I'm [E7]just a little Hawaiian and a homesick island boy
I [A7]want to go back to my fish and poi

I want to go [G]back to my little grass shack
In Kealakekua, Ha[A7]waii
Where the [D7]humu-humu nuku-nuku a pua'a
Go swimming [G]by

Where the [D7]humu-humu nuku-nuku a pua'a
Go swimming [G]by

pablus posted on 08/10/2004

Ahhh - good ole D6.

The Luau Song

We're having a loooooo-au
A wonderful looooo-au
everybody will be there
all your friends you will see there
There's gonna be dancing
and maybe romancing
B7......................E7............ A7
Everyone will aloha
At the big luau

We'll have some fish and poi
and a "pinky" that's cooked all night
Pineapple, Fine-apple
And we'll hula while the moon is bright
We're having a luuuuu-au
We're gonna show you how
to live it up in Havah-ii
At the big Luuau

(continue until pepper spray hits face)

[ Edited by: pablus on 2004-08-10 11:26 ]

Chongolio posted on 08/10/2004

White Sandy Beach
Dont know who wrote it, But Braddah Iz owns it!


I saw you in my dream,

We were walking hand in hand
Bbmaj7 Bbm F C7
On a white sandy beach of Hawai'i

We were playing in the sun,

We were having so much fun
Bbmaj7 Bbm F
On a white sandy beach of Hawai'i

C7 Bb C7
The sound of the ocean sooths my restless soul
The sound of the ocean rocks me all night long.

Those hot long summer days,

lying there in the sun
Bbmaj7 Bbm F
On a white sandy beach of Hawai'i

Last night in my dream,

I saw your face again
Bbmaj7 Bbm
We wre there in the sun
On a white sandy beach of Hawai'i.

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-08-10 14:02 ]

pablus posted on 08/10/2004

Good one.

BTW - http://www.thehukilau.com has "luau song" and "hukilau" on their player on the front page.

Swanky says the guy on "luau..." is singing "piggy" but I'm here to tell you he's saying "pinky."

Chongolio posted on 11/24/2004

This one might be a stretch for tiki, but it was in The Spoungebob Squarepants Movie so that is tiki enough for me.
It's a tune called "Ocean Man" by the brothers Ween off of their Mollusk album. Its catchy and easy play on your uke.
Here are your lyrics and chords:

(E7)Ocean man, take me by the hand
Lead me to the land (B) that you understand
(E7)Ocean man, the voyage to the corner of the globe (B) Is a real trip
(A)Ocean man, the crust of a (B) tan man embibed by the (A) sand. Soaking up the (B) thirst of the land

Ocean man, can you see
Through the wonder of amazement - at the oberman
Ocean man, the crust is elusive when it casts forth
To the childlike man
Ocean man, the sequence of a life form braised in the sand
soaking up the thirst of the land

(I have subbed an E7 for E to make for an easier play-o-long)

Uke on!


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2005-07-26 12:46 ]

Digitiki posted on 11/24/2004

Does anyone have the chords for "Keep Your Eyes On The Hands"?

virani posted on 11/24/2004

Beautiful Kauai (dedicated to M. Pablus)

Intro : G7 C
There's an island across the sea,
Beautiful Kauai, beautiful Kauai
...................C ...............F.............. C
And it's calling, yes, calling to me,
................G7 .........................C .....C7
Beautiful Kauai, beautiful Kauai
.............. F............................................ C
In the mist of fern grotto, mother nature
made her home, and the falls of Wailua,
where lovers of ten roam.
...............C .................F.............................C
So I'll return to my island across the sea,
.....................G7......................... C
Beautiful Kauiai, beautiful Kauai,
Where my true love is wainting for me,
Beautiful Kauai, beautiful Kauai

[ Edited by: virani on 2004-11-24 11:20 ]

Kanekila posted on 11/24/2004

On 2004-11-24 09:55, Digitiki wrote:
Does anyone have the chords for "Keep Your Eyes On The Hands"?

This arrangement is basically the same as the original, except I added a few more passing chords. FWIW, the Bbdim chord is fingered (x1x1), and the Am7 chord is fingered (xxxx), like an open C6 voicing.

*Whenever your [G6]watching
a [D7]hula girl [G6]dance
You'd better be careful,
you're [Bb-dim]tempting ro[Am7]mance [D7]
Don't keep your eyes on her [Am7]hips,
her [D7]lovely hula [Am7]hips
[A7]Keep your eyes on the [D7]hands!

Remember she's [G6]telling
a [D7]story to [G6]you
Her opu is swaying,
but [Bb-dim]don't watch the [Am7]view [D7]
Don't concentrate on the [Am7]swing
It [D7]doesn't mean a [Am7]thing
[A7]Keep your [D7]eyes on the [G6]hands!

