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Elmer Bernstein passes

Pages: 1 5 replies

Swanky posted on 08/19/2004

The great soundtrack composer has passed. You may not know his name, but you know his music. You put on a set of his music and it's a list of classics whose author is seldom known. A real great.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 08/19/2004

Listened to a nice historical tribute this morning on NPR's Morning Edition. You can listen to it here, as well as the longer version from his 75th birthday some years ago:

It's got me humming the tune to "The Magnificent Seven" all morning. He was a truly great composer.


Feelin Zombified posted on 08/19/2004

On 2004-08-19 10:53, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Listened to a nice historical tribute this morning on NPR's Morning Edition...It's got me humming the tune to "The Magnificent Seven" all morning.

:music: Dum. D'D'Dum... D'D' D'D'Dum :music:

I heard the NPR tribute this morning, and it's been in my head all day too. It's a great loss. :(


Tiki Chris posted on 08/21/2004

sad indeed.
hey sabu, the terry gross interview is great!

& here's my elmer bernstein rec:
he did the music for the films of charles & ray eames. really fun, quirky stuff.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/21/2004

So, what exactly did Elmer pass?

(sorry about the insensitive, inarticulate comment, sort of)

Tiki Chris posted on 08/23/2004

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