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Disneyland Pele tiki mug - can somone pick one up for me?

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gatorjwade posted on 08/12/2004

Fellow TC'ers,

If you get e-mail udpates from Tiki Farm, you should be aware by now of the upcoming availability of the Disneyland Pele Tiki Mug...

I'm way over here in Florida and this new mug will be available (late August)ONLY at the Bazaar by the Enchanted Tiki Room in Disneyland (no DisneyEARS). Anyone plan on getting over there soon after availability that could pick one up for me?
I'll pitch in on your Disney ticket!

Thank you!

virani posted on 08/12/2004

the mug looks great...One more reason to make me hates living so far from californitikiland.

Turbogod posted on 08/12/2004

Glad to see I'm only the third person to post such a request. That mug must be here with me. Anybody able to help me out?

Feelin Zombified posted on 08/12/2004

Tikifarm should just buy back 100 or so and sell 'em to TC'ers who live far away.



SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 08/12/2004


[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy 2005-11-29 00:37 ]

kbgator posted on 08/12/2004

I would really like it if some one could help me out as well. I am also from Deerfield Beach, Florida only a little more south than gatorjwade. Maybe we can get someone to buy to and ship once. I will be attending the Hukilau, maybe we can work a trade or something else.

Trader Woody posted on 08/12/2004

Heeeellllpppppp mmmmmeeeeee!!!

Damn, that's a great mug!

Trader Woody


I am also in Florida in Pembroke Pines, I live 30 minutes from the Mai Kai. I asked Holden today if we can buy from him, he said no because he has a contract with Disney. He said they may be avalible in the future on http://www.mouseshoppe.com

BaronV posted on 08/13/2004

But wait, there's even more - Tiki Farm will also be producing "Teeny Tiki" mugs for the folks in Anaheim too.

Talk about craptacular synergy for Disney -releasing a slew of kick ass Tiki Room items when the Tiki Room isn't even open!

roikster posted on 08/13/2004

Wow. I like that mug. It's a shame that it's only available in Mouseville.

SallyandJay posted on 08/13/2004

Love the new mug!

dangergirl299 posted on 08/13/2004

is it possible to do a sterno insert in the top so that flames come out of it?

tiki teresa posted on 08/14/2004


I've been planning to (re)visit Disneyland for a while now (and feel pretty dumb that I missed the Enchanted Tiki Room while it was open and now I'll have to wait), but... I'm still planning to go to Disneyland sometime soon and I'd be happy to buy mugs for folks and ship them to wherever!

Just email me and we can figure out a plan. (I'm an established ebayer with great feedback etc. etc. and I'm a Tiki Farm customer so rest assured, I'm reliable and trustworthy.)

Do we know if we can buy tons of mugs in one purchase or is it somehow restricted?


Tiki Teresa


If you are going to Disneyland soon, I would definitely like to get a mug from you if you can. I am also an e-bay buyer, and regular tiki farm customer. Please e-mail me if you can help. I am in Florida. Thanks.



Teresa, I PM'D you. Thanks

TNTiki posted on 08/14/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:12 ]

Tiki Matt posted on 08/15/2004

Is this mug out yet?? Went to D-Land today and couldn't find it...

Kon Tiki Dreamer posted on 08/16/2004

The e-mail says late august, i'm going next week for the first time in a while, I hope that's late enough.

Tiki Matt posted on 08/16/2004

I'm going to D-Land today and will let everyone know if they have them in stock.

LAWebChick posted on 08/17/2004

I just talked to the park, and they had no news on when it would be available. The person I talked to suggested I call back in a few days to see if there was additional information then. (714-781-7290 is an actual real person, and they're usually great about hunting down actual information.)

As soon as we hear the word, we'll be heading down there for ours. If there's no limit (usually not, unless it's a limited edition), then we'll be happy to pick some up for other TCers. Drop me a PM!

