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Congrats on your 1000th post Ben

Pages: 1 1 replies

Bamboo Dude posted on 08/17/2004

Kind of ironic to be congratulating you on the 'quanitity' of your posts when the the 'quality' of your posts has made you #1 here on TC long before you entered the 'red zone'! You raise the bar for all who appreciate what goes on here. Thanks Ben...

BTW...your 1000th post shows that you are overstocked in the tool department...too many choices slows the creative process...it would be best if you just packed half of them up and ship them to me immediately!!

Benzart posted on 08/17/2004

Sure,BD, send me your address and a stamp, I'll send something to you all right. The 1000th kind of Snuck up on me. I was aware back around 960, but after thAT i FORGOT ABOUT IT.

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