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Punk Rock Royalty? Hardcore Heros?

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There have been links about a lot of old punk rock types being into Tiki. Anyone here ever play in any bands? Or have any cool links to old bands?

What was your band? Where were you from?

[ Edited by: thecardcheat on 2002-10-13 16:20 ]

Okay I'm spilling the beans on Bamboo Ben. Although not in any old punk bands, Ben was deep into the scene and has many great stories including a stint where he worked at the Cuckoo's Nest and slept under the pool table.

At the Bash, we had a special guest appearance - DJ Bonebreak was playing Vibes with King Kukule & the Friki Tikis. DJ was the drummer for one of (in my humble opinion) the best and most significant LA bands in the punk scene - X.

For what it's worth - I love old school punk rock and grew up in the heyday in Long Beach where the scene was pretty notorious.

Although this is off-topic of the off-topic post, thought I'd throw out my 2 cents.


The "beans" have "jumped" back to Holden! He still listens to punk rock!
I'm into Kenny G now. Nothin better than a nice clarinet solo!!!


We did get an email from a New York band that does Hawaiian music and the bassist (upright) is the ex-bassist for Helmet.

I am not ashamed of my Punk roots. You can see and hear my old band "No Excuse" here:
Can you guess which one is me?
Tiki King


I used to play around Orange County and L.A. in a band Called Civil Disobediance in 80 probably thru 82. We played at the Cuckoo's Nest almost once a week and opened up for all the big bands of that time; Black Flag, T.S.O.L. etc. those were some good old days.

My husband spotted DJ Bonebreak right away...that was a treat ... "The Cukcoo's Nest" now there's a blast from the past! Bamboo, I hope you weren't the guy who had to keep the bathrooms clean! The scariest girls bathroom I have ever HAD to tip toe through! At least I HOPE it was the Girls bathroom!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-10-14 17:09 ]

My musical incompetance was such that I couldn't even get into a Groinoids cover band, but I enjoyed the East Coast punk years. Each little town in Massachusetts had a decent hardcore band devoted to pushing the speed limits at the time. The whole idea was to create our own scene, ignoring the big West Coast bands. But we all loved Flipper!!

Trader Woody

(back when i was a "recording artist") the guy that produced my first & third cds played bass for the dickies & fear.

Nui Nui 2 do you remember "Happy Ben?" Send me an e-mail. [email protected].
Where's Curt Smith? Chalmer? Garret? Pete Broom? etc.?

The Dickies - love the Dickies! Any band that sings about "being stuck in a pagoda with Tricia Toyota" is okay with me - it's kind of tiki - you know, pagoda/chinese/orchids of hawaii/tiki!!

Have a Beer with Fear! (too many times!!)

My brother and a couple of other friends were the "paparatzi" of those times and have some insane pics of the whole scene. Maybe I can get them to post a few.

[ Edited by: bamboo ben on 2002-10-15 07:54 ]

I don't remember


Please post pictures, I would love to see them, as I don't remember muchof those few years, they were were a blur of....

Yeah! The Dickies!! I was on the east coast, but saw the Dickies every time they were in NY,NJ, or Conn. I always thought it would be the last time. Those guys were living pretty hard.
I was jealous you guys had like the Decendents, D.I.,Social D. etc. But we had our share. Endless cool shows at CBGB sundays.


Back in my high school punk days, I got my nose broken at a Dickies show at the Roxy in '81. Caught a steel toe from one of the million stage-divers - ouch!! Leonard gave me his shirt to help stop the bleeding, but someone ripped it off from me in the parking lot...

They've got a new record out & are actually playing with the Dead Kennedy's at the Glass House this Saturday (10/19), for any old-schoolers not going to Baxdogs...

The club I work in, has half the members of "the Exploited" working as doormen.
And the last Pub I worked in "the Tap" was a imfamous punk bar/venue, so I got too meet quite a few of the british punk heros (although by that time they were firmly in the aged punk style).

Do they have any hair left from the "Laquered Spikes"?

Love the Dickies! Saw them at the Whisky A Go Go back in the 80's. Anyone remember the song "If Stuart Could Talk" when the lead singer pulls out the singing penis puppet?

