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Tiki Gardens MP3s no longer available...

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Tangaroa posted on 10/14/2002

Sorry folks - but I recieved an e-mail from Cy, who runs one of the two Tiki Gardens web sites out there...

Here's the e-mail:
Hey Chris/Brian,
here's an interesting development in the cd to lp saga; I spoke with the son in law of Ernie Shreeves about an hour ago, and he still owns the copyright. Brian I know I had mentioned to you that Mary Coates had gotten me his name and address, so I wrote him last week and asked if he'd be interested in some sort of licensing deal if he still owned the rights to the lp. He is, and his son in law is going to go to tikicentral and ask everybody to please not copy the cd. So while you guys were just trying to be nice guys and disseminate the cd, looks like there's a complication. The son in law's name is Bob Dixon, he's a nice guy; maybe your community could work out an honor system deal with him, like send a buck or two for every download, he's just trying to look out for his father in law. Additionally, if somebody wants to contact him to see if they can offer him a better deal than we might be able to, I'll be happy to forward his phone number, although I think the horse is way out of the barn at this stage. It would be nice if everybody could finally be able to have a copy of the cd and at the same time get at least a little bit of cash back to the rightful owner. Feel free to mention this on tikicentral, this should make for some interesting reading in the next few days. best, chris

So - it looks to me like we need to pull this. After today, the MP3s will no longer be available. Sorry - but we don't want to upset Ernie Shreeves relatives!

pcpress posted on 10/15/2002
pcpress posted on 10/15/2002

hello everybody, i am ernies son in law bob. until recently we were not aware that there was still an interest in any of ernies music, we thank you for pulling the mp3..we are currently looking at the possiblity of putting the orginal music score on cd and will update as soon as we have more info ok .if anybody would like to contact me about the cds or ernie about any info you can email me and i will pass it on to him. my email is pcpress@att.net thanks again bob

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