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Did anyone go to the SD Comic Con?

Pages: 1 8 replies

HubbaHubbaTiki posted on 07/22/2003

I just got back from the San Diego comic con and had a great time. Met Dave Stevens who started the whole Bettie Page revival. Lots of artists in attendance. Mark Ryden, Robert Williams, Gary Baseman and Coop. Bought two really nice Tim Biskup drawings. My girlfriend got a drawing by Mignola of HellBoy and was chased and kissed by her favorite comic artist Simon Bisley. Yeah TV shows all the freaks but thats not what its all about. If you have never gone I recommend it!

tikibars posted on 08/15/2003

I wasn't in San Diego, but I did the Chicago Wizard World con, which is second only to SD. We don't get hep artists like Ryden or Coop, but it is still a good time.

I shared a booth with pin up artist Andrew Bawidamann. He was selling t-shirts and prints of his pin ups, and I was selling TRT, my music project Left Orbit Temple, and copies of my old 'zine. We did pretty well - between his pin ups and the fact that we made sure we had a cutie in fishnets and heels sitting at out table with us, people came over non-stop. Good times.

Oh the best part - the convention center is like 1 mile from Hala Kahiki. Gave me a good excuse to go there, let's say, a little more often than I normally can...

Atomic Cocktail posted on 07/31/2004

I worked Comic-Con 2004 and met Andy Bawidamann to boot! Nice guy- I really like his work. He gave me one of his signed space-girl prints. He's also a tiki fan and bemoaned the fate of the Kahiki (while we were drinking. Drinking and bitchin'': sign of a true tiki enthusiast?)

Comic-con was good business wise but a little disappointing in other respect,s i.e. it didn't seem to be the freak fest of previous years. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of costumes but not enough of the "I stole my sisters leotard and gaffers tape" type. Did get to see "Daisy Duke" and a gal who was in the Gerry/Sylvia Anderson "UFO" series.

If you saw the "Sideshow Toys" booth most of the 12" stuff was my work (no jokes please-oh hell, make some jokes!)

TikiGardener posted on 07/31/2004

I didn't go, but my wife set up all of the Lord Of The Rings Costumes at the Newline/WETA Booth. Brought me home a Farimir autographed picture, a Pippin autographed picture, and a boatload of freebies.

I haven't gone since 1984.

One of these days...

PiPhiRho posted on 07/31/2004

I usually go every year, and have for the last dozen years or so. This year I was unable to make it. Just too many conflicts. I really wanted to check out Mr. Tiki, too, since an excursion into the gaslamp is usually a part of the trip.

[ Edited by: PiPhiRho on 2004-07-31 08:55 ]

NJtikiboy posted on 07/31/2004

Did anyone buy the exclusive VooDoo Tiki-Mon figure from Mezco?

Maori_man posted on 07/31/2004

On 2004-07-30 19:36, Atomic Cocktail wrote:

If you saw the "Sideshow Toys" booth most of the 12" stuff was my work (no jokes please-oh hell, make some jokes!)

didn't get to go but I have carry the Sideshow stuff in my shop in Portland OR. Great stuff and great people to work for! You guys need to do Tiki line in regards to the historical figures - how about a King Kamahamaha (SP)!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 08/10/2004

On 2004-07-31 16:07, Maori_man wrote:

If you saw the "Sideshow Toys" booth most of the 12" stuff was my work (no jokes please-oh hell, make some jokes!)

didn't get to go but I have carry the Sideshow stuff in my shop in Portland OR. Great stuff and great people to work for! You guys need to do Tiki line in regards to the historical figures - how about a King Kamahamaha (SP)!

I don't actualy work for Sideshow, they are my main client. I did suggest a "Moby Dick" line to them (just so I could design a Queeqeeg figure). They didn't go for it.

[ Edited by Humuhumu to fix BBCode quotes ]

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-08-09 19:33 ]

tikijackalope posted on 08/10/2004

Atomic Cocktail, I love the Sideshow stuff...have most of the Universal monsters. What about a line of tikis based on historically accurate examples (Bishop Museum, etc.)? Any chance?

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