And when she [G7]goes around the island
Swaying hips so tantalizing
[C]Keep your eyes where they belong
And when that [A7]grass skirt goes swishing
Keep your head and don't go wishing --
[D7]That you would like to mow the lawn!

Your eyes are re[G6]vealing,
they're [D7]fooling no [G6]one
No use in concealing,
we're [Bb-dim]having some [Am7]fun [D7]
But if you're too young to [Am7]date,
Or [D7]over nighty [Am7]eight --
[A7]Keep your [D7]eyes on the [G6]hands!*

This is the tag you add when you do the last verse for the second time, at the very end:

*They tell a [E7]story
[A7]Just keep your
[D7]eyes on the [G6]hands!

Finger the E7: 12x2
Hopefully, this makes sense!


Kanekila posted on 11/24/2004

Swanky says the guy on "luau..." is singing "piggy" but I'm here to tell you he's saying "pinky."

Annnnndd... for fun, the last time you do the B section of the song, when you get to "pineapple, fineapple," Haole Kats like to sing it "pineapple, schmein-apple!" Kind of a nod to Mel Brooks.


Digitiki posted on 11/24/2004

Thanks Kanekila! I love that song.

Chongolio- great post. Ocean man is great song!!

You know, I always thought that "Ring of Fire" would be a fun song on Uke!

FreakBear posted on 11/24/2004

Does anyone know "Pagan Love song"?

pablus posted on 11/25/2004

Thanks virani!

Hope you're enjoying your book.

Beatnikine posted on 11/25/2004

Hey guys, I was wondering if ukulele cords are similar to/same as mandolin chords.

Thanks :)

FreakBear posted on 11/25/2004

Not to stray from the topic, but...I've noted at least 2 different tunings for the uke. I've been using the Mel Bay tuning which is G-C-E-A (which has something to do with my dog having fleas?). Is this the tuning most of us are using?


Haole Kat posted on 11/25/2004

Beatnikine - No, uke chords are not the same as mandolin chords. A Uke is tuned in 4ths, like a Guitar, whereas a Mandolin is tuned in 5ths, like a violin.

Freakbear - gCEA is the most common tuning for Uke. Some folks tune the G string down an octave, which increases the range, but general opinion is that it doesn't seem to sound as "hawaiian as with a high G.

Baritone tuning is often applied to Baritone or Tenor Ukes, and that would be dGBE, just like to 4 treble strings on a guitar. Once again, some folks like the added range of a low D, but the trditional way is to keep that D string tuned up an octave.

Hope this helps.


FreakBear posted on 11/25/2004

Thanks fot the helpful info Josh! I did mean gCEA (not GCEA) :)

Haole Kat posted on 11/25/2004

FB - I forgot to mention that My Dog Has Fleas is an old song with a portion of the Melody being gCEA...I can't say I've ever heard it, I just picked up that bit of trivia from my Grampa over the years.


Beatnikine posted on 11/26/2004

Thanks for your help Josh!


Kanekila posted on 11/26/2004

An easy way to think of uke tunings is to realize that the string intervals are the same as the top 4 strings of a guitar (DGBE for baritone uke)In the case of gCEA tuning, it's like a guitar capo'd at the 5th fret, and the g is an octave higher. If you capo'd at the 7th fret, you'd have aDF#B, which some folks also like to use for their ukes.

By far, the most common is gCEA for sorprano, concert and tenor. One can tune a tenor in baritone tuning (dGBE), too, though, the shorter scale of the tenor will result in a lower string tension (i.e., "floppier").

I've played bass for 30 years, but I have to say, ukulele is THE most fun one can have with four strings, to be sure.

Now, if any of y'all are interested in finding out how to have the most fun with SIX or EIGHT strings, let's talk about my fave -- the Hawaiian Steel Guitar! :D


virani posted on 11/26/2004

On 2004-11-26 09:24, Kanekila wrote:
Now, if any of y'all are interested in finding out how to have the most fun with SIX or EIGHT strings, let's talk about my fave -- the Hawaiian Steel Guitar! :D


I also have fun with my 8 strings marquesan ukulele...

ookoo lady posted on 11/29/2004

These are some great songs! Thanks so much for posting them...

Chongolio posted on 12/05/2004

Check out this Uke chord generator:


This site is awesome. It can show you all kinds of chords in several positions and can do it for ukes with different tunings.
There is also a tuner.
Ans if thats not enough, there are some fun play-a-longs replete with music and the chord progressions.

Give Cigarettes and whiskey a try, it's a fun lil tune with a twangy hillbilly lilt.


Humuhumu posted on 12/16/2004

Thanks for that link, Chongolio! I'll have a lot of fun with that.

