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Thanks Tiki-Toa for Tiki Pa'ina!!!

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TIKI TROY posted on 08/08/2004

It was a real good time and even better that I won at your raffle.
Also I liked your choice for the event mug too!!!

Mahalo! :drink:

floratina posted on 08/08/2004

Tell us more about it!!!

[Edited down to ONE post!]

[ Edited by: martiki on 2004-08-09 10:59 ]

Alnshely posted on 08/08/2004


Bamboo Dude posted on 08/08/2004


Tiki-Toa posted on 08/08/2004

Guys as soon as I recover I will be posting a full report of the day and a huge picture gallery, Troy mahalo for your kind words I am glad you were able to come and that you and your wahine enjoyed yourselves, this week I will be able to make available to others the mug now that the event is over.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/08/2004


finkdaddy posted on 08/08/2004

Tiki-Toa, the wife and I had a blast! We loved the dancers, the venders, the raffle, but most of all the drinks and the food! That pork rocked!

For those who weren't there, try and purchase some of the remaining mugs from Tiki-Toa. They look really sweet. We have to convince him that there should be a Pa'ina II so even more of us can attend next year!

finkdaddy posted on 08/08/2004

On 2004-08-08 07:46, Unga Bunga wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, I believe your name was called durring the raffle!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/08/2004

Hey Finkdaddy!
Thanks for the heads up.
Sorry I missed it.

floratina posted on 08/08/2004

I only hit "submit" once, I swear.

Benzart posted on 08/08/2004

If you clean the peanut butter off the keyboard, it won't happen again

Benzart posted on 08/08/2004

Of course I only know from experience. The Pnutbutter was what always made my fingers stick to the kbd.

Raffertiki posted on 08/08/2004


Put me down for a mug,.

croe67 posted on 08/09/2004

TC Kudos to Tiki-Toa for putting on a awesome event. Me & the Mr. had a fun time meeting several fellow TCers & buying some great Tiki merchandise!! Some great art & carvings to remember the event by. Here are a few pics I took - love the one of Tiki-Toa taking his first try at the Hula.

Amazing drinks & food - the bartender really rocked!! Tiki-Toa got a good picture of the bartender in one of his shots.

Thanks, again, Tiki-Toa for a great job!! Looking forward to next year!!!!!


[ Edited by: croe67 on 2004-08-08 20:15 ]

floratina posted on 08/09/2004

In order to get the same post 10 times, I would have had to hit "submit" and then the "back" button 10 times. I assure you this did not take place. I think you are on to something with this peanut butter concept, though. How about VIRTUAL peanut butter! Let's see you incorporate that into a tiki pendant, Mr. Smarty Pants! This I gratuitously suggest after enviously beholding Benzart #1 at ChikiTikiDiablo's house last week. :)

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/09/2004

Did you have to post those!! I am SOOOOOOO embarrased.

Lake Surfer posted on 08/09/2004

Big Mahalo again for everything Kelly... it all went too quick.

By the by... had problems with a lot of the pictures on your Shutterfly album... lotsa red x's...

Did they all upload properly?
I want a bunch of pictures to save...

I can't remember who took that picture of me and my tiki with the dancers... sorry... so many new people to meet and remember...
Anyway, if you have a fairly hi-res file could you email it to me? Thank you very much!
[email protected]

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2004-08-08 22:07 ]

Benzart posted on 08/09/2004

Sorry Floratina, I wasn't picking on you, I just couldn't pass up the p-butter thing. It was a standing joke when I used to do computer tech support and eat pbj at the same time. I can't help it if globa fall out, not my fault.
TToa I Loved your pix. Would like to see the rest when you get around tuit. Looks like you may have started a yearly Tiki-Trek. Way to go, I'm Proud of you.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/09/2004

First Mahalo again for the kind words from all of you, you guys are what made it a success!
Raff I will put down for mug THANKS!

If people are having a problem seeing the pics please let me know, you may want to try and veiw as a slide show, but you will need to give it a sec to load, as I tried it and it and a red x came up but went away and then you could see the pics. Otherwise does anyone have any advice on working with the Shutterfly albums?

SallyandJay posted on 08/09/2004

We had a really great time! Many thanks to Tiki-Toa for making the effort to create this get together. Here is a picture of the great Hula dancers.

It was great to meet so many TC'ers and put faces to names! Thanks again Tiki-Toa!

congatiki posted on 08/09/2004

Just wanna add thanx to Tiki Toa and
Angie....great fun...too bad we didn't
get more walk-ins...but they missed out!
Compliments to Hoffa...Exotica Arts...
Esqui...Lake Surfer...K (sp?) and
other exhibitors....and to Ikitnrev for
buying one of my painting!

Benzart posted on 08/09/2004

I forgot to ask--- did Tiki-toa drive everyone Crazy with the Conch Horn like he promised??

croe67 posted on 08/10/2004

Oh YES - he was blowing on that horn every chance he got & he actually got good at it by the end (vs. at 10am) :)

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/10/2004

The ONLY reason I got good was the fact that I had Fijian and a Hawaiian teaching me the right way, so they get the credit, otherwise I would still be that crazy Haole blowing it wrong. And by the end I was so tired and every time I would blow it my lips would go numb, nothing like my sax in Jr. High.

tikisobayli posted on 08/10/2004

Floratina just wanted to catch up to Tiki-Toa's posting number!

The pictures look like everyone had fun!

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/10/2004

Ya know I really wonder why my numbers are such an issue, I am actually kind of sick of hearing about it. I have asked hanford if there is a way to remove the post tracker and he says there is not, so if you have an issure deal with it, me I could care less. I try to care more about what I say not how much I say.

Sweetbeak posted on 08/10/2004

Chisel Slinger and I had a great time, except that it took us over 12 hours to get back to Ohio last night! Then we had to unload tikis and return the trailer. I hope Toa starts planning for next year because it was really fun to meet everyone face to face finally. Anyway, I thought that I would finally post something myself instead of peering over Jim's shoulder all of the time. Time to go taste some of that Wisconsin cheese we bought! Elise

Benzart posted on 08/10/2004

Hey Toa, what did the Fijian and a Hawaiian think about your horn they showed you how to do it right. zzzzzzdid your lips still swellup. did they like the shell-hole.
I PM'd you

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/10/2004

I thought that was you Sweetbeak, love the username and glad you have joined us. Sorry for not meeting up again at the bar, I walked in and the Kareoke was going so loud and I was just wiped, I felt like I got hit with one of Jimmys 8ft tikis. If you and Jimmy promise me you'll be there next time, well then I will start planning now.

And Ben the funny thing was Ron the hawaiian was telling me ho wyou could have gone down some more, and ya know me and Lake Surfer want you to get a ton of those and make them up, I swear I could have sold a bunch. That was catching peoples eyes like you could not beleive as it sat on my table. People kept asking if they could buy it, and kept telling them No, it was from a friends son in florida and he made it for me.So no it is not for sale and it never will be, And it will be coming with me to Hukilau where the only way I will stop blowing it is if people buy me drinks >:)

Lake Surfer posted on 08/10/2004

I WANT ONE! I'm on the hunt for a Conch Shell now... not easy to come by here, if not impossible. I don't know if I can wait to get to the land of plentiful shells to get me one... then I gotta drill the hole in it...

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