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CaseyJPS posted on 08/07/2004


PLEASE VIEW the posting: May 5th through May 8th - Tiki Oasis V Reservations Update


[ Edited by: CaseyJPS on 2004-08-11 18:58 ]

[ Edited by: CaseyJPS on 2004-08-11 20:26 ]

[ Edited by: CaseyJPS on 2004-08-11 20:27 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/07/2004

WOO HOO! I got my room! Comin' in Wednesday, leavin' Monday. As close to room 135 as possible (please!).

Can't wait, Casey, thanks so much for the early heads-up!

Alnshely posted on 08/07/2004

135 LIVES!!!

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2004-08-07 07:17 ]

floratina posted on 08/07/2004

Good to see that Thursday is now officially included on the schedule. I tried it last year and it was great. But the weekend was still too short. Now, I'm thinking...


Maybe that'll do it. Yes, by then I may have had enough tiki...(?)

Krustiki posted on 08/07/2004

Krustiki and Ookoo Lady will be there. Can't Wait! Unfortunately, because of work schedules we can't get there until late Friday night, and we have to leave Sunday morning. We'll have to squeeze 3 days worth of drinking into a day and a half. Last year's party was our first "tiki" event and we were hooked. I'm sure this year will be even better. See every body there!

OnaTiki posted on 08/07/2004

We're booked !!! Yipee, thanks for the heads up Casey. Can't wait!

kick_the_reverb posted on 08/07/2004

We're there!
Coming on Thursday, leaving on Sunday.

Thanks Casey!

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/07/2004

The Bong's are in the House! (er... Hotel).

CaseyJPS posted on 08/07/2004

I cannot believe you guys. I went to bed at 11pm, after posting this, and when I got up this morning there were half-a-dozen reservations by 7:00am. Do you sleep with the screen glowing next to your beds all night, or what?

Just so you know, the 48-hour jump on the announcement, is courtesy of Otto. I consult with Otto and Baby Doe on just about everything--it is a TIKI NEWS event. I'm just helping stack some of the blocks.

Thank you for the heads-up on the password "glitch." Our booking engine provider will have that rectified very soon (today we're told). In the meantime, PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!

Of course, ten minutes after we announced availability, RoadRunner service for many Palm Springs connections completely crashed and finally came back up about 12noon. So there will be a delay in processing the first reservations.

By the way, did I mention that 135 has been converted?

On a more sober note, thank you for the business. I mean it when I say, we truly appreciate the business and your support (I know you're probably tired of hearing it and think it's just a phrase out of my rubber stamp collection).

Mahalo Nui Loa

vwtikigirl posted on 08/07/2004

We're in! Friday and Saturday night. Is it pathetic to be this excited about something almost a year away? :)


Unga Bunga posted on 08/07/2004

Unga's first Oasis.
Cannot wait.

Alnshely posted on 08/07/2004

Casey wrote "By the way, did I mention that 135 has been converted?"

Converted into what? Because I vote for a drive thru window.

[ Edited by: alnshely on 2004-08-07 14:38 ]

UtopianDreem posted on 08/07/2004

Ahhh...something to look forward to...
Tiki Bird & I are reserved and ready!

Doctor Z posted on 08/07/2004

We're in for the duration!

Once again, the Good Doctor will be hosting a (the?) Thursday Night room party in #239!!

:drink: :) :drink: :) :drink: :) :drink: :) :drink:

Benzart posted on 08/08/2004

I have not been to Oasis yet and maybe this will be the one.However, I don't see a date. Is that something you Socals just Know without being told??. Just kiding, tho I would love to know.

UtopianDreem posted on 08/08/2004

We would love to have you join in the festivities, Benzart! The dates are May 5-8, 2005 (Thursday-Sunday).

Hope you can make it!

Benzart posted on 08/08/2004

It sounds soooo tempting. Maybe I can carve enough pieces to make the trip??.

CaseyJPS posted on 08/08/2004

Thank you for your phone calls, emails and comments. I have enhanced last nights' announcement with a little more information. FYI, a map of the Resort will be available for viewing, on the group booking page, on Monday.

You are welcome to bring your mothers! There has been a discussion with Tiki News about the possibility of having a special Mother's Day brunch or event. And, if you're worried about the cost, the rooms at the Royal Sun, including event passes and breakfast, are an excellent value (just get another room)! Of course, Tiki Oasis participants enjoy deeply discounted group rates at the Caliente tropics Resort as well.

Yes, I did mention that 135 has been converted.


cynfulcynner posted on 08/08/2004

I'M IN!!


thebaxdog posted on 08/08/2004

We are in.
I can't remember what room I had last year.
Was it 146? I want the same one.
And my own personal ICE machine,
And and and
Oh never mind!

PS. I have been converted also?

Tiki-bot posted on 08/08/2004

The Pineapples are in!

Futura Girl posted on 08/08/2004


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Tiki Rider posted on 08/08/2004

Reservation made. I'm in.