[ Edited by: LAWebChick on 2004-08-16 19:05 ]

Tiki Matt posted on 08/17/2004

Went to the park this afternoon (the Pele figure on the Tiki Room miniature I bought was broken when I opened the box and had to get a replacement) and no Pele mugs were to be had. I surveyed a couple of employees and they said at the end of the month (but none had a specific date).

BaronV posted on 08/17/2004

I've heard that there's four different styles of Tiki Room mugs from Tiki Farm mugs coming out (or already out) -

Chanting Tiki Pole - 4 colors
Pele Tiki Mug
Teeny Tiki - 4 colors
unknown fourth style

Anyone out there know what the 4th style is (and have a picture or two)?

Tangaroa Ed posted on 08/17/2004

It's these times I wish I lived in CA instead of MA...

I might take one of you up on the offer if there is no limit! :wink:

Hakalugi posted on 08/17/2004

For those of you out of reach of Disneyland;
Considering that MouseShoppe is already selling the Disney Tiki Totem mugs ( http://www.mouseshoppe.com/product.cfm?ProductID=6060 ), I would imagine that they will soon have the Pele mug as well....

I know I'll be watching.

virani posted on 08/17/2004

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 08/20/2004

I'm going either on the 28th or the 29th. Doesn't get any later in August than that. Hopefully they'll have them in. I'd be willing to pick some up for anyone that's interested. Just let me know and we can work out something. I guess paypal would be best?! PM or email me.

LAWebChick posted on 08/24/2004

I called again Sunday, and spoke to a very nice girl who called the Adventureland Bazaar for me. But the cast member in the shop didn't have a clue. The first response was "no, not until the attraction reopens". I had to explain "Yes, end of August". So she called again, but still not a clue. "We're out of the mugs, but they're definitely, um, tiki-looking." sigh

Has anyone been to the park lately? Any news? I may have to bail on LB Faire to go check it out - at least the drive is about the same...

BettyBleu posted on 08/25/2004

I live close to the Mouse House and am already planning to descend as soon as word hits that the new tikis are in. I am happy to buy as many tikis for as many people as I can. Email me direct at [email protected] with your wishes and demands and I will do my humble best to satisfy you all. I have an annual pass and can go back as often as required (get a little discount too!!)

ErichTroudt posted on 08/26/2004

Went to Disneyland today, just long enough to park, go inside, realize the mug wasn't out yet, and leave. (I love my annual pass.)

They didn't even have any of the Chanting Mugs in any color....none!

I asked about the mug and of course in true Disney fashion no one knew anything. Typical responses of "I usually don't work in this shop","I'm not sure", and "I haven't heard anything".

I guess the 25th is not "late august" enough.

Oh Well.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/26/2004


Tiki Matt posted on 08/26/2004

I'll be going this weekend (I think), If they're in I'll let everyone know. I'll probably get a few and will let you know how many I have available for you TCers that aren't in the SoCal area. I have an annual pass to D-Land so I get a discount on the mugs and will pass it on to those that are interested. I think the only fair way to do it is this: I'll let everyone know how many I have and the first to PM me will get the mug (1 each). As an FYI: Shipping will probably be around $5 (I use Fed Ex Ground).

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 08/26/2004

More news on the infamous Pele mug:

I have just called Disneyland. They knew exactly what mug I was talking about. They did get them in, but are now completely sold out. They are going to be getting a new shipment, but they have no idea when. Just want to give a heads up for everyone that was going to make a special run to Disneyland to pick up Pele! I'd hold off for another week or so.

Tiki Matt posted on 08/26/2004

Odd, I did a search on ebay and nothing came up. I would think that they would be up for sale considering they're sold out....

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 08/26/2004

Who knows? I just called a second time, and they don't have any idea if they're even going to be getting ANY of the mugs back in stock ever again....period. This includes the tiny tikis and the totems.

I also called DisneyEARS, even though the word was you could only get them at the actual park. Well apparently they WERE selling them through DisneyEARS however; they were having a major problem with the mugs breaking during shipment. So, even if they get more stock, they will most likely NOT ship them out of DisneyEARS.

