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King Kukulele Presents on August 27th Tiki Taix VII!

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King Kukulele posted on 08/26/2004

Friday August 27th, 2004 and every last Friday of the Month 10PM No

This month at Tiki Taix, King Kukulele proudly introduces to the Tiki World The Enchanting Alani Sisters!! One of the newest and most versatile singing trios in the country today The Alani Sisters features the high energy “New School Polynesian Music” in a fresh new sister act. Direct from the seaport of Lahaina on the Island of Maui the three sisters U’ualani, Mealani, and Shealani were performing at a very young age with their father, a Southseas sailor. From port to port the sisters would visit with local people and learn about their music and culture. Tonight they perform for the first time at Tiki Taix, one block north of the lagoon, and learn a little about our local music.


Iuka Grogg and Waikiki Jones of The Mai Kai Gents bring you “Talk Story” the Hawaiian version of “VH-1’s Storytellers”. Now you can hear not only the magical tunes of yester year on uke and lap steel, but hear the tales behind the tunes.


Rodd Grogg reporting live from The Tonga Room in Northern California! San Francisco by the golden gate. This will be the first live sattelite feed ever to the Tonga Room as Rodd Grogg brings you the scoop. For those of you who haven’t been, the Tonga Room was named best Tiki Bar in San Francisco.


Lost to the world for 50 years, this vintage 8mm film was found in its canister in Leucadia, Ca. a whopping 2574 miles from where it was shot in Honolulu Hawaii. Take a rare look at this gem and remember the good old days. Highlights include a hula show on the lanai, and passengers on deck of a cruise liner.


King Kukulele and The Friki Tikis bring a mix of old and new songs, some Hapa Haole and maybe an improvised classic or two.




The re-debut presentation of an award winning commercial featuring King Kukulele. Don’t miss this chance to see director Gavin Carlton’s winner of “Best Commercial” at the 2004 Valley Film Festival in a rare public showing.

Join us for this one night only night one time. We'll be at Tiki Taix 1911 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park 90026 One block north of the lagoon.

[ Edited by: KING KUKULELE on 2004-08-26 17:06 ]

weirduncletiki posted on 08/27/2004

Wow, look out Noity Toities! Looks like Rodd Grogg is coming your way!

PolynesianPop posted on 08/27/2004

I'm gonna try and make it. Hopefully, I'll see you guys there.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/27/2004

Would someone please pick up Bong on the way. Hey!, I got a Mai Tia-ku to do!

Since I don't work anymore, I got's lot's a time to hang with my braddah!

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 08/27/2004

Damn! I'm out of town this weekend. I swear I'm gonna make it to one of these deals if it kills me. Hope you all have fun!

Iuka Grogg posted on 08/27/2004

On 2004-08-26 16:03, KING KUKULELE wrote:

Iuka Grogg and Waikiki Jones of The Mai Kai Gents bring you “Talk Story” the Hawaiian version of “VH-1’s Storytellers”. Now you can hear not only the magical tunes of yester year on uke and lap steel, but hear the tales behind the tunes.

This is gonna be great! I'm hard at work making up the stories... er, I mean researching the background of these wonderful tunes and can't wait to present them to all of you tonight!

-Iuka G.

Humuhumu posted on 08/27/2004

Can't wait! I've gotta stock up on my castanets, anyhow.

Exciting news for those of you who'll be there tonight--I CLEANED MY CAR! Full detail job, inside & out. Feel free to come out to the parking lot and admire my little beauty. Anyone care to guess what color it really is?

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/28/2004

Humu, that alone is worth the trip!

suburbanpagan posted on 08/28/2004

So here I am at work in Hollywood at 5:07 on Friday...if anyone can entertain me until 10:00 I will definitely be there! Otherwise, I will go grazy for 3-4 hours until the show! Any takers? :)

Humuhumu posted on 08/28/2004

Well, there's always a few folks who get there a bit earlier, 9ish, to get dinner. And before then, you could just hang out at Tiki-Ti and let the Mikes entertain you!

suburbanpagan posted on 08/28/2004

thanks for the advice, Humu! I can't believe I haven't been to either! How far am I from the Tiki-Ti? I'm at Highland and Fountain, working on a cartoon! :)

johnnievelour posted on 08/28/2004

[i]Exciting news for those of you who'll be there tonight--I CLEANED MY CAR! Full detail job, inside & out. Feel free to come out to the parking lot and admire my little beauty. Anyone care to guess what color it really is?

Don't tell me you washed off my writing of "ALOHA" on your windshield.

See you all tonight.

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2004-08-27 18:16 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/28/2004

On 2004-08-27 18:15, suburbanpagan wrote:
thanks for the advice, Humu! I can't believe I haven't been to either! How far am I from the Tiki-Ti? I'm at Highland and Fountain, working on a cartoon! :)

Crazy-close, just over 3 miles (tho it'll still take you ~15mins.

Driving Directions

christiki295 posted on 08/28/2004

On 2004-08-27 18:15, suburbanpagan wrote:
thanks for the advice, Humu! I can't believe I haven't been to either! How far am I from the Tiki-Ti? I'm at Highland and Fountain, working on a cartoon! :)

You can't be serious. Less than 20 minutes away, incuding traffic.

PS Birds on Fountain and Beachwood may also be having a tiki weekend.

Humuhumu posted on 08/28/2004

On 2004-08-27 18:16, johnnievelour wrote:
Don't tell me you washed off my writing of "ALOHA" on your windshield.

Sadly, I did. Although from inside the car, it said "AHOLA"--but as I told Tiki Bird, AHOLA EVIL is my motto.

suburbanpagan posted on 08/28/2004

thanks for the directions humu!

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