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PolynesianPop posted on 08/09/2004

Just to clarify, are the event tickets included as a hotel guest like last year? Or do hotel guests have to purchase tickets to the event in addition to their reservation? I only ask because the terms on your website said the following:

"Rates are based on two persons per room and include two tickets to the event. Children through age 17 years stay free. All third, fourth, fifth, and sixth persons will be charged an additional room charge of $10 per person, per night. IN ORDER TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE EVENT, each person, must be registered at the hotel. Tickets will be reserved ONLY FOR REGISTERED GUESTS, and cost $40 for the event."

The last sentence sounds like it contradicts the first sentence.

**Poly-Pop ***

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He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2004-08-08 19:54 ]

CaseyJPS posted on 08/09/2004

The announcement listed at the beginning of this topic is clear: Children through 17 years will be free (hotels and event) and no "DAY" tickets will be sold AT ALL.

The booking engine cannot handle any more description. It is simply overloaded, as it is designed to have enough space to disclose for ONE hotel.

There are very few adults with children. Our experience is, those adults who have children will ask when they need clarification, and always "get it" the first time we say it. The Tiki Oasis adults with children seem to be a very intuitive, sharp thinking and extremely responsible bunch.

Thank you for asking,

floratina posted on 08/09/2004

The one-bed rooms that sleep 2 get as many tickets as the two-bed suites that sleep 4?

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laney posted on 08/09/2004

So, for example, my best friend attended the event with me last year. She visits her Grandmother who lives in Palm Springs so I got her a ticket to come to event. She helped out with my son while I was vending. If she wants to go again I have to book her into my room at an extra $10.00 per night (3) (even though she won't stay there?) and pay another $40.00? so an additional ticket with a 3 night hotel reservation is $70.00?

I am a little confused also. The room rate is based on 2 adults, are two tickets included? no extra charge?

[ Edited by: laney on 2004-08-08 21:57 ]

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Sabina posted on 08/09/2004

It's official, Mike is having a serious bout of Tiki fever.

We're in!

Thanks so much for the early heads up! Had I not seen this, it probably would have been booked solid and we would have said 'oh well...next year!'

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Mrs. B posted on 08/09/2004

Casey, correct me if I'm wrong.
You reserve a room for two and get 2 tickets to the event. If you reserve a suite, you receive the amount of tickets that the hotel determines as the occupancy of the suite.
Basically, whatever occupancy number the room accommodates, you get the tickets. All the other ho-dads you peeps decide to stuff into your rooms, pay for a ticket.
Ho-dads...back off the ice-machines! Bax, get em'!

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monkeyskull posted on 08/09/2004

I can't wait to go to my first Oasis. But I wanna stay at the hotel that has the most Tiki Centralites, and I'm not sure which one that is -- which one has this fabled room 135?

Oh, and one more question -- if one was to add an extra day or two to stay, any suggestions for whether it's better to come early or stay late?


[ Edited by: monkeyskull on 2004-08-09 00:00 ]

floratina posted on 08/09/2004

Caliente is the heart of tikidom, has the mostest Tiki Centralites AND Room 135. It also has Casey! Myself, I like to be there early, so I can enjoy the preparations and general zaniness. The "stay-late" plan is good if you might have a hard time "letting go" of the glory of it all. You will have time to work through the detachment process (by the pool, drink in hand) as the wildness recedes, readying you again for the real world. As far as I'm concerned, there really is no easy time or way to leave Caliente. (sniff) It's so beautiful...

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suburbanpagan posted on 08/09/2004

YES! I'm in! Made the mistake last year of waiting until after I blinked to reserve a room and missed out! (That is, until a room opened at the very last second!) I'm so frickin' excited I'm gonna be sick!

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mrsmiley posted on 08/09/2004

I hope that this year I can make it!

Moki posted on 08/09/2004

If you stay over, the Reef Bar is generally only open Thursday to Sunday (unless Casey is changing this for the Oasis)

Although this may not be a bad thing as you may be ready to de-tox :wink:

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TikiPug posted on 08/09/2004

We are booked Thursday through Sunday. Can't wait.

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boutiki posted on 08/09/2004

We were going to try and make it next spring. We have friends who have a vacation home in Palm Springs and were at the last couple Oasis. They have offered to let us stay with them and attend the Oasis. I guess since we have to stay at one of the hotels to attend we would not be allowed in?

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Atomicchick posted on 08/09/2004

That is correct! I couldn't believe that myself. I have attended the last three Oasis events and have always paid for the entire weekend although my hubby and I have only been able to attend on Saturday. Now they won't let us in unless we stay at a hotel with a two day minumum? How did an event that started off costing $10 a person end up costing almost $400 for two days???? If you ask me, that is a bunch of crap!

