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Party at Johnnie Velour's -- October 12

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johnnievelour posted on 10/03/2002

It's time for a party at Johnnie Velour's. Me and my next door neighbors are having our annual End of Summer Party (a bit late). Food, booze, what more do you need? How 'bout a Gilligan's Island theme. I know Maxton did that in Portland so I stole, I mean borrowed, the idea!

You can email me at johnnievelour@yahoo.com

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-10-04 21:20 ]

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-10-04 22:59 ]

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-10-28 23:00 ]

floratina posted on 10/04/2002

Lord and Lady Velour know how to throw a party. Johnnie is quite the accomplished mixologist, too.

MakeDaMug posted on 10/05/2002

I was going to make JohnnieVelour's party which is aka: the "Kmon Iwana Leiuu" Party but the timing sucks as it's my annual get together with the old high school bro's and a keg of beer in Big Bear! My weekend will be very un-tiki... but you guys have to go as JohnnieVelour's tiki bar is insane!! I've only seen photos but he's gone over the edge!

weirduncletiki posted on 10/05/2002

Why does all this cool stuff happen when I'm out of town!?!?!? First the Tiki Bash, now Johnnie Velours and Baxdog's. Y'all are against me, I know it! But seriously folks, Mr. Velour's bar is exquisite, and his reputation as a master cocktailer is well deserved. If I weren't up to my opu in vino, I'd be down in Playa delRey tippling with the "in" crowd. Have fun and hoist a few for me!

-Weird Uncle Tiki

Alnshely posted on 10/06/2002

I'm looking forward to this. Johny's bar, cocktails, Centralites, all that is good in life. I heard a rumour that The Jab might be their. Shelley and I can't wait.

thejab posted on 10/06/2002

I would love to go, but I will be in L.A. the following weekend (the 19th. and 20th.). I usually plan my jaunts well in advance so I can get low fares ($60 RT Oakland to Burbank!) so it's hard to coordinate with all these events and parties lately.

johnnievelour posted on 10/11/2002

For anyone interested, I am almost near the Purple Orchid. Its on the other side of the airport in El Segundo. This is the bar that has wallpapered their bathrooms with the pages of The Book.

Purple Orchid
221 Richmond St.
ElSegundo 90245

The major cross streets are Grand and Main. 1 block west of Grand, make a left on Richmond.

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-10-11 10:58 ]

Cherry Capri posted on 10/11/2002

How late will this fete go?

johnnievelour posted on 10/12/2002

On 2002-10-11 16:48, Cherry Capri wrote:
How late will this fete go?

A 3 hour cruise. So a 3 hour party 6-9. Thats it.

Our partys run late so you have nothing to wory about.

vintagegirl posted on 10/12/2002

Oh, I don't know Johnnie. Cherry is a crazy jet-setting kinda gal who's average bedtime is dawn. :)

thebaxdog posted on 10/13/2002

Lord and Lady,
You guys really know how the tiki gets down.
Great drinks, even my un-leaded version!
The bar is ultra-cool, I sat from the stairs and could not stop those jealous feelings. The grand stand seating (with full TIKI torch line up) in the back was a great place to talk to the TC crowd.
And let's have a word about that P I N K bathroom, pink has never been so pink, right down to what you can drink. And if the color pink had a smell, just a whiff and you could tell.
Thank you so much for the party!

PS. Robin don't forget the Chinese burro-eatoes

suicide_sam posted on 10/14/2002

Thanks for teh party John, you make a mean Blue Hawaii, and man I am definitley gonna have to rip off your idea for bamboo lamps, damn those things were cool.

BONBONVIC posted on 10/14/2002

How about some pics?

Futura Girl posted on 10/15/2002

Thanks again to Johnny (and Lady) Velour for throwing a fine shindig. We got there a bit late, but there was still drinks a flowing and fine conversation to be had by all. The tiki bar was great and I hope that Johnny posts a how-to on those fine bamboo lights.

johnnievelour posted on 10/15/2002

Thank you, everyone.
I had a great time having you all over at my pad and pouring you drinks. I do wish I could have chatted out with everybody a bit more, but hey, gotta keep the booze flowing for the thirsty masses.

Being behind the bar was great. I usually give the job to Lady Velour, a liquor pouring professional, while I'm on the grill. This time it was all me. I got a kick out of people asking me if I had set up the bar and all the tiki mugs just for the party.

I'll post pics as soon as I get them, I know Lady V was clicking a camera durring the night.

The next morning my head felt like a pineapple with a dog busting out of it.

See you at theBaxdogs!

Alnshely posted on 10/15/2002

Johny and lady velour can throw a great paty.

Johny Velour, Lady Velour, Shell in the Pacific and "the Skipper"

Johny's ultra cool bar. He made those Bamboo Swags. He's quite the bartender.

"The Full Gilligan". The Howells were a crackup. They flashed a bunch of fake cash and remained in character, very funny.

Sabu the Coconut Boy, Mr. Smiley, the alluring Tiki Vixen, Suicide Sam

TC is in the house, Dr. Z, Carolyn, Johnny Velour, Shell in the Pacific, Suicide Sam, Sabu the Coconut Boy, Floratina, Baxter, Al
Thanks Johnny and Robin. We had a great time.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/15/2002

A few more pictures from the party.

Johnny Velour serves a mean volcano bowl

Straws? We don't need no stinking straws!
Doctor Z finishes off the volcano bowl, getting 151 rum up his nose. To the indestructible Doctor Z, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

My thanks got out to John and Robin as well, for hosting a great party. I was planning on being home at a decent hour, but that didn't happen.


floratina posted on 10/15/2002

That picture of Johnnie and the flame is great. The drink in that bowl was the "Leilani Volcano" from "Intoxica". That is my favorite. Guava!

That party was really fun. There were 2 apartments hosting the party. Food in the neighbors and drinks in Velour's. Of course the Tiki Centralites were the last ones standing.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2002-10-15 12:40 ]

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/15/2002

Looks like a cool bash!
I really appreciate the many photos posted by Alnshely, on all these damn outings I cant come to, it's kinda like being there!

I've met you & you are a cool cat, so please dont take offense:
For the love of gin, just TRY to smile!
a grin?
a smirk?

suicide_sam posted on 10/15/2002

Tried to post a couple of pics from teaseorama to prove I can smile but it didn't quite work out. Funny thing is I usually smile all the time, cameras just make me nervous though, Sabu told me they steal your soul. Trust in Sabu, he is a wise Sabu.

mrsmiley posted on 10/16/2002

Johnny pours some stiff drinks! My two felt like six! Thanks to the Velour's for allowing some Northern california types to show up--too bad you didn't make it to OcktoberFIST the next day!--mr smiley

floratina posted on 10/16/2002

Mr. Smiley revealed that "OktoberFIST" is the title of a porno that he starred in. They let him keep the wardrobe...

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