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Wannabe Mug Designers

Pages: 1 2 47 replies

Raffertiki posted on 08/30/2004

I'm guessing there are a lot of creative types here who are itching to design a mug, myself included. I know that there is a push for a Basement Kahuna mug on another thread, and there are a few more I would like to see signature mugs from, namely Benzart and Sam Gambino.

Who else would you like to seemake the A-list for the next great mug design? Yes you can nominate youself.

Monkeyman posted on 08/30/2004

Since I don't qualify for the "A" list, I would like to be first on the "B" list. Indeed I am interested but have no idea where to start. I have a concept mug idea already sketched

Raffertiki posted on 08/31/2004


Having a sketch puts you ahead of the pack. Definate a-list material.

Octane posted on 08/31/2004

i would love to be in the second spot on the B list behind Monkeyman. I'm with him really don't know exactly were to start or what to do but i have a list of ideas.

Tiki Rider posted on 08/31/2004

You guys ought to design some more tiki bowls too for consuming mass quantities around a table. Theres not enough bowls...something like 3 or 4 black moai supporting a huge black lava type bowl with the inside a orangish-red glaze with a place to put something flaming in...oh yeah and some portholes to hold the straws in place. that way you can put your straw down and you wont lose it. ok? ok. Thanks.

ikitnrev posted on 08/31/2004

Yes, we do need more bowls. And not just the bowls for the large drinks, but for everyday breakfast use.

I start many of my mornings with a bowl of cereal, and I think it would be fun to start the day right by eating out of a tiki-themed cereal bowl. And then, many hours later, I could end the day by mixing a drink and it drinking out of a tiki-themed volcano bowl.

If I start the day with tiki, and end the day with tiki, then it might be easier to feel tiki in all the hours in-between.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-08-30 20:25 ]

Polynesiac posted on 08/31/2004

I nominate myself for first on the c list...It's gonna be a pirate tiki...

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-08-30 21:44 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-30 20:24, ikitnrev wrote:
I start many of my mornings with a bowl of cereal, and I think it would be fun to start the day right by eating out of a tiki-themed cereal bowl.

We want to eat our Tiki Puffs cereal (you KNOW it's coming) out of a Tiki cereal bowl!

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-30 20:01, Tiki Rider wrote:
You guys ought to design some more tiki bowls too for consuming mass quantities around a table. Theres not enough bowls...something like 3 or 4 black moai supporting a huge black lava type bowl with the inside a orangish-red glaze with a place to put something flaming in...oh yeah and some portholes to hold the straws in place. that way you can put your straw down and you wont lose it. ok? ok. Thanks.

I like tiki riders idea! Make it a theme bowl, Moai or such and get three people to do drawings then go from there. Octane, Benzart, others. WHO'S IN?

May the aloha spirit be with you in all that you do.


[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-08-31 09:47 ]

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/31/2004

I have a bowl debuting at the Hukilau. Straw holders included!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/31/2004

Thanks for the nomination, Raffertiki. I wouldn't mind being on the "B-List" even with a shrunken head mug - I could be the "Ed Wood" of mug designers! (Without the angora sweater though).

Raffertiki posted on 08/31/2004

Holden, if you are listening, please put me down for one of Sam's shrunken head mugs.

Sam, don't be so quik to give up on the sweater.

Swanky posted on 08/31/2004

The first example of my mug done with Saint Thomas should be ready for Hukilau so you can pre-order. I can't call myself a designer, more of an idea man. Saint Thomas is making it into a reality. I am also urging him to create a volcano bowl for one which is coming along.

Sam Gambino posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-31 08:35, Raffertiki wrote:
Holden, if you are listening, please put me down for one of Sam's shrunken head mugs.

Sam, don't be so quik to give up on the sweater.

Well okay, maybe a powder blue one - but NEVER pink! Pink clashes with my skin tone. :)


Johnny Dollar posted on 08/31/2004

as a 'fly on the wall' to this discussion, i just want to tell you all how inspiring this is. these will be the collectors' holy grails of tomorrow!

and maybe a picture of sam gambino in a powder blue sweater :)

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-08-31 09:02 ]

Raffertiki posted on 08/31/2004

Okay, my bid for tiki mug imortality will be a Fire-walking tiki. Having walked the coals twice, with radically different results, I feel particularly qualified.

DawnTiki posted on 08/31/2004

Looking for an original concept? I would LUV to see Purple Jades "Hanford LeMug" made into a reality. That's a GREAT concept for a mug!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-08-31 16:10 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-31 10:32, DawnTiki wrote:
I would LUV to see Purple Jades "Hanford LeMug" made into a reality. That's a GREAT concept for a mug!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-08-31 10:34 ]

hear, hear!!!

:drink: :drink: :drink:

Tikiwahine posted on 08/31/2004

Volcano bowls? shrunken heads and pirates?
I too have dreamt of eating my morning cereal out of a volcano bowl.
Humuhumu with her chicken bowl really reinforced the idea.
I can't WAIT to see what you've come up with for Hukilau!!(chikitiki, swanky etc.)
I'll have to find out what my spending limit is. Stupid Canadian Customs.

virani posted on 08/31/2004
Tiki Bird posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-30 20:01, Tiki Rider wrote:
You guys ought to design some more tiki bowls too for consuming mass quantities around a table. Theres not enough bowls...something like 3 or 4 black moai supporting a huge black lava type bowl with the inside a orangish-red glaze with a place to put something flaming in...

