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Rock That Uke screening August 14 in L.A.

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LAWebChick posted on 08/06/2004

Not entirely tiki, but interesting for the uke lovers here:

The 2nd Annual Don't Knock the Rock Festival is showing "Rock That Uke" at 2:00 pm on Sat, Aug. 14...
"Rock That Uke" (William Preston Robertson and Sean Anderson, 2003)
What did teenagers do before electric guitars? Well, they jammed on their ukuleles of course. Rock That Uke is Bill Robertson's and Sean Anderson's exhilarating history of the evolution of the uke from traditional string souvenir to a fully rock experimental must have! Featured in the film: Carmaig de Forest, Ukefink, Ian Whitcomb, Pineapple Princess, The Haoles, and more! Followed by a performance of many of the rock uke artists featured in the film.

[ Edited by: LAWebChick on 2004-08-06 13:17 ]

Bill Robertson posted on 08/09/2004

Hey, hey, hey! Thanks for the mention! I'm the producer and co-director of this little gem. I'm coming down for it, too! Come say hey! Peeps should know, tho that the magnificent and irrepressible King Kukulele is also in the documentary! Any omission of his name is a gross oversight. But the random cruelty of cut-and-paste and all that. However, let me just say that we have really great black and white portraits of our interview subjects that we show during the end credits--and guess, just guess, whose portrait I chose to accompany my own name? King Kukulele, that's who! He's a very funny tiki freaky maniac in the doc, and I covet his hat! All during the filming, after we interviewed him, the King kept calling us up with new ukulele people we should interview--like Travis Harrelson and The Haoles. KK became an invaluable source for us and my co-director Sean and I will always be grateful. By the by, the latest issue of a chic eurotrash sk8boarder magazine Adrenalin (adrenalin.com) is running a multi-page spread in its latest issue of some of those aforementioned b&w portraits, and I'm delighted to say the King is there. I don't even think I've told the King that. I'm talking a full page portrait for the tiki tiger beat set! Cool cool! I think the King will be present at the LA screening at DKTR, too. We were going to have him perform, but they lost the venue. At this late date, no word on whether it will happen. But the King will still be present!


...can you tell I've been drinking?

floratina posted on 08/09/2004

Hey Bill-

Glad to see your post. Unfortunately, the screening is on International Tiki Day and many of us will be in Oceanside for the festivities. Hopefully there will be another opportunity for TCers to see your film! How about Tiki Taix? Tiki Oasis?

[ Edited by: floratina on 2004-08-09 00:43 ]

King Kukulele posted on 08/10/2004

Wowza I finally made it into Tiki Tiger Beat. I want everyone to know that this film was made long before I was introduced to the magical crooner of the Tiki world Iuka Grogg...I didn't say Luka! And Fabulous Frank Novicki for that matter, whose name I submitted during the filming. Otherwise you may also have seen them in ROCK THAT UKE!!!!!! A PUNK ROCK ODYSSEY! This film is about punk rock in the ukulele world. I can't tell you how many times people have said to me "Dude! You are SO punk rock!" (It must be the white socks and docs). Well I guess if you want to know why I didn't post this event its because I know that all my friends are throwing a big party, I mean A BIG PARTY and its all happening about a hundred miles from Hollywood at the Wonderful Mr. and Mrs. K's house. I mean the Wonderful Mr. and Mrs. Silent K. My plan is to do my gig and then take the bullet train to Oceanside.
If however there are any Tikiphiles who already know you won't be able to make it to International Tiki Day then please stop by and see RocK That Uke at the Don't Knock The Rock Film Festival.

Futura Girl posted on 08/13/2004

so kook... will ya b there r not?

Iuka Grogg posted on 08/13/2004

On 2004-08-09 23:52, KING KUKULELE wrote:
I want everyone to know that this film was made long before I was introduced to the magical crooner of the Tiki world Iuka Grogg.

Mr. King, that's awfully nice of you to say. You have proven again that you ARE the king... the king of sweetie-pies!

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