Doctor Z posted on 08/09/2004

Actually, what it appears like is that "Day Tickets" have gone from $40 to either $50, $60 or $70 (depending on how many days you're attending), and you need to find someone with room reservations already to "add" you into their room - you don't have to actually stay there, you just have to pay the additional $10 per day to be registered there.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/09/2004

Unga's ice problem solved.


floratina posted on 08/09/2004

You'd have to pay the $10.00 and the $40.00 for the ticket...

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laney posted on 08/09/2004

Well, if you don't get a reservation, put your name on the list because I'm on the fence.

I think it is a lot of money to spend and my best friend can't even go (well I'm not paying $70.00 for someone who won't even stay at the hotel) I am more interested in spending time with family and tiki people I don't see often, relaxing by the pool, and of course drinking (not so much in the shows, burlesque, heat and parking problems)

I'm thinking that money would be better spent on a Hawaiian package deal for my son and I. My best friend would be up for that in a minute. Or maybe a nice Witco piece...

I'm all for supporting Caliente Tropics but think this set up is worse than last year. I've stay there on other occasions and had fun for a whole lot less. It's so far away, who knows where I'll be in almost a year. Why do we have to do this so far in advance anyway?

Sorry about the bitching but I really have had a hard time with this. I'm on a very limited vacation budget. These new rules may help me with that decision though :(

CaseyJPS posted on 08/10/2004

Oooooh, my......some of "us" missed their juice, cookies, and nap today.

Allow me to clarify...

ANY TWO PERSONS CAN STAY FOR THE TWO NIGHTS AND ATTEND THE EVENT FOR $199.98, which is very clear on the announcment as well as on the Resort web site. If you don't think this is a great value, take a look at the concentration of talent, quality, and continuity of entertainment that is presented at Tiki Oasis. You would easily pay more for a ticket for one night for the Tiki Oasis entertainment than you would for a high-quality hotel and entertainment COMBINED, for an entire weekend.

a) You must stay and register in a designated Tiki Oasis V hotel to gain access to the event.
b) There are additional person charges for each person (18 years or older) staying in any room or suite. $10 for each additional person, per night at the Caliente tropics Resort and $20 for each additional person, per night at the Royal Sun. FOR CLARIFICATION, each additional person must be registered a minimum of two nights, in order to gain access to the event.
c) All names must be included in the reservation, by May 1st -- PRIOR TO THE EVENT.

Tiki Oasis V is not intended to be a free-for-all. The consistent feedback we have received from our core Tikiphile attendees is they wish to keep the event open to new tikiphiles, yet encourage a quality atmosphere by eliminating the potential for "looky-loos" and NEGATIVE people who are not familiar with or sincere in their participation.

Partying with people you know, respect, and love, is quite different from getting shit-faced with rowdy, judgemental, ignorant folks who really don't give a damn one way or another, and who would probably get-off on destroying the atmosphere for a little attention. We've dealt with a few of those in the past, and we don't intend to deal with any of this in the future.

Now, in the true spirit of being a smarta.., the preceeding is the opinion of the author, and does not represent the position of this station. Tax, title, and destination charges are not included. You may experience bloating, nausea and headache. If you experience death, please contact your physician immediately. Call before midnight. Most importantly,

Don't just THINK out of the box......get OUT of the box!!


CaseyJPS posted on 08/10/2004

By the way, here's the number for Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays...


Have a great trip to the islands! Wish you were here!

Humuhumu posted on 08/10/2004

I can understand the frustration since it's such a departure from how it's worked in the past and what was expected for this year, but I've gotta say, I really agree with this change. Casey has absolutely nothing to gain finanacially with this change, as there was absolutely no risk of the Caliente not selling out quickly. A lot of us gave feedback last year about there seeming to be a number of people who weren't there to really enjoy Oasis but instead to get stumblingly drunk poolside and (speaking from my personal experience) incessantly pester the door staff. On top of that, they've had to figure out a solution to the parking problem. I think this works out great.

I'm sure a number of us would be willing to add names to our room registration to "sponsor" any people who'll be staying in other lodging locally (e.g., with friends), and that additional $10/day over the past ticket fees I think is fair to compensate for Caliente dealing with the extra body during the day's festivities.

floratina posted on 08/10/2004

The consistent feedback we have received from our core Tikiphile attendees is they wish to keep the event open to new tikiphiles, yet encourage a quality atmosphere by eliminating the potential for "looky-loos" and NEGATIVE people who are not familiar with or sincere in their participation.

I agree with that!!

cynfulcynner posted on 08/10/2004

I booked my room online over the weekend and have not received the promised e-mail confirmation. Should I be worried?

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Sea-Tiki posted on 08/10/2004

Ok, Matt & I are in! Can't wait--Casey, Otto, Baby D...you rock! :)

Unga Bunga posted on 08/10/2004

On 2004-08-09 17:48, [email protected] wrote:
By the way, here's the number for Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays..
Have a great trip to the islands! Wish you were here!

Now people.

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