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Just returned from Devil Doll's tour

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suicide_sam posted on 08/07/2004

got to kick it with a couple of Tcers in Tucson. Devil Doll played Burt's Tiki in Albuquerque. The place looked cool but was mangaed very badly. a third band was put on the bill at the very last minute without letting the other bands know. This band played first and was allowed to go long. This led to the next band 12 Step Rebels, and Devil Doll (the headliner) to get their sets cut to less than a half hourt each.

Also visited Burt's Tiki in Salt Lake City, this place is a shit hole. Avoid this place at all costs. Wethere you are a tiki phile or just a supporter of live music, Burt's Tiki in Salt Lake City is a place you can go your whole life without ever visiting and you will not have missed anything.

Before I went on this trip I remember Sugar Caddy daddy mentioned it would be like babysitting other peoples kids. Man were you ever right. It was a gruesome tour to begin with. Our van died in Reno we had to ditch it and pick up a couple fo rentals to keep going. Beyond the long drives to get from Denver to Kansas City to Chicago, to Detroit, to Cleveland, to New Orleans etc, etc, I also had to deal with babysitting the band the whole way. I am so glad to be home. I missed my dog so much. I need me a tiki event. I think I'll go and check and see if there is a gathering coming in teh socal area.

Humuhumu posted on 08/07/2004

Welcome home, Sam! Good to have you back. There'll be a real humdinger next weekend at Alnshely's (I'll be missing it, unfortunately), but if you can't wait that long, there's always Wednesday at Tiki-Ti.

Luckydesigns posted on 08/07/2004

Fred, she asked about me the whole time, didn't she.

suicide_sam posted on 08/08/2004

Every city we went into she asked, "Where's Spike?"

Oh wait, no she didn't. Sorry dude.

Luckydesigns posted on 08/08/2004

You're breaking my heart over here.

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