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The Mai Kai, Ft. Lauderdale and the 'F' word.

Pages: 1 3 replies

donhonyc posted on 09/02/2004

That's right folks 'F' stands for many things but this time it stands for Frances who is heading in the direction of Ft. Lauderdale and our beloved Tiki palace as we speak. Let this posting stand as a call to arms for us all to channel our collective anti-hurricaine energy towards South Florida, and well, that entire region to insure the least amount of damage as possible. This one is supposed to be bigger than Charley last month so chant, pray, burn incense...whatever. In the Woodstock movie all the hippies chanted 'no rain! no rain! no rain!'...um..maybe that'll work (?).

Aloha :drink:

SullTiki posted on 09/02/2004

I posted this on another thread. Here's the latest "guess"...

You see Ft Lauderdale towards the bottom of the image in full strength hurricane force winds.

foamy posted on 09/02/2004

I have a friend that lives in Hollywood, next to Ft. Lauderdale. I spoke with her this morning and she said everyone is bracing. The surfers are out in force. Gas, batteries, etc. have all been sold out. Hope Francis moves away, but it doesn't seem likely. Time to scratch a lucky tiki on the belly.

donhonyc posted on 09/02/2004

Yeah, that's not looking good. I just spoke to a friend near Boca who is getting prepared. I just hope for the best for everybody AND their property down there.

'no rain!!, no rain!!, no rain!!'

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