When asked what the chances of getting a new shipment in, I got the following response:

"Well, we're just not sure, because we're dealing with an artist" "Now don't get me wrong.....he's a very very nice man, but you just never know"

She also went on to explain that those types of things usually sell very quickly, because they are "modestly" priced, as she put it.

What a drag.... I won't give up though darn it! I needs me one o' them Peles!

[ Edited by: SON OF MOTHRA on 2004-08-26 15:22 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/26/2004

An interesting note from Kevin Kidney (posts here as Miehana), the Disney artist who designed this mug: originally, he wanted the crater at the top of the volcano lid to be a receptacle for dried ice. Apparently, there was concern about the safety of that, so they put the straw hole in to make it a lid, which is also very cool. My thought was that if you want to use it for dry ice, all you'd have to do is back the inside of the whole with something (aluminum foil, perhaps?) temporarily while dripping melted wax into the whole. Presto! Now it'll hold dry ice. I've done that to turn pots for plants into vases before, and it works great.

Tiki Matt posted on 08/26/2004

Who knows? I just called a second time, and they don't have any idea if they're even going to be getting ANY of the mugs back in stock ever again....period. This includes the tiny tikis and the totems.

I called today and got the same response. I'll keep checking as well....

aquaorama posted on 08/27/2004

I emailed "Mouseshoppe.com" and asked if they would be stocking these mugs since they had been selling the 4 differnet color Enchanted Tiki room Mug for 18.00 the last few weeks. I was told that they go everyday to Disneyland and when the mugs come out they will try to get some and offer them on thier website.

spy-tiki posted on 08/28/2004

called today...still not there.

Doctor Z posted on 08/30/2004

Went to D-Land this morning - no Pele mugs, no Tiki Room mugs, no news, nothin'...

However, they did have a Tiki Room display model out that I took a look at. Many of the gods were broken off at the ankles and missing. Of course - no offense to any of the artists or designers intended, but I honsestly can't see what everyone's getting so worked up over. IMHO it looks pretty chintzy and certainly not worth the price...

Bamboo Bob posted on 08/30/2004

No new mugs today - however, It was "Goth day at Disneyland"...no, REALLY! Made for some excellent people watching.

ZebraTiki posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-30 16:20, Bamboo Bob wrote:
No new mugs today - however, It was "Goth day at Disneyland"...no, REALLY! Made for some excellent people watching.

Oh, the indignity! Goth approved by Disneyland.

Can't you just imagine the crowd of them at the Haunted Mansion trying to brush the New Orleans fritter sugar off their black clothes while still remaining sullen?

MakeDaMug posted on 08/31/2004

the mugs were delivered last week... takes about a week as I understand it to get them into the park.

Mai Tai Matty posted on 09/01/2004

would like to get in on a mug if anybody gets a extra one thanks

MachTiki posted on 09/01/2004

Welcome to TC Mai Tai Matty

TikiTina posted on 09/02/2004

Yeah, I went into the Bazaar today after work. And yeah, 'work' is right across the esplanade in DCA. I'm a cast member on Paradise Pier. I didn't find any Peles in there and the only cast member there helping people out had no idea of when it was coming in. When I first asked him about it, he paused as if he had a no idea what I was talking about, then said "No... we don't have any of those." I thought maybe checking in on the 1st of September was cutting it a little close as 'late August' but oh well. I'll check back later sometime to see if they're in.


Please keep me posted anyone who comes accross a Pele mug. I will pay the person who gets me one x-tra for the trouble. I am in Florida, and was told that Disneyworld Orlando will not be selling them at all.

Mai Tai Matty posted on 09/03/2004

if anyone gets one extra before the hukilau and can bring it with them i would gladly pay alittle more than what they did for the trouble pleeeeaase

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 09/03/2004

Another call in this morning and still nothing. You would think that they would stock their inventory quickly for the Labor Day weekend, but I guess not. There's a shipment there. It's just a matter of distributing it I guess.

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