Social D is also at the top of my list and I still follow them around today. House of Blues in Anaheim this December and January!!!



bamboo ben wrote:[/i]
Do they have any hair left from the "Laquered Spikes"?

Do they have any brain cells left from the 'Sniffing Glue'?

Trader Woody

On 2002-10-16 12:15, stentiki wrote:
Anyone remember the song "If Stuart Could Talk" when the lead singer pulls out the singing penis puppet?

Then they would break into a "Tommy" thing. "See me ... Feel me...Touch me...Stu- eee

On 2002-10-14 10:04, Swanky wrote:
We did get an email from a New York band that does Hawaiian music and the bassist (upright) is the ex-bassist for Helmet.

So, I tracked the band down -- sure enough, Henry Bogdan from Helmet is now 1/4 of the Moonlighters (http://www.moonlightersnyc.com). He actually plays a National steel guitar for the band, some other fellow plays upright bass. The main vocalist is Bliss Blood, who used to be the vocalist for Pain Teens, which I won't pretend to have ever heard of before. I bought their two cds, and I like them quite a bit -- very 30s sounding and mellow. Downright enchanting. My bar tends a bit more to the Hawaiiana side, so it sounds really swell in there.

Thanks for the lead, Swanky!

Hey old people! You guys are old!

Oooh ahhh, pure jealousy from Mr. Rick. You still can't believe you were in diapers (or not with "us" yet) during the coolest, hottest, downright most radical era of music history known to man? (well, 60's set aside.) Gee, sorry you missed it. But, than again, you probably wouldn't have been in the "pit" with all of us cronies anyway, so waste of your time. Please don't waste our time if you have no intelligent input.

On 2002-10-25 22:15, Mrs. Bamboo Ben wrote:
Please don't waste our time if you have no intelligent input.

Uh, ever hear of sarcasm? Lighten up. Anyway, I realized some people may take offence to the above statement and made a couple pre-emptive apologies in the main-posting area, but since you haven't read them, then all I can say is sorry again. I don't even think what I said was all that mean-spirited. It made ME laugh, anyway.

I thought it was kinda funny T.R. I guess I'm pretty sarcastic though.
Now get outta here and go listen to your Sum 41 CD ya crazy kid!


Believe it or not, I played the drums in a polka band back when I was a teenager - way back around 76/77, in Central Wisconsin.

One of the songs we performed was 'Tiny Bubbles'


You found me. I played bass guitar for the Xterminators from 1978 to 1980 (when the band broke up). We were primarily a San Diego band. We put a couple of singles out on Radioactive Records: "Microwave Radiation" & "I Wanna Kill My T.V.". We performed at such luminary S.D. nightspots as The Skeleton Club, The Spirit & The Zebra Room. We were good freinds with The Zeros (who left San Diego in '78 or so & moved to S.F.).but whenever they came home to visit we would gig together & they would play on our equipment. My favorite gig was opening for Lydia Lunch & 13/13...Those guys had real N.Y. intensity and outstanding musicianship & Lydia didn't hesitate to pull her switchblade on anybody who disagreed.

Doctor Z,

If you were a punk fan living in Redondo Beach in the '80's you should have been at the Fleetwood for the spectacular punk extravaganza that was filmed by Penelope Spheres and released as "The Decline Of Western Civilization". This show was the best I attended at the time. While my freind Tracy was getting kicked off the stage for trying to attack Lee Ving (she hated rejection)while I was out in the parking lot sharing a pint of whisky with Darby"doesn't anybody have any drugs"Crash while at the same time hitting on a girl from Marina Del Rey who claimed to have great KROQ connections and could get my record airplay on Rodney B.'s show. Time well spent...got the airplay, albeit via The Surfpunks. Rock n Roll never sleeps.

What were some other bands you got to do shows with?
Where was D.I. from?


Welcome shipwreckjoey! Don't leave out the North Park Lion's Club! I think I saw the Xterminators at the North Park Lions Club on at least one occasion (1980?). They closed the Skeleton Club right after I started going to punk shows and I was too young to get in the Zebra Club. I also frequented Fairmount Hall, Adams Ave. theatre, and International Blend/Kings Road shows. I still have the 45 that I bought back then ("Occasional Lay" b/w "Microwave Radiation")!

Just heard the sad news that Joe Strummer died. What a shock! He was but 50 years old.


