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Exotica ringtone!

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purple jade posted on 08/18/2004
tikifish posted on 08/18/2004

I like 'Voodooed Tourists' the best. Its got a little Hong Kong Phooey flava!

Johnny Dollar posted on 08/18/2004

On 2004-08-18 16:20, tikifish wrote:
I like 'Voodooed Tourists' the best. Its got a little Hong Kong Phooey flava!

that one sounds precisely authentic to a nintendo or sega kung fu game circa 1990...

MachTiki posted on 08/18/2004

I'm kinda digging the "Tongo-Bongo" - But do I replace the "James Bond Theme" with it?

Kanaka posted on 08/19/2004

I've been looking for an ATT Sony Ericsson compatable Hawaii 5-0 if any one has seen it

martiki posted on 08/19/2004

Anyone else have exotic ringtones? I've been looking for quiet village, but can't find it. Did find a pretty good "Tiki Room" for the UK types. (They get all the best ringtones!)

TheMuggler posted on 08/22/2004

I made ring tones of Martin Denny's version of "Quiet Village" and, in anticipation of Hukilau 2004, Sam Makia's version of "The Hukilau Song" (complete with vinyl pops). These aren't midi files but actual 30 second samples of the songs. They sound great on my Samsung SCH-A680!

I don't know much about ring tones and such, I just googled some terms and experimented, so I don't know if they will work with anything other than SprintPCS Vision Phones that can use "qcp" files for ring tones but I'll bet it will work for most phones that can play "real music" tones.

Sprint users go here for more info:

You'll use this tool to send them to yourself:

The pull down menu on the focus tool has a list of phones which it can send files.

I also made some Tiki screen savers of Mark Ryden's "Exotica" and "Pele" as well as a Shag Tiki. They are formated for my Samsung SCH-A680 (128x118). The Focus tool above will also work to send them to your phone.

If any Tiki Central members want them just drop me an email and I will send them to you -- just let me know which one(s) you want (all of the files combined are only 124k).


Hot Lava posted on 08/24/2004

The Sony Ericcson phones use standard midi files for ringtones. Just do a Google search for "Hawaii 5 0 Midi" and you will find plenty to choose from.

Load it up on your phone through a cable to bluetooth and you're in business.

DawnTiki posted on 09/22/2006

Has anyone been able to find anything remotely interesting on this topic? Justin Timberlake just aint cuttin' the mustard for me! BLECK!

Trader Nick posted on 09/23/2006

if you have cingular you can email ring-tones to to your phone!
first you have to make sure you phone has multimedia messaging.
then find a song or a clip of a song and send it as a mp3 file to your phone.your cell phone's e-mail is yournumber@mms.mycingular.com.

OK so if you find a 30 sec clip of Quiet Village by Martin Denny(try walmart.com)
download it as an mp3 file and send to your cell phone at 555-555-5555@mms.mycingular.com.

Haole'akamai posted on 02/23/2010

Anyone have any updated info?

Just got a phone that can actually download (I know, "welcome to the modern age; what took ya so long?") a ringtone, so I'm finally in the market...

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