When one is trying to work out chords for a song, does it make sense to start out with guitar chords (named chords, not the charty put-your-fingers-here thingys, of course) for the song, if you can find them? I tried that for a song I'm trying to work out, and it's not sounding right... isn't a note a note, regardless of the instrument?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am entirely clueless. Be kind.

ookoo lady posted on 12/16/2004

Hi Humuhumu,

Theoretically, a note is a note and a chord is a chord, but some chords that sound right on a guitar just don't sound right on a ukulele.

If the chords don't sound right, or it doesn't fit with your singing voice, you can try changing the key that the song is in. You can cut-and-paste the song (with the chords) into this website http://www.logue.net/xp/ and change it into different key. I like playing in the key of "C".

If you have any free time over the holidays, lets get together with Floratina for a uke jam. Lisa

pablus posted on 12/21/2004

Just in time for Christmas:


This version is WAY high -
like tittering soprano high.

Here's another shot of chords that is a bit more singable without hurting body parts.

I'm cropping the lyrics and putting progressions at the end of the phrase.
Yule figure it out.

Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say (F)
On..... Christmas Day (F, Fdim, C7)
That's the island... you (C7)
From the land where... sway (C7, F)

Here we know...green and bright (F7, Bb)
The Sun... at night (D7, G7, C7)
Mele Kalikimaka... way (F, D7,)
To say Merry Christmas to you (Gm, C7, F)

FreakBear posted on 12/22/2004


That's a priceless link! It should prove helpful in tackling some of these songs! I'm working in "C" and my fingers always turn to rubber trying to get that dreaded "E" maj -- maybe I'll try the "D" tuning!


Great thread! I wrote a Thanksgiving song this year and was considering a song for X-mas. Mele Kalikimaka should've been the first thing I thought of!


Captain Morgan posted on 12/23/2004

Here's another version

D / ////////////////////////////////////////
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
On a bright, Hawaiian Christmas Day
That's the island greeting that we send to
you, from the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green
and bright//////////////////////////////////
the sun will shine by day and all the stars
at night
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
to Say Merry Christmas, to you.

[ Edited by: Captain Morgan on 2004-12-23 00:00 ]

[ Edited by: Captain Morgan on 2004-12-23 00:04 ]

[ Edited by: Captain Morgan on 2004-12-23 00:06 ]

[ Edited by: Captain Morgan on 2004-12-23 00:07 ]

[ Edited by: Captain Morgan on 2004-12-23 00:08 ]

[ Edited by: Captain Morgan on 2004-12-23 00:09 ]

Captain Morgan posted on 12/23/2004

As you can see by all the edits, I have much to learn about "formatting" the typed
lyric/chord chart! :)

Tahitiki posted on 01/09/2005

Just tought I share a little flash thing I've been working on for fun.

Check my Ukulele Tuner at: http://www.10sign.com/ukulele-tuner.html


[ Edited by: Tahitiki on 2005-01-08 22:20 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 01/09/2005

Hey, do you know how Bong remembers the tuning on the old ukulele: GCEA? The acronym G(reat) C(unt) E(xcellant)A(ss).

(If I reduce everything to a sexual inuendo I remember it better...)

pablus posted on 01/09/2005

Tahitiki - cool interface.

ookoo lady posted on 02/11/2005

This one is for Valentine's Day:

L – O – V – E (recorded by Nat “King” Cole)

[C] "L" is [Am] for the way you [Dm] look at [G7] me

[G7] "O" is for the only [C] one I [Cmaj7] see

[C7] "V" is very, very [F] extraordinary

[D] "E" is [D7] even more than [G] anyone that [G7] you adore

[C] Love is [Am] all that I can [Dm] give to [G7] you;

[G7] Love is more than just a [C] game for [Cmaj7] two.

[C7] Two in love can make it —

[F] Take my heart, but [Fdim] please don't break it —

[C] Love was [G7] made for me and [C] you.

Hot Lava posted on 02/11/2005

Tahitiki - are you left handed? The strings on your Flash uke are on backwards, I think.

Tahitiki posted on 02/12/2005

Sorry, I'm left handed, my mistake.
I'll try to fix it sometime.

tikiconvert posted on 02/17/2005


You are the best!!!! Capt Morgan gave me a uke for Christmas so I've been learning!!!!!
Hope all is well. Talk soon!!!!


mrtikibar posted on 02/18/2005

Here is a site for chords to Dean Martin songs.

Hey, Anyone have chords for Moon of Malakula?

Haole Kat posted on 02/18/2005

I've never posted a pic, so let's see if this works...Kanekila and I started making these charts in Paint for practice purposes, so they're not great, but they get the job done.

If you can see the chart, just play each chord for 3 beats unless otherwise noted. The boxed areas are the intro and ending. Also, all chords are in open or 1st position unless you see a number to the left of the chord diagram indicating a higher position. (Like the Ab chord that's played at the 3rd fret). If you have any questions, just ask.


