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Finally a great estate sale!

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laney posted on 10/12/2002

I just had a money spending blast at an estate sale in Yorba Linda.
I work nights so am not a morning person and usually hit the sales after all the good stuff is gone. I found a tiki mug (unmarked with emerald eyes) some vintage dresses, bar stools, swag lamps, etc.
But the find of the day was a box of vintage Hawaiian dresses, fabric, and two piece outfits. Most home made, sarong style and skimpy, as it turns out the lady was a Hula instructor. In the garage I found a picture of her doing a show wearing one of the dresses I bought. The picture looked to be from the early 60's from the hair style. I also got a bunch of vintage Hawaiian jewelry and an amazing set of dishes marked Japan with mid-century modern stylistic fish, complete with serving pieces (three boxes full of dishes)
The best part was-They're Dealing! not like most over priced, everything is rare, estate sales now-a-days!
Now maybe I'll have the energy to get up at the crack and hit some garage sales tomorrow!

DawnTiki posted on 10/12/2002

The crack of what???? :D

laney posted on 10/12/2002

NOON of course!

Tiki Royale posted on 09/01/2005

So yesterday, a co-worker gives a nifty little carved wooden tiki. He stands about 10 inches tall and has Hawaii inscribed on the base. Nice little piece, never seen the style before... Anyway, my co-worker says he picked it up at an estate sale last weekend.

He says, "Oh man, you would have liked this sale! They had a whole room FULL of Hawaiian stuff. They had a big bar with shelves behind it full of little Hawaiian statues, porcelin figures, hula gals. They had these blowfish hanging from the ceiling, all kinds of stuff..."


I didn't even ask if there were mugs, I couln't stand it anymore. This was the sale I dream of. Everytime I walk into an estate sale, I tell myself "This is the one, I'm gonna find The Room." DOH!!

Oh well... the search goes on. At least it's good tho hear that they're still out there.


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