Joe Strummer dead at age 50. RIP (Rest in Punk!)

A sad day in music.

So F*%'n bummed!

another punk hero gone this year ...totally sucks........jaksin

Tragic news. 50 is way too young for Joe to go.

It's actually made the news in a big way over here in the UK. There was even an editorial in 'The Times' this morning. I guess the Clash affected a lot of people outside the punk community, too.

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-12-24 06:12 ]

Rest In Peace Joe Strummer, Heaven's Calling

I think that punk was merely a short term vehicle for Joe Strummer and the Clash to allow themselves to express their angst and bring them to a level of worldwide attention. Might I be correct in assuming that Joe Strummer & Elvis Costello were perhaps the most proliphic songwriters of the 80's? Punk rock forever.


On the bright side at least they are playing Clash songs on the radio now. It takes a band member's death to hear any good music on the radio these days!

Me and the future missus (Yeah!) also sadly mourned the loss of another bit of our musical youths. The Clash are right up there with "X" as faves from my punk rock years. A sad day indeed.

Mrs Pineapple suggested poor Joe keeled over when he heard "London Calling" was being used in U.S. tv ads for Jaguar. Seems a possibility.

R.I.P. Joe.

Me and the future missus (Yeah!)

??? I thought you guys were married already! I guess that was a bad assumption on my part. Anyways - Congratulations, I guess...

Say aloha to Sid for me! Straight to hell, right?

On 2002-12-26 14:03, PolynesianPop wrote:

Me and the future missus (Yeah!)

??? I thought you guys were married already! I guess that was a bad assumption on my part. Anyways - Congratulations, I guess...

Thanks PolyPop.
Naw, we just ACTED like an old married couple. :) Made it official on Xmas eve, the day after we moved into our new house together. It's been a big week...

Congratulations, Tiki-bot! That is all very exciting.

So, is there room for a tiki bar in the new pad?


On 2002-12-27 11:54, Humuhumu wrote:

So, is there room for a tiki bar in the new pad?

We don't have an entire room to Tiki-fi like the awesome Humuhumu Room, but there's a cove in the living room that I want to convert to a "pop-out" tiki bar. I envision a slide-out frond roof and rolling bamboo bar cart. It would have appropriate lighting and decor, of course. It's a ways down the priority list right now though.

The day after we moved in I rec'd my wonderful 3 foot hand carved tiki from Ken Pleasant, grandson-in-law of Witco founder William Westenhaver, and it looks great in the place!

We have a little backyard that will eventually be heavily tiki-fied, and I may even try a tiki carving of my own. I used to build furniture, but have never carved wood, so it's something to look forward to when I get my little garage workshop set up.

Hated to here about Joe Strummer, and DeeDee Ramone. Fer Chris sakes...who's next. Hey jab, I haven't heard about The Adams Ave. Theater in ages, that was my first punk show. I went to see The Zeros, The Dils & The Hitmakers(they did a great cover of the Kink's "I'm not like everybody else"...How appropriate). Went to the North Park Lions Club about every other week, since at the time I lived about four blocks away. We shared an old 3 bedroom house in North Park with another S.D. band - The Injections. One night Injections singer Lou Scum decided to invite a band playing there that night called The Crowd (and their fans - a bunch of H.B.er's )back to the house for a party...talk about total mayhem, vandalism, and violence. That night was the decline of North Park civilization as we knew it.

I'll let you all in on a little secret... a few years back C.B. Howlie was in an especially rebelious mood (after his father Thurston would not publically acknowledge his paternity) and did a little punk drumming here and there just to piss him off. He even played with the Johnny Depp Clones - who were more drag than punk!

Luckily for us he finally saw the light and went back to his tikis and bongos.

Hey smogbreather, do remember a Long Beach band called the Stingers. They were great. Later Patty & Henri put out a 7" under the name Unit 3 with Venus (featuring their little girl Venus on vocal). The songs were "I don't like beer" b/w "blue is my color(but not my hair)". Another Long Beach band we saw at a show downtown was the Strong Silent Types (kind of white noiz in the spirit of Throbbing Grisel. Also caught the Red Hot Chili Peppers at a place down by the marina called Bogarts when they were unsigned, unknown, but NOT unappreciated.

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