[ Edited by: Haole Kat on 2005-02-17 23:02 ]

mrtikibar posted on 02/18/2005

Thanks Josh,
Moon of Marakoora. Got it.

ookoo lady posted on 02/21/2005

On 2005-02-17 22:57, Haole Kat wrote:

If you have any questions, just ask.


What is the name of the last chord on the second line? It looks like an Edim. I looked in my chord book and didn't see any "C" chords that looked like that. Also, do you play it in this key to match your singing voice, or the other instruments in the band, or does it just "sound right"? I think it's easier to play in this key:

The [D] moon of Mana[Dm]koora [A]filled the [A7]night
With [D]magic poly[Dm]nesian [A]charms [Edim]
The [E7]moon of Mana [F]koora [E7]came in sight
And [E7]brought you to my [F]ea [E7]ger [A]arms [A7]

The [D]moon of Mana [Dm]koora [A]soon will [A7]rise
A[D]gain above the [Dm]island [A]shore [Edim]
Then [E7]I'll behold it [F]in your [E7]dusky eyes
And [E7]you'll be in my [F]arms [E7]once [A]more [Edim]

And [E7]you'll be in my [F]arms [E7]once [A]more

Thanks, I hope that's not too many questions!

Haole Kat posted on 02/21/2005

ooko lady -- the chord in question is C# diminished (enharmonic equivalent of E, G & A#/Bb dim)...I didn't realize that shutterfly would shrink the picture so much making it so hard to read. I'll see if I can get a better version up here asap.

Kanekila made the chart up, so I'm not sure if he changed the key to suit his voice or just has a version of the song that's in that particular key. My guess would be the latter.


[ Edited by: Haole Kat on 2005-02-20 17:55 ]

Chongolio posted on 08/15/2005

Once again it might be a stretch for tiki but I am throwing it out there anyways cause I think Reggae fits into the tikisphere nicely. Here we have Bob Marley returning to earth from Jah's kingdom to teach us Redemption song:


Ras Chongolio

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com
Kamapua'a the Hawaiian Pig God http://www.piggod.com

HelloTiki posted on 08/27/2005

I Had to Love her and Leave her on the Lava

C7 //// F////
I Had to love her and leave her on the lava
Bb // Bbmin // F////
On the slopes of Haleakala

C7//// F////
She came from Kula and did a Wicked hula
C7/// F// F7//
On the slopes of Haleakala

Bb // Bbmin // F // F7//
Her dance volcanic would throw me in a panic
Bb // Bbmin // F // F7//
I thought the girl would slip her hip too far
Bb // Bbmin // F // //
Her hula motion could rouse the mighty ocean
G7 //// C7////
At the foot of Halea ka la

C7 //// F////
So there I loved her and leaved her on the lavda
Bb// Bbmin // F////
On the slopes of Hale a ka la
C7//// F////
That kid from Kula who did the hottest hula
C7//// F/...........
ever known to Haleakala

(instrumental solo ................then Bridge & Last verse)

I tried to line up the chords correctly.The strums are there. A song Sample can be found on CDbaby.com look for Wiki Waki Woo.

HelloTiki posted on 08/27/2005

© 1935 Lyrics & Music: R. Alex Anderson

F //// C7////
What am I going to do For my red opu
F//// C7////
It's so very sore I don't know what to do
F // F7 // Bb // Bbmin//
Listen my little sisters, just look at all my blisters
F //// G7 // C7//
Let them be a warning to you

F//// C7////
Yesterday my steamer docked at half past nine
F//// C7////
The sun was shining bright and oh, the weather was fine
F // F7 // Bb // Bbmin//
So I lay out on the beach 'til it was time to dine
F //// G7 / C7 / F/ E7/
That's how I got my red o- pu

A//// Aº////
All the pretty little girls were laying around
A //// E7 // A//
Getting a suntan, so I thought I'd get one too
A//// Aº //// A////
Out on the beach I play my uku lele, getting a suntan
E7 //// A // C7//
That was not the thing to do

F//// C7////
Oh what am I going to do For my red opu
F//// C7////
It's so very sore I don't know what to do
F // F7// Bb // Bbmin//
I guess the only way's to spend an hour every day
F//// G7// C7/ F/
Just oiling up my red o -pu

Swanky posted on 12/24/2005

Thanks everybody! I got Makalina a uke for Christmas and I am printing out some songs she knows to start with. I'll make sure she knows a a few when Pablus gets here next month so he can giver her some pointers and hopefully they can play together a bit to get her more inspired. Then maybe I'll get myself one and she and I can start playing a bit together. Maybe I'll get a baritone to her soprano and play some harmony.

Pages: 1 2 58 replies