Johnny Velour does great bowls like this!

Johnny Dollar posted on 08/31/2004

should we start a 'tiki cereal design' thread? :)

i've already voted for 'tiki bong-o's'

Tiki Rider posted on 08/31/2004

tiki bird
where are they hiding? i want one.

Tiki Bird posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-31 14:38, Tiki Rider wrote:
tiki bird
where are they hiding? i want one.

You should pm Johnny, he sold one of the blood bowls to Utopiandreem at Oasis IV.

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johnnievelour posted on 08/31/2004

Here's part 1 and part 2

I have been working on some other things and doing some tiki style experiments since Tiki Oasis.

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purple jade posted on 08/31/2004

Those picture don't even begin to show just how exquisite JV's work is.
I am a big, BIG fan.

Tiki Rider posted on 09/01/2004

Beeutiful work JV! Lets see more from you!

Tiki Bird posted on 09/01/2004

My wife Utopiandreem owns the skull blood bowl, & it is awesome!

Tikiwahine posted on 09/01/2004

JV, your bowls are gorgeous. The combination of black, skulls and blood makes them so striking, and the others with the tapa design are so stylish, I'd love to one day be able to purchase one so that I could enjoy it forever more :)

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MachTiki posted on 09/01/2004

How about a Peanut bowl for atop your Tiki bar?

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Sorry, just wanted to join in.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/01/2004

On 2004-09-01 10:59, MachTiki wrote:
How about a Peanut bowl for atop your Tiki bar?

Sweet! And you could put peanuts in it!
Macadamia nuts would be more fitting I suppose.

Raffertiki posted on 09/11/2004

Here's a first rough of what my fire-walking mug would look like.

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It needs a lot of work, but you can get the gist of it.

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hewey posted on 09/28/2005

Awesome firewlaker raffer!

Yeh, i wanna make a mug. Watch this place next year...

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yumyumkid posted on 09/28/2005

On 2004-09-10 17:32, Raffertiki wrote:
Here's a first rough of what my fire-walking mug would look like.

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It needs a lot of work, but you can get the gist of it.


I would love to see that become a reality. Thumbs up.

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Benzart posted on 09/28/2005

I'll second or third that Raffer, and since I can't draw, I guess I can't design a mug so you guys go for it!

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foamy posted on 09/28/2005

I really like that FireWalker Mug design. Bunches. Here's a couple of thoughts I had. First would be a Mai Tai (or libation of your choice) dispenser. The second is a notion for a skull/fez mug. Has that been done before?
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Just quick sketches I did during lunch.

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AlienTiki posted on 09/28/2005

Wow nice sketches foamy.

The fez wearing skull is neat-o. I would gladly purchase either one.


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john posted on 09/28/2005

id love to have one of my lil fellers made into a mug!
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[ Edited by: john 2005-09-28 14:27 ]

Raffertiki posted on 09/28/2005

I can't believe this post resurfaced after a long year in hiatus. Not that the fire walker mug hasn't been creeping into my thoughts, now and again. You should see how I have it fleshed out in my mind. Much more detail in the head, etc. Some day it will happen, but I just don't have the means yet, unless Holden comes a knockin' on my door.

Thanks for the comps guys.

Nice work Foamy! Put me down for one of each. The decanter idea is especially awesome.

John, is it possible to make mugs out of fused glass? That could be pretty cool,

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john posted on 09/28/2005

unfortunetly not, cant get the glass into a full circle, let alone the bottom. :(

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hewey posted on 09/28/2005

Whoa foamy - those sketches are beautiful! They're works of art on their own. They'd look good framed as is. Sweet.

The mug designs are killer too :)

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freddiefreelance posted on 09/29/2005

On 2005-09-28 15:31, john wrote:
unfortunetly not, cant get the glass into a full circle, let alone the bottom. :(

Is it possible to make quarter-round fused glass so that 4 could be attached together to make the sides of a mug? Or how about a fused glass insert into an otherwise plain mug? And there a re examples of square or triangular mugs out there.

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Benzart posted on 09/29/2005

Raffer, I think the firewalker would make a Super mug. The more I look at it the more it is "There".
Actually everyone came up with some Very COOL Designs. Everyone but Me that is.

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john posted on 09/29/2005

On 2005-09-29 06:34, freddiefreelance wrote:

On 2005-09-28 15:31, john wrote:
unfortunetly not, cant get the glass into a full circle, let alone the bottom. :(

Is it possible to make quarter-round fused glass so that 4 could be attached together to make the sides of a mug? Or how about a fused glass insert into an otherwise plain mug? And there a re examples of square or triangular mugs out there.

that would work. some of the lighting globes i have made have been a combinaion of glass and ceramic/clay.

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yumyumkid posted on 09/29/2005

I just realized why I like the Firewalker mug design so much. It reminds me of the characters from "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.

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hewey posted on 09/29/2005

Benz, you could carve one! You dont have to draw it. Love to see a Benzart mug. I know you can do it

Everyone laughs at me because I am different. I laugh at everyone else because they are all the same.

[ Edited by: hewey 2005-09-29 15:34 ]

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kirby posted on 09/30/2005

Man, I wan to be a mug designer tooo...Stay tuned...

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capotiki posted on 09/30/2005

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d711b3127cce94d4e6ea054600000015108IZNXDhqxc6squinter ku mug?

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