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A-Frame (the Book) by Chad Randl

Pages: 1 7 replies

Tiki Chris posted on 08/12/2004

thought some folks would be iterested in checking this out. anybody out there read it?

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 08/12/2004

Looks like a book I need to locate! Love the cover art. Nice find.


Tiki Chris posted on 08/12/2004

pretty sure you can get it on amazon.

Artiki posted on 08/12/2004

A friend has a copy. It's awesome. I had to put it down after half an hour otherwise I'd have been at his house the whole weekend.
It even tells you how to construct your own A-frame.

TNTiki posted on 08/12/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:13 ]

Futura Girl posted on 08/13/2004

yup - i checked and it is on amazon...
thanks for the heads up chris!

dogbytes posted on 08/13/2004

yay. our library system has 3 copies..i reserved mine!

ikitnrev posted on 08/15/2004

I saw a copy of this book several weeks ago at the National Building Museum. It looked very nice, and I came very close to buying a copy.

I felt a bit cheated though after flipping through nearly every single page and checking out the index and finding no pictures or mention of the Kahiki or any other grand Polynesian restaurant, so I set the book down without buying it. Maybe I missed something - but the book did look great overall, and I'm sure I will own a copy someday.

Instead I bought a book titled 'American Signs - Form and Meaning on Route 66' which was chock-full of pictures and information about motel signs ..... a good companion for when you're doing your next tiki road trip.


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