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Mdm Bong's China Cabinet

Pages: 1 11 replies

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/30/2004

The ever-talented Mdm Bong designed a china cabinet made of nara wood (koa's kissing cousin) and rattan.

We had our friends Jan and Tony produce it for us based on Debbie's spec's.

Jan and Tony's furniture and hawaiiana company is named 'Rell's Motel' after Jan's mother Rell Sun.

The name 'Rell's Motel' is in memory of her mother's annual Menehune Surf Contest that she began on the eva side of Oahu at Makaha.

As there was no money awarded for placing in the contest, many surfers just wanted to surf the contest because of its association with Rell Sun.

Subsequently, many a cash-strapped surfer needed a place to crash, and Rell being the gentle soul she was provided one at her home.

Since her mother's passing, Jan has ran the surf contest each year.

"I'm ashamed to be here, but not too ashamed to leave..."

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-08-29 19:23 ]

kctiki posted on 08/30/2004

Ahh, simply exquisite.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/30/2004


GECKO posted on 08/30/2004

beautiful Bong! Say hello to your lovely family for me.


finkdaddy posted on 08/30/2004

I'm speechless.You are very fortunate.

Does the chair next to it have the same design as the cabinet?

Bamboo Dude posted on 08/30/2004

Beautiful job!! Quite an impressive piece!!

Tiki Royale posted on 08/30/2004

Very nice Mr. & Mrs. Bong, very nice indeed.

Benzart posted on 08/30/2004

Why did I not view this before..Very Beautiful and elegant.I'm very Impressed with the design and workmanship. HappyHappyHappy.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/30/2004

On 2004-08-29 20:54, finkdaddy wrote:

Does the chair next to it have the same design as the cabinet?

Thanks for the kind thoughts all.

The dining table and 8 chairs are also made from nara wood. Each of the chairs has a carving of a different tropical flower. The 'legs' to the table are actually 2 sort of carved antherium walls that support it.

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-08-30 08:41 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 08/30/2004

What a beautiful cabinet!
Thanks for posting that

Chongolio posted on 08/30/2004

Very cool Cabinet and background story too. Didn't you score a table a while back from Jan that belonged to Rell?

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/30/2004

On 2004-08-30 13:23, Chongolio wrote:
Very cool Cabinet and background story too. Didn't you score a table a while back from Jan that belonged to Rell?


No, the table was Jan and Tony's. I wish I had one of Rell's; now that surely would have great mana. Rell did however have over 100 tikis; I wonder where they are?

Pages: 1 11 replies