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writers wanted

Pages: 1 2 replies

forcesofgood posted on 08/28/2004

I'm currently starting a web site that focuses on pop culture in the form of an online magazine. Each bi-weekly issue will feature articles, reviews and interviews. In addition, there will be 20-25 columns, each in the hands of a different writer. I'm looking for smart and creative people with a love of pop culture in one of it's many incarnations to develop a column that they would like to write on a regular basis.

Areas that one can contribute are as follows:

• If you want to write a regular column, spots are still available but are filling up. What this means is a commitment to one column every other week of 1,500-2,000+ words reflecting, analyzing, loving, hating an aspect of popular culture. Please email me if you are interested and we can determine if your ideas click with the editorial direction of the magazine. If you have a vision for the kind of column you'd like to write, send it to me.

• If you want to write reviews, please submit 1-2 paragraph long reviews in any of the following subjects: books, comics, dvd, movies, television, cds, or video games.

• If you have an interest in conducting interviews, please get in touch with me concerning the interviewee and we can discuss the viability of the subject and/or interview.

• Feature articles will average 3,500+ words. If you have an old paper you once wrote about Duran Duran kicking dust around, this would be a good time to dust it off and revise it. Instead of one feature article and one interview weekly, we'll be publishing at least 2 of each. If you know anyone who has written anything about pop culture for a college class, or for fun, or who just has really really wanted to write about "Small Wonder", send them my email.

If you know someone who is smart and funny who writes, please pass along the info.


Stefan Blitz

More details available now at http://www.forcesofgood.com

suicide_sam posted on 08/28/2004

Good luck with this. Doing an on line zine is a llot of work. I used to do a calendar site for socal rockabill, swing, and psychobilly events called twoeightynine.net. It had featured bands, dames, cars, and tattoo artists interviews. At first I was updating it monthly, then bi monthly, then every three months, eventually I just didn't have it in me to keep it going anymore.

forcesofgood posted on 08/28/2004

Thanks. I have about thirty interviews lined up, a bunch of very talented columnists and hopefully a little luck. If you're at all interested, check out http://www.forcesofgood.com for more details, or email me direct at ballroomblitz@cox.net

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