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Is this Spam? (or giving back to the community )

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bamboo ben posted on 10/08/2002

Aloha Polynesian Perv's,

This Saturday and Sunday (10/12-13)

30%-50% off all Bamboo Ben Product.

Tiki Bars, Furniture, Art, Accessories

Even the "Trader Vic's Big ol' Tiki Bash


Bamboo Ben

712 Yorktown Ave.

Huntington Beach, Ca. 92648

Sat. 10-5ish
Sund. 11-4ish

PolynesianPop posted on 10/08/2002

I would call this gesture "opening your heart to your tiki brethren." I'm sure everyone here appreciates your generous discount. I certainly do (even though I can't take advantage of this offer since I'll be out of town this weekend).

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-10-08 09:56 ]

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-10-08 09:57 ]

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2013-02-04 20:56 ]

Mrs. Bamboo Ben posted on 10/12/2002

Spam? Nah.
30% off furniture and accessories (picture frames, coconut candles, bamboo tic-tac-toe, bamboo vases.)
40% off all tiki bars and this includes the 12 ft "Big Ol' Tiki Bash" Trader Vic's bar...with flickering lights to boot and now has a thatch roof. Killer deal...sorry, not selling the invite or our really neat party bag treats. Spam?
50% off all Bamboo Ben art work...grab it, it's signed and dated.
When you come into our store, ladies and gentlemen please allow me to introduce myself....oh oh oh, I'm getting sidetracked with the Stones' show at the Hardrock's Joint...however,I would like to know who you are so I can give you a deal or three. So, please introduce yourself.
Mahalo to all!

Mrs. Bamboo Ben posted on 10/12/2002

Oh, I forgot, did I mention we are clearing the store to make room for our Mele Kalikimaka Headquarters? oops. Spam? Nah.
If you are tired of the "ho-hum" holiday decor...visit Bamboo Ben...we set ya up da kine style. Thought I'd mention that....spam? Nah.
Mahalo to you all.

tikiJ posted on 10/12/2002

yes! I've been watching what will come up here and I've always been wanting the aloha themed stuff for christmas. cool. thanks for the tip and i'll come see you soon.

trustar posted on 10/14/2002

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam I love Spam, Wonderful Spam.

I swung by Ben & Vickie's shop on the way back from picking up my tiki from TikiTony in Camarillo this afternoon. Very cool tiki. Tony is just starting out in carving, but is already doing some fine work. I'm as happy as a pig in mud with my new tiki

We wanted to pick up Gage's Tiki Bar for Christmas. Yes, this little tiki monster will have his very own tiki bar courtesy of Senor y Senorita Ben. We even go him a small set of shelves for a "backbar". If you did not make it down for the big sale, watch for the next one cause we made a nice haul, making for a very tiki weekend. I will try to post pics of Gage's bar and my new tikitony tiki.

Tiki ciao, favorite meal for all good growing tikis.


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 10/14/2002

My purchase from the sale! "Modern Tiki" by Bamboo Ben. My little Olivia said I had to (securely) place it above her sandbox.(geez, and she's only 3 1/2 years old!)

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